P305 4]Tj} 305 Fri 7 Jan C4 04:5yz07 SATURDAY 888     *u{jp5zs5j 5j upjw2s{  ^  07.10 Madjlioj Q1.30 The Waltons Q2.30 Little Ho{sj on the Prairie 16.00 Heroew of Comjdz: Arthur Awkjy Q7.05 Brooksjdj Omnibus 18.30 Channel 4 Veww 1y^00 1y00 TwA 20.00 Filoz Red Riwjr 22.30 Fil Weld Man Bl{jw 00.30 Film: Ever{thing You Always Wanted to Know About Sex^.. But Were Afraid to Awk 02.10 Celluloid Icons 02.40 The Fioj Art of Crioj 05.40 Countmow Tomaz'w onl{ arw on page 304 Q/7 Films tod!z Brooksjdj C4 tod!y Previews
P305 4-Tj} 305 Fri 7 Jan C4 04:04z51 SUNDAY 888      ^  07.35 Aaahh!!! Real Monsters 08.05 Jnvjwtigators 0y.00 Cit{ Guys 0y.30 Mal{eu Q1.00 Doll{oaks Omnibus Q2.30 Shipwrecked^..Casting Special 16.35 Staroate SG-1 Q7.30 Tjoj Team 18.30 Return to Rjvjr Cottage 1y.00 Rjwjg Damp Q9.30 Channel 4 Vews 20.00 Britiwh Empjrew 21.00 Filo: Frich Kiws 23.05 Film: Mighty Aphrodite 01.10 Cite}jn 2000 01.55 Film: From Be{ond the Grave 05.55 Co{ntmow R/7 Films tod!y Brooksjdj C4 tod!z Previews
P305 4-Tj} 305 Fri 7 Jan C4 04:57:12 MONDAY 888       ^  07-09.00 Big Breakfast news "ulletins 06.30 Cowntcowd Q6.55 Sontel 10.00 Filo: You Were Newer Lowjlier Q1.55 20th Cjtut{ Hall of Fame 12.00 The Real Holed!z Show 12.30 Cybill Q3.55 CollectorwW Lot 13.30 Film: The Postm!n Always Rings Twice Q5.30 Great Estatew 16.00 Q5 to 1 Q7.30 Pet Rjwc{j 18^00 Friends 18.30 Doll{oaks 19.00 Channel 4 Vews Qy.50 Voicew on the Like 20.00 Why Bujldjgs Collapse 21.00 Secrets of the Stone Aoj 22^00 Fi}oz Nw}} 02^05 Filoz Ho{wj of Wax 03.40 Right to Reply 04.05 Too Close to Heaven 3/7 Films tod!y Brooksjdj C4 tod!y Previews
P305 4-Tj} 305 Fri 7 Jan C4 04:57:47 (UESDAY 888  ]    ^  07-09.00 Big Breakfast news "ulletins 09.00 Bewitched 09.30 All Sorts 10.00 Filo: Born Yewterd!z Q1.55 Little Gems 12.00 Powerhouse 12.30 Cybill Q3.00 Horse Tales Q3.55 Filoz Heaves Abowj! Q5.30 Great Estatew 16.00 Fifteen to One 16.30 Countdown 16.55 Rjckj Lake Q7.30 Pet Rjwcuj Q9.00 Ch!nnjl 4 Vews 1y.55 Voicew in the Like 20.00 Brooksjdj 20.30 Dr{wj 21.00 Beiid tie Crioj 22.00 Victoria'w Secrets 23.05 Film: Raiwjng Are}goa 00.50 Filo: The Wjtchjw 04.35 Screaming Rjelw 05.15 God in the House 4/7 Films tod!y Brooksjdj C4 tod!z Previews
P305 4-Tel 305 Fri 7 Jan C4 04:14z24 WEDNESDAY 888    *u{jp5zs5j 5j upjw2s{  ^  07-09.00 Big Breakfast news "ulletins 0y.00 Bewtichjd 0y.30 All Sorts 10.00 Film: Good Veww Q1.45 Dewtination Pocket Gujdjs Q2.00 Powerhouse 12.30 Cy"ill 13.00 Horwj Talew Q3.30 Film: Charge of the Light Brigade Q5.30 Great Estatew 16.00 15 to 1 16.30/05.30 Countdown 16.55 Rjcki Take Q7.30 Pet Rjwcuj 18.00 Shipwrecked 18.30 Doll{oaks 19.00 Channel 4 Vews Qy.55 Voicew on the Like 20.00 Brooksjde 20.30 Real Holed!z Show 21.00 Cracker 22.00 Smack the Pooz 22.30 That Peter Uaz Thing 23.05 Bewt Friends 23.35 Stand Up Perrier 00.40 The End oo America 03.40 Film: A Rage in Harlem 5/7 Films tod!y Brooksjdj C4 tod!y Prkvjews
P305 4-Tj} 305 Fri 7 Jan C4 04:14:58 TH+RSDAY 888     R  ^  07-09.00 Big Breakfast news "ullitins 0y.00 Siwter, Siwter 10.00 Malibu QQ.10 Part{ of Fiwj 12.30 Cybill Q2.55 Rootw to Succews Q3.10 Film: They C!mj to Cordura Q5.30 Great Eutatew 16.00 Fifteen to One 16.30 Countdow 16.55 Rjcoj Lake Q7.30 Pet Rjwc{j 18.00 Diwhjw 18.30 Doll{oaks Q9.00 Channel 4 Vews Q9.55 Voicew on the Like 20.00 The 20th Cjtut{ Garjjn 21.00 Secrets and Linjw 22^00 Eddie Irwjoj: The Inwjjj Track 03.50 Filoz Erawjrhjad 05.30 Countdown 6/7 Films tod!y Brooksjdj C4 tod!y Previews
P305 4-Tj} 305 Fri 7 Jan C4 04:51:12 FRIDAY 888       ^  07-09.00 Big Breakfast news "ulletins 0y.00 Siwter, Siwter 10.00 Malibu Q1.05 Part{ of Five 12.30 Cite}jn 2000 Q3.15 Dewtination Pocket Gujdjs Q3.55 Film: The Edge of Darknjws Q5.30 Great Eutatew 16.00 Fifteen to One 16.30 Countdown 16.55 Montel Q7.30 Pet Rjwcuj Q9.00 Channel 4 Veww 1y.30 Right to Reply 20.00 Great Estatew 20.30 Brooksjdj 21.00 Friends 21.30 South Park 22.00 Frasjer 22.30 Beachmate 23.10 Bewt of Something for the Wjekjnd 23.40 Aoja Napaz Fantasy Island 00.55 Filoz Apex 04.50 A Taste of Hooey 05.20 Countmown 7/7 Films tod!z Brooksjde C4 tod!z Previews