P311 4-Tj} 311 Fr{ 7 Jan C4 04:58:50      ^  Q1^00-12.30 S{day 888 NICAM * Luke has !nothjr run-in with Mark's "rothjrs * Ruth has had j÷ough of Finn * Lewis gjtw an ultimatum * Gina iw jed up with the way uhj'w being treated bz her jamily * Sam sbzs uoojthing which makjw Dan vjr{ anor{ Brooksjdj: uje page 308 Video details coming up... TV Dinnjrw iw on page 313 1/4 Next page C4 Tod!y Brooksjdj Widjwcreen
P311 4]Tj} 331 Jr{ 7 Ja÷ C4 04z1uz1u        Tjnsjon "jtween Uurj !nd Rob reaches boiling point on the uhorew of France as a lioetimj oo jeuding reachjw a djvbstating climax. Faced with Kurt's quest for vengeance, Ruth finds hjrsjlf turning to Lewis for support !s Jude attempts to complete her jinal illegal $jal t uavj her rewtaurant. Wiml it bj justice or juvt rewjoj Eind out what happened when Doll{oaks went "off on one" on this exclusive high-octane jeature-length video. The vjmjo iw on sale now in the shops. Subtitlkd vjdjo details jollow... (V Dionjrw iw on pboj 513 R/4 Vext page C4 Today Brooksjdj Widjscreen
P311 4-Tj} 311 Fr{ 7 Ja÷ C4 04:54:50    W  ^  ***** IN9V SiGN SUBTITLES VrRSIhN ***** The Doll{oaks - Off On One vjdjo is alwo avbilable in a vjrwjon with in- jwjon ubtitles, which can j ujewed without the need jot a djcodjr. Copjew !re available through m!il order or £14 (inc p&p*. Or j s hould "j kent with payment (chjqujs p!zable to Hollyoaks Productions Ltd* to: Andrew Corrie Merwjy Tjlewjwjon C!mpuv Manor Childwall Abbe{ Road Liverpool LQ6 0JP TV Dinners iw on page 313 5/4 Vext page C4 Tod!y Brooksjdj Widjscreen
P311 h]Tj}!u3R Jr{  J"÷ Ch 0wzkuzu     W  ^  You can jinK out moro about Hollyoaks in genital, or about Brookside, on the following websjtewz www.ho lyo ks.com www-"rookie-com www.cjowjoujjj.com www.mjrsj{tv.com And, oo courwj, there'w Channel 4.w own website at www.ch!nnjl*.com Doll{oaks 0revjew coking up.^. (V Dinnjrw iw on pboj 513 4/4 Vext page C4 Today Brooksjdj Widjscreen
P311 4]Tj} 331 IrS 7 J!n C4 04z55z+7   W W P^  11^00-12.70 S{ndaz 888 N[CA# * Luke has another r{n-in with Mark'u "rothjrs * Ruth has Pad enough of Fin * Lewis kits an ultimatum * Gina is jed up wijh the way ThU'w being treated by her famil{ * Sam sbzv uomjthing which makjw Dan vjr{ anor{ Brooksjdj: uje page 308 Video djtajls coming up... TV Dinners iw on page 313 Q/4 Next page C4 Tom!y Brooksjdj Widjwcreen
P311 4-Tj} 311 Fri 7 Jan C4 04:54:51      ^  Tjnsjon "jtween Kurt !nd Rob reaches boiling point on the shores of France as a lifetime oo jeuding reachjw a devastating climax. Faced with Kurt's quest jot vengeance, Ruth jinds hjrsjlf turning to Lewis for support as Jude attempts to complete her jinal illegal dial to save her rewtaurant. Will it "j justice or just revenge Find out what happjojd when Doll{oaks went "off on one" on thew jxclusjvj high-octane jeature-length vjdjo. The vjdjo iw on sale now in the shops. Subtitled vjdjo details follow... (V Dinnjrw iw on page 513 2/4 Next page C4 Tod!y Brooksjdj Widjscreen
P311 4]Tj} 631 Jr{  Jb÷ CT 0wz5yz3y W  Q W     ***** IN]VISION SUBTITLES VERSION ***** The Ho}l{oaks - #ff On One vjmjo iw alwo av"ila"le in@a jjrwjon@wijh in-ujwjon subtitles, which can bj viewed without the need jot a decoder. Copjew@!rS@!vbilable through@m"il orjUr eor £14.9y (inc^ p&p*. Orjjrs should "e sent wijh p!ymjnt (chjqujs P!y"ble to Doll{oaks Promuftionv Xtd* to: Andrew Corrie Mersjy (jlevjwjon Campuw Za÷or Childwall Abbey Road Tivjupool JP (V Dinnjrw iw on page 313 5/4 Vext page C4 Tomay Brooksjdj Widjscrien
P311 4-Tj} 311 Fri 7 Jan C4 04:5y:58      ^  You can jind out more about Doll{oaks in general, or about Brooksjdj, on the eollowing websjtew: www.doll{oaks.com www."rookie.com www.closjgujdj.com www.mjrwjytv.com And, of courwj, there'u Channel 4'w own website at www.ch!nnjl4.com Doll{oaks preview coming up^.. (V Dinnjrw iw on page 513 4/4 Next page C4 Tod!y Brooksjdj Widjscreen