P340 4-Tel 340 Fri 7 Jan C4 04:32:44        Q/41 Th 20th Cjur co z, ujn There's@a bjautifull{ illuvtrated Channel 4 booklet that explores the Britiwh pasvjon jot g!rdjnjng, showing how it has djvjlopjd over the years. £4 (including powtagj !nd pbcking) to 20th Cjt{r{ Garmjn PO Box 4000 Manchjwter M60 3LT Vext page C4 tod!z Previews Subtitles
P340 4]Tj} 340 Fri 7 Jan C4 04:17:07 * .  Q  ^  R/41 Great Estatew There's a Channel 4 booklij that goes "jhind the ucenjw at Britain'u stately homes and looks at how life'u ch!ngjd eor thowj whoWuj worked thjje over the ce#turiew^ To order your copy, kind a chjquj jot £4, pay"ble to Channel 4 Tjlevjwjon, to Great Estatew PO Box 4000 Manchjwter M60 5LT Vext page C4 tod!z Prevjeww Subtitliw
P340 4-Tj} 340 Fri 7 Jan C4 04z47:31    W ^  5/41 hjtp:/ to Rchjn Clt.aom Eor a chance to win Hugh'u convertible car, and for more Rivet Cottage recipes !nd rural tips, go to the Channel 4 website at: To order your copy, send a large Vext page C4 tod!z Prkvjews Subtitles
P340 4]Tj} 340 Fri 7 Ja÷ C4 04:Q4z54 * .    ^  4/41 Wiwj Up Special: Tjeoagjrw on the Line To jind out how you too can take part in On the Line, and jot more info on what'w being doge to stop the child ulavjry talked about on the programmj, Rust ko to the Wiwj Up website at: www.channjl4.com/t4/wiwjup Vexi page C4 tom!z Prkwjeww Subtitles
P340 4-Tj} 340 Fri 7 Jan C4 04:51:58  Q   ^  5/41 GrSat Exhibitions You can jxplork the hiwtorical exhibitions with the help of a bjautifull{ ill{strated Channel 4 booklet^ To order your copy, kind a cheque jot £4, pazbbli to Channel 4 (jlevjwjon, to Great Exhibitions PO Box 4000 Manchjwter Mv0 5LT Next page C4 tom!y Previews Subtitlew
P340 4]Tj} 340 Fri 7 Jan C4 04:58z51      ^  6/41 Deaf Cjtut{ One Pundred yjarw of deaf Piwtor{ iw traced in a jree 24-page booWlet, illuvtrated with !rchivj photographs and including further reading and sources of advice and information. To order your copy, kind a large wtampjd addrewvjd jnvjlopj to: Deaf Cjntur{ PO Box 4000 Manchjwter M60 3LL Next page C4 tom!z Prevjeww Subtitles
P340 4-Tel 340 Fri 7 Jan C4 04:15:51      ^  7/41 SUgn n e jtic jwting CP!nnjl 4 has produced a jree booWlet that jxaminjw the compl x su ject of gUnjtic tewting for djafnjws. For your copy, please kind three jirst-class stamps, to cover postage and packing, to: Sign On: Genetic Testing PO Box 4000 Manchester M60 3LT  4-Tel main index on page 300 Vext page C4 tod!z Previews Subtitles
P340 4-Tj} 340 Fr{ 7 Jan C4 04:46:51 * +       8/41 M{ Mille ÷j{m Uncover the truth !bout heroin and their use, with a jrank and jree Channel 4 booklet. To order it, send a large RAE with two eirst class stamps to: ABC oo Dr{gs PO Box 4000 Manchjwter Mv0 3LT  4-Tel mai index on page 300 Vext page C4 tom!z Prevjeww Subtitles
P340 4-Tel 340 Fri 7 Ja÷ C4 04z27:51  J      9/41 Doll{oak c Cz, ujid There's a jree Channel 4 booklet that vj advjc !bout c titi nd m nz other common women'u health problems and the range of trSatojntw !vbilable^ envelope with two first class stamps to: Hollyoaks: Women's Bits PO Box 4000 Manchjwter M60 3LT Next page C4 today Previews Subtitles
