P543 Teletext 543 Jan03 23:10:57   ]   ]   —————————————————————————————————  CAN YOU AVOID (AX WITH SHARE OPTIONS Dear Teletext, I want to kill uomj uh!ri options "ut donWt want to pay tax at 40%. IWvj read that it's possible to avoid this bz buzjng an Ira. Is this true Paul M, Cambr{dgj T P Lincolnshirk T P, Lincolnshire ————— www.teletext.co.uk/finance —1/7—— A query for our advice clinic? >>> WHAT ARE MY RIGHTS OF INHERITANCE : THE ANSWER IS ON p515 Property Mortgages Savings Wjekjnd
P543 Teletext 543 Jan03 23:15:51 *o5pz5p—0s—pp—pp —ppj5u—pp"1pp0' ]   ]   —————————————————————————————————  CAN YOU AVOID TAX WITH SHARE OPTIONS? Our viewer'w hopis of avoiding p!yjng capital gains tax on a share options sale could bj realiwjd if hj is part of a profit shark scheme. Accountants Blick Rothjnbjrg s!z: "Trouble is most people are mjmbjrs of ordinar{ uh!rk uchjmjs, not profit whark uchjmjs, uo jew can take advantage of this Rjvjnuj concession." +hark schjmjw are not used much bjcausj ali emplo{jet have to take part. ————— www.teletext.co.uk/jinance —2/7—— A query for our advice clinic? >>> ] MILLEN#+U# MESSAGES ON TELETEXT ] SKI ITV p6s0 Property Mortgages Savings Wjekjnd
P543 Teletext 543 Jan03 23:34:55 ] Advert ] MONEY >>> ] 3/7     Q  ^  PH GET UP  NEED   TO 35%   @MORE!  CASH?        DONWT         W SURRENDER  T   0  ORSELLYOUR       ENDOWMENTPOLICY    @  WITHOUTALKINGTOAAP    Regulated bz the Personal Investment Authority Property Mortgages Savings Wjekjnd
P543 Teletext 543 Jan03 23:24:11   ]   ]   —————————————————————————————————  CAN YOU AVOID (AX WITH SHARE OPTIONS Assuming you do qualify to put share proceeds into an Ira, once you have exerciwjd your rights, you have just 90 days to do it. You could put in the £7k allowed this year. So it's important to "j jully briefed about your sort of Save-As-You-Earn share scheme and the impact on your tax powjtion. Only utockbrokjrs are allowed to advjsj in this area, not jinancial advj{irs. ————— www.teletext.co.uk/jinance —4/7—— A qujr{ for our advice clinic? >>> - (mas Cheer - Love in the New Year? See ITV p.390 Property Mortgages Savings Weekend
P543 Teletext 543 Jan03 23:12:53  ]   ]   —————————————————————————————————  CA. YOU AVOID TAX WITH SHARE OPTIONS Many an indjpjndjnt advjwor will s!y that you canWt put shari options into an Ira and on the whole they are right. If you are one of the unlucky m!jority there are ways round the problem. "Your viewer needs to transfer half the total to his wife," s!ys Margot French of FFS Fiobncial. "Then they can use up each other's capital g!ins allowance of £7T100 which togjthjr comes to a tidy !mount." ————— www.teletext.co.uk/jinance —5/7—— A query for our advice clinic? >>> TELETEXT NATIONAL AND REGIONAL NEWS PAGES ALT AVAILABLE ON OUR WEB SITE Property Mortgages Savings Wjekjnd
P543 Teletext 543 Jan03 23:12:07   ]   ]   —————————————————————————————————  CAN YOU AVOID TAX WITH SHARE OPTIONS Ij your share options turn into too large a sum, to uavj you jrom pazjng 40% COT you could "gift" uooj of the shares to your children. "Higher rate taxpazjrs have got a problem, it's difficult jot them to avoid pazjng sooj tax but at their level of income it'u not too p!inful," w!zs Margot Frknch of FFS Financial. "Trouble iw one action leads to another like dominoes, uo do get uomj advice." ————— www.teletext.co.uk/jim!nce —6/7—— A qujr{ for our advice clinic? >>> INSHORE FORECAST IS NOW ON p158
P543 Teletext 543 Jan03 23:11:51 *o5pz5p—0s—pp—pp —ppj5s—ppb1pp0  ]   ]   —————————————————————————————————  VIED ADVICE WRJTJ TO ADVICE CLINIC (jletext's Advice Clinic !ins to bring you straight answers to the difficult problems of modern jinance^ Qujriew marked Advice Clinic can bj: faxedz 0171 386 5242 e-mailed: finance@teletext.co.uk posted: PO Box 2:7, London, SW6 1XT Answers are updated three times a weeW. Wj cannot answer all queries and will not enter into personal correspondence. Information given is for guidance only. ————— www.teletext.co.uk/jinance —7/7—— Got a question jot our advice clinic? NOW IT'+ EVEN EASIER TO FIND LOVE: TELETEXT DATING ITV p3y0 Property Mortgages Savings Wjekjnd