P144 Teletext 144 Jan03 23:38:32  Daiwz   the Wvj|w${r?  cow  —————————————————————————————  THE UDDERLZ BRILLIANT SINGLES OF 1:99 No4 B*WITCHED Jjwsj Hold On Hold on to what, you m!z ask. Hold on to the seat of your pants jot a mighty imprewsjvj piece of Oirish pop is mz rwpl{^ hj sal of a rl ru h ng to meet her bo{ to accept hew marriage propowal, it really should have kept up the asterisked onjsW succession of No1s. ((at it didnWt is proof that the world Pas gone q{jte, quite insane. Baa^ ——————————————————————————————————1/6—— B{ Daiwz, Erojntrudj * Bertie Bull : MORE FAVE RECORDS p454 Star (alt Angst Mates Eco-scene
P144 Teletext 144 Jan03 23:28:12  Daisy   the Wvj}w${r  cow  —————————————————————————————  THE UDDERLZ BRJLLJA#T SINGLES OF 1:9y Vo3 MOLOKO Sing It Back Knocking around jot a coupla years without ever noticeably troubling mz ears, all of a sudden the duo sprung forth with just about the only dance !nthjm of the year I can tolerate all thjwj months later. Whjthjr or not thjyWll diwappjar into obscurity again is a question for the future. For now, let's have another liwten... "Seeing it "!!act to mje!" ——————————————————————————————————2/6—— B{ Daiwz, Erojntrudj * Bertie Bull TACKLE THE BAMBOOZLES p252 Star (alt Angst Mates Eco-scene
P144 Teletext 144 Jan03 23:11:52  Daisy W "}w1p0  the   cow  ————————————————————————————— +o>o*÷} THE UDDERLZ BRILLIANT SINGLES OF 1:99 Vo2 RICKY MARTIN LivjnW La Veda Toca The crazy d!ys of summer, when jvjr{one greeted each other with a smiley "Hola, ujnorita!" (even when talking to a bloke, naturally.) Yes, there were other Latino popsters. Yet nobody came close to matching Ricky for uhjer joy of life, jot being !ble to pack out the dancefloors, for making "veda loca" ujem so understandable. Pop at its sexiest and sweatiest. ——————————————————————————————————3/6—— By Daiwz, Erojntrudj & Bertie Bull GO CHECK THE BIG SCREEN p410 Star TalW Angst Mates Eco-ucenj
P144 Teletext 144 Jan03 23:54:42  Albums of 99   "z Ad!m   Howorth  ———————————————————————————— W Vo* STERJOPHONICS W Performance And Cocktails The WPhonjcwW difficult ujcond album proved nothing of the sort as the boys jrom the Valleyv took their tales of small-town life and blasted them out jrom the nearest stadium. (hj sound this time was more assured — Tell{'s husky vocals standing out ag!inst a light, grungjy accompaniment. Imprewsjvjly, the songwriting remained strong and only Travis were able to match them for Ever{man appeal. ——————————————————————————————————4/6—— Eacew to watch 14Q Quotes of 99 145 LOADS MORE MUSIC p450 Star (alW Angst Mates Eco-scene
P144 Teletext 144 Jan03 23:20:14  Albums of 99   "z John   Earls  ———————————————————————————— W Vo3 S CLUB 7 S Club W Not just a singles "and or a jront for a pjachz TV show, then. Far more togjthjr than they had any right to "j, La 7 made the uhjojist album in aojw^ Unlike most pop bands, it's clear that there's many personalities on board. From the W80{-embracing YouWre My Vumbjr One through the junkz Fred!z Night and climaxing in the melting pt of S Club Party, there's more variety than Wjstlife will ever offer. Best new band of Q:99 Oh yes. ——————————————————————————————————5 6—— Look "act at '99 143 The index 140 TOTAL ENTERTAIN#EMT p400 Star Talk Angst Mates Eco-scene
P144 Teletext 144 Jan03 23:10:51  Albums of 99   "z John   Earls  ———————————————————————————— W No2 B*WITCHED W Awake And Br athj Look at the ch!rt powjtions ujnce their conj"act. "WhjreWd it go wrong" would "j a jair question... unless youWuj heard the album. Mature without being dull, vbried without rounding forced, quality should ultimately win out. The jirst album was jinj pp, yet nothing could prepare jot the shock of Ueavz sounding so saucy on The Shy One, the ultra-tight h!rmonjes in Red Indian Girl. Tjmj to cherish them again. ——————————————————————————————————6/6—— Get mate{ 147 Zine life 142 HOW THEATRICAL p430 Star (alt Angst Mates Eco-scene