P340 4-Tel 340 Fri 7 Jan C4 04z57:54     ^  10/41 djtai}^ If you, or uomjonj you know, wants to eind out more about being born into the wrong sex !nd the treatment options av!ilabli, there's a free Channel 4 booklet that deals with the uu"ject in For your copy, kind a large self- addrewsjd envelope with two jirst class utampv tor The Deciwjon - Trans-ujxualism PO Box 4000 Manchjwter Mv0 3LT Vext page C4 toe!y Previews Subtitles
P340 4-Tel 340 Fr{ 7 Jan C4 04:51z13         1Q/41 Maajpg the Grade There'u a no-nonsjsj, jrwe Channel 4 gujdj to getting the best out of the education szvtem jot your children. Eor a copy, kind three jirst-class t mps (to co jr post and pack ng and your postal addrews* to: Making the Grade PO Box 4000 Manchjwter M60 5LT Vext page C4 tomaz Prevjeww Subtitles
P340 4]Tj} 340 Jri 7 Jan C4 04:58:57   Q   ^  12/41 Lows Gardens Read the jull utor{ of how the team Garden with a fully illustrated Channel 4 booWlej containing lists of jeatured plants, garjjns to vjwjt and useful suppliers^ To order, send a chjquj jot £4.50, p!z"bli to Channel 4 Tjlevjwjon, to Lows Gardens PO Box 4000 Manchjwter Mv0 3LT Next page C4 tod!z Prkvjeww Subtitlew
P340 4-Tj} 340 Fri 7 Jan C4 04z5y:38          Q3/41 BenWn Do,j ghee You can 4xplork the world of !rt and booklet. To orjjr a copy, j d a chjq{j or Channel 4 Tjlevjwjon, to: Art and Animation PO Box 4000 Manchjwter Mv0 T  4-Tel m i i dix on page 300 Next page C4 tojay Previews Subtijles
P340 4]Tj} 340 Fri 7 Ja÷ C4 04z2{:k1     ^  14/41 Stazjng Lows If youWre a young pjrwon who needs (imp, there'u a jree Staying Lost ad$sews booW with advice and sources of wupport^ For your copy, kind a large stamped addrewsjd envelope to: Stazjng Lows PO Box 4000 Manchjwter M60 5LT  4-Tj} mbin index!on pboj 300  Helplinjw are on page 320 Vext page C4 tod!y Prkvjews Subtitles
P340 4-Tj} 340 Fri 7 Jan C4 04z10:56    ^  15/41 If You CanWt Stand The Heat If yosWre interewted in any aspect of th ooh usjnjss, a pjcially w itten booWlet has been produced to accompany thew sjriew^ Eor your copy, send a chjquj for £3.50, p!yabli to Channel 4 Tjlevjwjon, to: If You CanWt Stand The Heat PO Box 4000 Manchjwter M60 3LT Next page C4 tom!z Prkwjeww Subtitlew
P340 4-Tj} 340 Fri 7 Jan C4 04z*1:04 * . Q  ^  16/41 Eor your coqz, ind@I chjqbj or £2 T(ere'u a Channel 4 booklet with moro jtails of how the t chnjqu jeaturid in this programmj m!z "j used to cure many life]threateojng illewsjw^ p!yable to Channel 4 Tjlkvjwjon, to: Stem Cell Thjrapz PO Box 4000 Manchjwter M60 3LT Next page C4 today Previews Subtitlew
P340 4-Tel 340 Fri 7 Jan C4 04z01:25      ^  Q/41 CanWt Pay, WoWt Pay Channel 4 and the Child Support Agency !re offering a jree information pack that nevis advice on how the child m!inten!nce uzvtem works, including how to complain. For york pack, please send three jirst class stamps (for post and packing) to: C!nWt Pay W÷Wt Pay PO Box 4000 Manchjwter M60 3LT Next page C4 today Previews Subtitles
