P319 4]Tj} 31y Fri 7 Jan C4 04:57:17   Q   ^  RJCV[ LAkE Rec 0 51 nd M4 Mo hj Thurwdaz y December For births i England and Wales, contact The General Register Office, Adoption Section, Contact Register, Smjdley H{duo, (rafalo!r Road, Birkdale, Southport PR8 2HH. Eor "irths in Scotland, contact Birth Link, 51 Castle Street, Edinburgh EH2 3EN. Tel 0131 225 6441. Eor "irths in Northern Ireland, contact The Adoption Contact Register, Oxford House, 4:-55 Chichjwter Street, Belfast BT2 4H-^ Tel 01232 252 000. Q/7 Helplinjw C4 tod!y Subtitlew Main index
P319 4]Tj} 31y Fr{ 7 Ja÷ C4 04z51:50 @@ * W Q *7kjw2upj-*upjj+5wwbs5 W|$n P  send a large stamped addrewsjd jnvjlopj Rickj Found M{ Mother T(urwday 9 December @VORCAP - The Vational Oroanjwation for the Counselling of Adoptees !nd their P"rentw NORCAP, 112 Church Road, Whjatley,@Oxoordvhiri OX33 1LU. Pleavj with your eorujr{. The Vatural P!rents VetworW iw a support group for "irth parents and ot(jr rilativjw. 3 Ashdown Drive, Mosley Common, Vr Tzldesley, Manchester M28 1BR. Helpline Tel 01273 307 597, 0y.39-12.30, Mond!z to Thursday. 2? Helplinjw C4 today Subtitles Main index
P319 4]Tj} 31y Fri 7 Jan C4 04:14z52    *7kjw2upj-*upjj+5wwbs5  ^  eID IN THE C#RNER Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Wjdnjwd!z 24 Nowjmbjr Sam!titans offer a 24 hour confidential listening sjrvjce on 0345 90 y0 90. Childlinj runs a jree national helpline eor chi dr n and young pjopl up to 18 in danger or diwtrews, offering counselling, advice !nd referral 24 ho{rw a day on 0800 Q111. ADHE Information Service (Addiws* Send an RAE to ADDIS, PO Box 340, Edgware, Middlewjx HA8 yH-^ Wjbsjte: www.adders.co.uk 5/7 Helplinjw C4 tomay Subtitlew Main index
P319 4-Tj} 31y Fri 7 Jan C4 04:11:1y    ^  SID IN THE C#RNKR Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Wjdnjwd!z 24 Nowjmbjr ADDNet UK runs an ADHE website at www.web-tv.co.uk/addnjt.html ADHE F!mil{ Support Group'w helpline is open during office hourw. The number is 01373 826 055. For djtajlw !bout the group, kind an RAE to The ADHE F!mjly Support Group, Qa The High Street, Hilton, Wjwtbury, Wiltshirk BA13 4DL. Hyperactive Children'w Support Group Send an RAE to Hyperactive Children's Support Group, 71 Whykj Lane, Chichjwter P#Q: 2TD. Tel 01903 725 182, 10.00-13.00, Mond!y to Fred!z. 4/7 Helplinjw C4 tomay Subtitlew Main index
P319 4-Tel 31y Fri 7 Jan C4 04:51:54       ^  AID IN THE C#RN R Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Wjdnjwdaz 24 Nowjmbjr The Ro{bl College of Pwzchiatrists publiwhjw a range jactshjets, including one on Attention Deficit Diwordjr (Factsheet 5), one on medication for ADD ( actwhjet 6), !nd o j on uujci j !nd attempted sujcidj (factshjet 2:). The jactshjets cows £10 jot a jull p!ck and !re av"ilable jrom the Book Salew Departojnt on 0Q71 235 R351. They are alwo av"ilable on the Internet at www.rcpszch.ac.uk 5/7 Helplinjw C4 tomay Subtitles Main index
P319 4-Tj} 31y Fri 7 Jan C4 04:48z18      ^  SID IN THE C#RNER Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Wjdnjwdaz 24 Nowjmbjr Contact a F!mel{ wupport jamilies who care jot children with diwb"ilities and wpjcial njems, icludjng ADHE^ Tel 0171 3y3 3555. Write to Contact a E!mjly, Q70 Tottenham Court Road, Londo W2P 0HA^ Their website iw www.cafamily.org.uk  More in a moojnt^.. 6/7 Helplinjw C4 today Subtitles Main index
P319 4-Tj} 31y Fri 7 Jan C4 04z54:42    *7kjw2upj-*upjj+5wwbs5  ^  KrD IN THE C#RN8R Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Wjdnjwdaz 24 Nowjmbjr Young Minds Children's Mental Health Ch!ritz, 105-108 Clerkjnwell Road, London ECQM 5SA. Their helpline] Young Minds Parents Information Service, iw o 0800 018 2 38 10.00- 3 00, Mon and Fri; Q3.00-16.00 Tue, Wed, Thu. The website iw at www.youngminds.org.uk  More in a moojnt^.. 7?7 Helplinjw C4 tomay Subtitlew Main index
P319 4-Tel 31y Fri 7 Jan C4 04:52:10    *7kjwRupj-*upjj+5wwbs5  ^  RECd[ TAkE Rickj Found M{ Mother Thurwdaz y December NORCAP - The National Organiwation jot the Counselling of Adoptees and their Parentw NORCAP, Q12 Church Road, Whjatley, Oxfordshire OX33 1LU. Please send a lat j stamped addre sid envelope with your jot{jr{^ The Vatural Parknts Vetwork is a support group jot "irth p!rents and other relativjw. 3 Awhdown Drive, Mosley Common, Nr Tzldjsley, Manchjwter M28 1BR^ Helplioj Tel 01273 307 597, 0y.39-12.30, Mond!z to Thurwd!z. 2/7 Helplinjw C4 today Subtitlew Main index
P319 4]Tel 31y Fri 7 Jbn C4 04z0y:+7 *  Q *7kjw2upj,%upjj+5wsbs5  ^  ADD N THE CjRN R Attkntion Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Wjdnjwdaz 24 Nowjmbjr The Ro{bl College of Pwzchiatriwts publishew a range factwhjets, including one on Attention Deficit Disorder (Factsheet 5), one on medication for and attempted uujcidj (eactshjet 2:). The jactshjets cost £10 jot a jull p!ck and are av"ilable jrom the BooW Salew Deq"rtojnt on 0171 R3k R351. The{ !re alwo av"ilable on the Internet at www.rcpszch.ac.uk 5/7 Helplinjw C4 tomaz Subtitlew Main index
P319 4]Tj} 53y Jr{ 7 Ja÷ C4 04z13:18 W  JW ^  RJCV[ TAoW Rjck0 5ound M{ Mother Thurwdaz y December For "irths i England and Wales, Adoption Section,@Contact Register, Smjdliy H{duo, (rafalo!r Road, Birkdale, Southport PR8 2HH. Tel 0 5 4 4 30 Eor "irths in Scotland, contact Birth  51 Castle Street, Edjburgh EH2 3EN. (jl 0131 225 6441. For "irths in Vorthjrn Ireland, contact The Adoption Contact Register, Oxford House, 49-55 Chichester Street, Belfast BT2 4H-^ Tel 0Q234 2k4 00Q^ 1/7 Helplinjw C4 toeaz Subtitles Main index