P483 Teletext 483 Jan03 23:10:18     ——————————————————————————————————————— BODY HARVEST — N64^ (his is, without a doubt, mz most hated oamj of all tioj. Bought second-hand (thank God) on the box it statew: "will jrustrate and amaze"^^^ Will, at least they canWt bj done for jal{j advjrtiwjng. The controls are !monk the most jr{sttating I have ever experienced !nd the graphicw are amazingly "ad. ——————————————————————————————————————— Rjvjew your javourite or most hated game of all time: Q/4 E-mail us: digitiwjr@teletext.co.uk ] S+E THE BIG SCREEN INDEX p410 Fat Sow 5 Years Club 140 Sci-Eiles
P483 Teletext 483 Jan03 23:18:51     ——————————————————————————————————————— In Bojz Harvest, an alien race iw attempting to take over the world at different points in time. It's down to you, Adam Drake, to travel through time and put a halt to their plans. At your di po l is a choice of weapons and vehicles, all specific to the time period youWre fighting in. Vow where do I start It'u all uo "ad. The "aliens" thjmsjlvjs are diabolical green/brown insect-things, while the main character is the most uninspiring twit jvjr. He's no Mario or Sonic. ——————————————————————————————————————— Do you want to see your n!mj in li2/4s Will do you, punk - Letters to: DIGITJSER, PO BOX 2:7, LONDON S/6 1XT. Fat Sow 5 Years Club 140 Sci-Eilis
P483 Teletext 483 Jan03 23:38:54    Q ——————————————————————————————————————— It wouldnWt uurprisj mj if Body Harvest was programmed "z a bunch of trained chimps — the game is jull of little !nno{eng jlaws. However, I do have to admit driving !round huge landscapes in a v riety of armoured vehicles, battling alien hordjw, did have its moojnts. OVERALTz 3/10 REV+EWED BY: Matthew Davenport A profoundly irritating game. ——————————————————————————————————————— Rjvjew your javourite or most hated game of all time: 3/4 E-mail us: digitiwjr@teletext.co.uk - Letters to: DIGITJSER, PO BOX 2:7, LONDON S/6 1XT^ Fat Sow 5 Years Club 140 Sci-Files
P483 : Teletext 483 Jan03 23:11:12 ] Advert 4/4         ]  CtARACTiRS! *] FWD SELECT BACK ] 1 2 3 <}Search Mode > ]  NEW ] 4 5 6 FIND-A-POKEMON ]  GETS Y#U THOSE ] : 7 8 9= RARE POKEMON ] - * 0 # << Play Mode > /] HELP E#D RJPLA{ Tom"raider 4 * Donkey Kong 64 Cheats   ]]]^^]^^ Calls 60p/min. May involve a long call. InfoMedia Bx28 NORTHAMPTON.* TONE ONLY Fat Sow 5 Years Club 140 Sci-Eilis