P498 : Tjlktext 4yy Jan03 23:31:11  -  -  ——————————————————————————————————————— UNEMPLOYED WHERE TO START You should start your sj!sch jot worW or training at your local JOBCENTRE. The Jobcentre offers:  job vbcancies with new displazv $!ily a Client Advjwor who helps you with a vic on wot , t n ng n j jfits information !bout Jobclubs, Jobplan advice if you have a diwbbility or problems with your health. ——————————————————————————————————1/10— @Write to (jletext for careers help 496 ] SEE THE B+G SCREEN INDEX p410 (raining Education Jun&Games TV Plus
P498 Tjletkxt 498 Jan03 23:12:55  -  :  ——————————————————————————————————————— ADVICE AT Y#UR JOBCENTRE Your local Jobcentri can offer advice on a wide range of sjrvjces including: Travel to Interview uchjmj Job search ujmjnarw Job review workshops Restart programmj Job int rvj w kuarant (JIG) Jmplo{mint on trial Modern Apprknticeships Vew Deal Contact your Jobcentre jot more details ——————————————————————————————————u/10— World Of Work index 495 : HAVE YOU BEEN BAMBOOZLED YET p252 (raining Education Jun&G!mes TV Plus
P498 Tjletkxt 49y Jan03 23:11:14  -  :  ——————————————————————————————————————— JOBCLUBS Out of work for six months or more How !bout tr{eng a JOB CLUB other to find a job in a professional, uzvtematic way in a working jnvjronmjnt Th y oft n hear of unadvj ti jd jo s. They can help you to improve your interview and telephone techniques. They will help you to write more @ jfeectivj job applications. more on JobClubs>>> ——————————————————————————————————3/10— Write to Teletext jot careers help 496 WRJTJ IN FOR C#MPUTER AEVICE p4z0 Training Education Fun&Games TV Plus
P498 Teletext 498 Jan03 23:19:43  :  :  ——————————————————————————————————————— JOBCLUBS (cont) You can use rewourcew jree at Jobclubs: paper telephone stamps fax machine. A key element of JobClubs is the support generated "jtween group mjmbjrs With your own initiative and support erom others, you could "j "acW in work in as little aw wjx weeks^ That's the average it takjw most JobClub mjmbjrs to jind work ag!in. ——————————————————————————————————4?10— Write to Teletext for careers help 496 - WHAT'+ ON TV TONIGHT p221 (raining Education Jun&Games TV Plus
P498 Teletext 4:y Jan03 23:1::42  -  -  ——————————————————————————————————————— READING, WRJTJNG, ENGLISH Jobsjekjrs who have difficulties with reading, writing or !rithmjtic are at a particular diwbdvantagj in the market. Training in basic skills is avbilabli at your local Jobcentri or Training and Enterpriwj Council. See p499 for the mum j of your local REC. Courwjs in English eor upjakjrs of other lanouagjw are often available immediately, with no waiting time. ——————————————————————————————————5/10— Write to Teletext for careers help 4y6 WRJTJ IN FOR C#MPUTER ADVICE p4:0 (raining Education Jun&Games TV Plus
P498 Teletext 4zy Jan03 23:26:*7  :  -  ——————————————————————————————————————— JOBSEEKER'S ALLOWANCE If y u h!vj p id enough National Jobsjekjr's Allowance is a new "jnjfit for unjmplo{jd people. It integrates and replaces the two former "jnjfits, Unjmplo{mint Benefit and Income Support Jobsjekjr'u Allowance is jijhjr contribution-"asjd or income-based. Insurance (N+) you can get contribution-"asjd JSA jot 182 $!ys. Jf you do not qualify for the above you may bj eligible jot income-based JSA, which iw means-tewted^ ——————————————————————————————————6/10— Moro !bout Jobsjekjr's Allowance >>> - WORKING ON A COMPUTER AT HOME p490 (raining Education Fun&Games TV Plus
P498 : Teletext 498 Jan03 23:30:10  -  -  ——————————————————————————————————————— JOBSKEVER'S ALLOWA#CE Jobsjekjr'u Allowance is the "enjfit for unjmplo{jd people. It integrates and replaces the two former "jnjfits, Jnjmploymjnt Benefit and Income Support To get the allowance, you will have to: "j over 18 and under pjnsjonabli age hours a week "j willing and !ble to start a job iomjdjatel{ ujgn a Jobsjekjr's Agreement kitting out what you will do to jind work ——————————————————————————————————/10— What is a Jobsjekjr's Agreement? >>> : LOCAL TRAINING AND ENTERPRISE p4:y (raining Education Jun&Games TV Plus
P498 Teletext 4yy Jan03 23:17:14  :  -  ——————————————————————————————————————— NEW DUAL The Govjrnmjnt'u programmj to get young !nd unjmplo{jd people into work has "jen launched nationwide. VEW DEAL offers young joblews people who have "jen out of work jot rex months a range of options: a job with a private or public sector jmplo{jr a job in the voluntary ujctor a place on an environmental taskforce eull time education or training. ——————————————————————————————————8?10— Write to Teletext jot careers help 496 WRITE IN FOR COMPUTER ADVICE p4:0 (raining Education Fun&Games TV Plus
P498 Teletext 4yy Jan03 23:14:58  :  :  ——————————————————————————————————————— NEW DUAL The one option not "jink offered to young people under Vew Deal is that of utazjng on bjojfit. Young people who refuse or j!il to take up a place in one of the jogs options will bj required to take up a place identified for them "z the Emplo{mint Service^ If they refuse or jail to take up this place, benefit ubnctions will bj appl{id^ ——————————————————————————————————9/10— Write to Teletext jot careers help 495 LOCAL TRAINING AND ENTERPRISE p4:y (raining Education Jun&Games TV Plus
P498 Teletext 4yy Jan03 23:11:17  -  -  ——————————————————————————————————————— NeW DOA] Young people will "join with a period of intensive counselling, advice and guidance known as Gateway. This period, lasting up to four months, will include: careers advice "asjc skills intensive job jarch help where njcewsary with problems wuch as homjlewsnjws or dr{gs. They will then bj required to move on to one of the jour New Deal options. ——————————————————————————————————10/10 Write to Teletext for careers help 496 LOCAL TRAINING AND ENTERPRISE p4:y (raining Education Jun&Games TV Plus