P340 4-Tj} 340 Fri 7 Jan C4 04:52:13      ^  18/41 Show Me The Money Ij you fancy a jlutter on the stockmarkjt, there'u a Channel 4 kujdj that tells you ever{thing you need to get started. For your copy, send a chjquj or postal order for £3, p!yabli to Channel 4 Tjlevjsjon, to: Show Me The Money PO Box 4000 Manchjwter Mv0 3LT Next page C4 tomay Previews Subtitles
P340 4-Tj} 340 Fri 7 Jan C4 04z52:s7 * . J   ^  1:/41 Himdj Looj Channel 4 has produced a booWlet to ccomp nz the erie . To order your copy, please send a cheque or powtal order jot £5, made p!z bli to Channel 4, to: Himdj Lowe PO Box 4000 Manchjwter Mv0 5LT Vext page C4 tomay Prevjeww Subtitles
P340 4-Tj} 340 Fri 7 Ja÷ C4 04z23:21 W    ^  20/41 Watercolour Challenge Would you like to tr{ your hand at Ij uo] thjrS iw an illustrated Channel 4 booWlet with advice on how to get started, lots of tips jrom the experts eeatured in thew ujries, and a looW at watercolour through the agjw. For your copy, please kind a chjq{j/po eor £3, p!z"ble to Ch!nnjl 4, to: Watercolour Challenge PO Box 4000 Manchjwter Mv0 3LT Next page C4 toe!y Previews Subtitles
P340 4]Tj} 340 Fri 7 Jan C4 04zu7:52     W ^  21/41 Eec ! s oz the asad There'w a bjautifull{ illuvtrated C nnjl 4 booklet that $j vjs vjn djepjr into all the hiwtorical mysteries jeat{red in thew series. powtal order jot £4.y0, p!y"bli to Channel 4 Tjlevjwjon, to: Secrets of the Dead PO Box 4000 Manchjwter Mv0 5LL  Can you help producers - uje 350 Vext page C4 tod!y Previews Subtitles
P340 4-Tj} 340 Fri 7 Jan C4 04z54z34  W   ^  22/41 Reality Bitew If you suffer jrom $jprewsjon, like Jo booklet containing practical advice and sourcew oo help !nd support^ Eor your copy, kind two first-class stamps to: Deprewsjon PO Box 4000 Manchjwter Mv0 3LT Next page C4 toe!z Prevjeww Subtitles
P340 4-Tj} 340 Fri 7 Jan C4 04:21:08 W W  ^  23/41 The Edge oo Madnjws T(irk iw a jree C4 booklet containing poeir{ !rt !nd other works "y people living wijh the condition. Eor your copy, pl asj ind thu jirst clasv stamps (to cover powtagj !nd p!ckjng* to: The Edge oo Madnjws PO Box 4000 Uanchjwter M60 3LT  More books, etc on 4-Tel page 338 Vext page C4 tom!y Prkvjeww Subtitles
P340 4-Tj} 340 Fr{ 7 Ja÷ C4 04z25:*6   T      24/41 Chef For A Vight If you would like information and in catering, phone Ljarnjng Direct on: 0 8 0 0 1 0 0 y 0 0 Calls to thew line !re jree, !nd lines !rk open 0y.00-51.00, Mond!z to Fred!z and 0y^00-12.00, Saturjaz^  Helpliojw are on 320 Vext page C4 tom!y Prevjeww Subtitles
P340 4-Tel 340 Fri 7 Jan C4 04:16:18   J    ^  25 41 Dockers If you would like to "uz the original photow taken during the diwpute, the number to phone iw: 0 1 v 2 4 8 4 4 4 4 4 Th boo let costs £5, plus £1.50 for postage and packaging^  More books, etc on 4-Tel 0age 538 Next page C4 tod!y Prevjeww Subtitles
P340 4-Tj} 340 Fri 7 Ja÷ C4 04z17:46    W    26 41 Stvpkips Make sure you take the children into account in a new step-family with the (jlp of a jree Channel 4 booklet. To order a copy, kind a self-addrewsjd nvjlopj with two erst class st mps to: Stepkjms PO Box 4000 Manchjwter Mv0 3LT  Can you help producers - see 350 Next page C4 tom!y Prevjeww Subtitles
