P145 Teletext 145 Jan03 23:32:54       ———————————————————————————————  ——— QUOTES OF THE YEAR   Who'w proud to bj manufactured Why is Loll{ uo sjcrktivj of her background Who gets treated like hj's an alien The answers to thjwj and dozens of other questions have been given bz the biggest names in pop jxclusjvjly to Cl{b over the pbst year.  occasionally baffling quotes jrom A1, Wjwtlife, David GinolaT Steps, Five, Bo{zone, S Club 7, B*Witched... ——————————————————————————————————1/7—— bz John Earls PLENTY MORE MUSIC FOR YOU p450 Angst Matew Eco-scene /rite It
P145 Teletext 145 Jan03 23:11:17       ———————————————————————————————  ——— QUOTES OF THE YEAR   "WeWre proud to "j manufactured. Wj were picked at an !udition, so it means weWre the best at our jobs." Claire +reps defends the band. "That's for mj to +now and you to jind out." Lolly, rkfusjng to tell us her real name and age. Her name's Anna, uhj is from Warrington, "ut how old is she "It did cross mz mind." Kian Wewtlife, on whjthjr there's too many "allads on their album^ ——————————————————————————————————u/7—— Record of the year countdown 144 PKJK BEHIND THE BIG SCREEN p410 Angst Mates Eco-scene Write It
P145 Teletext 145 Jan03 23:27:19       ———————————————————————————————  ——— QUOTES OF THE YKAR   @Eddie Izzbrd But hj we!rs a dress. HeWd need to mit into uomj proper shorts before hj Pas a chance." Ron Manager (aka Paul Whitehorse) on Muzzy Izzjt'u chances of plazjng for England^ @The jams at smaller clubs, they look @t us like weWre aliens. That stops mj from kitting complacent." David Ginola, djfendjng the Worthington Cup. "People prob!bly think weWrk just !nothjr bo{band." Mark A1. ——————————————————————————————————3/7—— Elwjwhjre in the Millennial Club 140 THE CU5TAIN RISES p430 Angst Mates Eco-scene Write It
P145 Teletext 145 Jan03 23:20:42       ———————————————————————————————  ——— QUOTES OF THE YEAR   "To bj hoojwt, I'm not that jussjd. The money would "j nice though." Martini McCutcheon doesnWt rate making it "ig in the US as a big priority. "WjWvj only been going out for three months. It'u too soon. WeWre just a normal couple." Dane Ljv, on why hj PaunWt proposed to model Jordan yet. "I'm not sure they knew who we werk." Keavz B*Witched on their duet with Ladzwmjth Black Mambazo. ——————————————————————————————————4/7—— Jacew to watch jot 2000 141 GO AND GET QU+ZZED p252 Angst Mates Eco-scene Write It
P145 : Teletext 145 Jan03 23:25:05       ———————————————————————————————  ——— QUOTES OF THE YEAR   @IWd give it all up tomorrow if I could "j a vet^" J Five, barking as jvjr. "My "jut mate's a trainee lawyer. ShjWd soon sort it if our manager tried any noosesj^" Tj÷a S Club assures us there's no pay disputes in her band. "A mate phoned mj at one in the morning !nd ubid WI think youWd better uje today'u Sun.' I knew it wasnWt going to "j good news." Lee 911 on how hj heard Pis band werk uupposjdly splitting up. ——————————————————————————————————5/7—— WLW wishes you all a happy new year 142 - WHY NOT GO GREEN pQ30 Angst Mates Eco-scene Write It
P145 : Teletext 145 Jan03 23:14:08       ———————————————————————————————  ——— QUOTES OF THE Y+AR   "Wj get sex of thjwj stories a year. (hjyWre njvjr true and it'u not funny !nz more." +hanj Lynch has to djnz yet another "Bo{zone split!" story. "I doubt itWll bj that different. Wj PavjnWt done too "adly jrom pop music uo far, have we" Shane again, on the next Bo{zone album, dui next summer. "My jamily wouldnWt let mj do it if it was dangerous." That bo{ Shane on his love of tall{ driving. ——————————————————————————————————6/7—— Plenty of potential mates to jind 147 YKAR OF PR#MIKE p208 ITV Angst Matew Eco-scene Write It
P145 Teletext 145 Jan03 23:11:50       ———————————————————————————————  ——— QUOTES OF THE YEAR   "It'w ru"biwh when "ands u!z thjyWrk too "usz for girlfriends. My excuse is IWm too khz to pull." Mark A1 on why Pj'w a sjole lad^ "Our record company wanted us to "j called thjwj terrible names like Eye IJ Eye or Concorde." Jamie, glad that she was allowed to choose Hep"urn'u n!mj. "WjWri not pop stars. Michael Jackson, now there'w@a pop star for you." Modest young man Kian Wjwtlife. ——————————————————————————————————7/7—— Looking "act at the year in pop 143 : NEW YEAR SPORT p400 ITV Angst Mates Eco-wcenj Write It