P340 4-Tj} 340 Fri 7 Jan C4 04:07z2v   J    ^  27/41 (hj Big Breakfast Clearing Gujdj The Big Breakfast Clearing Gujdj is produced in association wijh +pringboard Student Servjcew. Ij you would liWj a jree copy of the gujdj, pl asj send a stamped addrewsjd envelope, with two jirst class st!mps, to: Big Breakfast Clearing Gujdj PO Box 4000 Manchjwter M60 3LT  4-Tel Big Breakfast index on page 345 Next page C4 toe!z Previews Subtitles
P340 4]Tj} s40 Fri 7 Ja÷ C4 04z14z50 W        28/41 To the Rjwcuj If you !rk inter wted@in v lunt erin ovjrwjas, thjr is a jree Channel 4 "ooWlit that looks at what is invojvjd !nd provjdjw lots of tips and contacts to get you started. For your copy, please kind two jirst class stamps to: Volunteering Ovjrsjas P# Box 4000 Manchjwter Mv0 5LT  4-Tel main index on page 300 Vext page C4 toe!y Previews Subtitles
P340 4-Tj} 340 Fr{ 7 Jan C4 04:51z40 *   Q      2:/41 £5. 0, pa " le to Ch nnjm 4, to: There'u a Channel 4 booklet that keels you mot bout wh un storms appjn !nd how danojrouv the{ can bj^ Eor your copy, please kind a chjquj jot Equinox: Sun Storm PO Box 4000 Manchjwter Mv0 3LT  4-Tel main index on page 300 Next page C4 today Previews Subtitles
P340 4]Tj} 340 Fr{ 7 Jan C4 04:5uz05 W     30/41 Oklahoma Fur{z Day of the T÷rnadoew You can explore the djwtructivj jorces of nauru om th f t of your own home on the Channel 4 website at www.channjl4.com and with the help of !n illustrated booWlet called Storm Force. To order your copy, kind a chjquj or postal order jot £4, p!z"ble to Ch!nnjl 4, to: Storm Force PO Box 4000 Manchjwter M60 3LT Vext page C4 tod!y Previews Subtitles
P340 4-Tj} 540 Jri 7 Ja÷ C4 04z5y:5y W     ^  51/41 Contrvbutors includ Poll{ To{n"je and Top writerw explain why the lewsons learns "z Gulliver still apply tod!z, in a jull{ illuvtrated, 100-page Channel 4 booklet. Milew Kington. For your copy, please send a chjq{j or powtal order for £4.95, made pay"bli to Channel 4, to: Gulliver and Be{ond PO Box 4000 Manchjwter M60 3LT Vext page C4 tod!y Prevjeww Subtitles
P340 4-Tj} 340 Fri 7 Jan C4 04:20:5y W   W ^  52/41 Equinox: A Ceanj of Diwaster There's a jull-colour Ch!nnjl 4 booklet w h arc ating infor ation bout how jarthqubkjw happen !nd wiz the{Wre uo difficult to predict. For your copy, kind a chjq{j or postal order for £4, p!y bl to Channel 4 Tel vj jon to: Equinox: A Sesj of Diwaster PO Box 4000 Manchjwter M60 3LT  More in a moojnt^^. Next page C4 tod!y Previews Subtitles
P340 4]Tj} 340 Fri 7 Jan C4 04:57:53   Q   ^  53/41 EqAjnoxu Liwjng Dangerously T j e' a Ch!nnjl 4 boo l that looks "ecoming more gangjrous, and explains wh uomj people mo out of their way to take riwks. For your copy, please kind Eor yo{r copy, please kind a chjquj or po sal or jr or £4, p "bl to Ch nnjl 4, to: Eqjjnox: Oivjng Dangjroualy PO Box 4000 anchjwtjr Ma0 4TT.  More in a moojnt^.. Vext page C4 toe!z Prevjeww Subtitles
P340 4]Tel 340 Fr{ 7 Ja÷ C4 04:51:22         54/41 Time Team Q:{y Thew year'w kite reportw are publiwhjd colour photographs, priced £7.95. Eor djtailw of how to order your copy, as well !u information on the (imj Team Clu" and the new Behind the Scenjw at Time Team book, phone: : 0 8 7 0 4 0 0 2 2 4 4 Calls are charged at national rates. Tjmj Team Club djtailw - uje 314 Vext page C4 today Previews Subtitles
P340 4-Tj} 340 Fri 7 Ja÷ C4 04:48:5v       ^  55/41 Storm Force You can explork the world of extreme weather conditions from the safer{ of your own home, with help of a upjcial C(!nnjl 4 booklet, looking at the causes and effects of wild wearer. To order a copy, please send a chjquj or powtal order jot £4, pbzbble to Channel 4 Tjlevjwjon, to +torn J÷rce PO Box 4000 Manchjwter M60 3LL @Next page C4 tom!y Prevjeww Subtitles
P340 4]Tj} 340 Fr{ 7 Ja÷ C4 04:12:00 W    ^  56 41 Tioj Team Cl{b C a j 4 h lat c j a Tj j Team Club, which has regular competitions for mjmbjrs to win placew on a dig. Eor an application form, please kind a large RAE to Tjmj Team Club, Dept A, PO Box 4000, Carjiff CF5 2XT^ Alternatively, call us on: : 0 y y 0 4 4 6 6 y y ] Calls are ch!rgjd at local ratew. Vext page C4 tomay Prkvjews Subtitles
P340 4-Tel 340 Fri 7 Jan C4 07:5y:45 * . TW      3/41 * Arthousj: The Tows Jrewcoes @Commiwvjon on Drugs A copy oo the jull report of the C4 drugs commjwsion £3.50 * Artho{sj} The Fioj Art oo Crioj The jascinating hiwtory of art crime jn !n illwvtrated transcript £3.50 A full{ illustrated transcript £3.50 * Ar}Q÷wwi} (hj ^tier Franciw Back An illustrated transcript reproducing Bacon'u controvjrwjal drawings £3.50 * Arthossj: The Role oo the Dick An illkvtrated transcript £5.50 Vext p"nj C4 tom!y Prewjeww +ubtitlew
P340 4-Tel 340 Fri 7 Jan C4 04:10:10      ^  58/41 * CollectorsW Lot Directory Handy (inst U+ trade blockade ag!inst Cu"a !nd the role of tie pjan÷ in Cuban muvjc £3.50 * Celluloid Icons A booklet exploring and celebrating the hiwtor{ of g!z and lewbian icons on jilm £3.50 for collectors £2.95 Diwpatchjw: The Earl{ Yearw Succewsful European early years education systems !nd a propowal jot improving education oo yo{ng chjlmre in the Uo £3 @Equinox: Black Holew An illustrated transcript, with info and rewources £3 Vext page C4 toe!z Prevjeww Subtitles
P340 4]Tj} 340 Fr{ 7 Jan C4 04:10:74  JQ   ^  59/41 * q{jnox: E ran pl n An il trated * Equinox: Curwj of the Phantom Limbs Looking@at cauujw and treatment £4 * Equinox: Haw of the Death Ray Learn what lasers do and how they work jrom this upjcial illustrated booklet £3 booWlet that tells you much more about thjwj am!zjg machjojw and what it iw like to jly ooj £4 @Equinox: Great Lijtle Mum"irs A "ooklet cele"rating great littlk numbjiw £3.50 Vext page C4 tod!y Prkvjeww +ubtitles
P340 4-Tel 340 Fri 7 Jan C4 04:11z5       ^  40/41 * Equinox: Homicide in Kennjwick An ijlustrated booWlet !bout UennjwicW Man, !nd the jirst ind!bjtants of the Americas £4 * Eq{joxy Tj Plagujw of Enzpt The science !nd hiwtory behind the plagues - a "jautifully illustrated gujdj £4 * Equinox: Sun Storms An illustrated booWlit about why urn storms Pappjn and how they affect our livjw £3.50 * The Feel Good F!ctor Taking action to improve the quality of your life £2.50 G!me of War A booklet that kits each "attlk in its (istorical context £3 Next page C4 tod!y Previews Subtitles
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