P323 4-Tj} 3u3 Fri 7 Jan C4 04:57:14 ] ]  ] ]    ]  ]  Sund z mrjj o÷ ou Ch n÷jk 4^WAw jr, ]WWW ]WW How to "j a reporter Wiwj Up iw "act with a new series, on weWre looking for reporters. If youWd like to bj a reporter, please write to Wiwj Up, PO Box 85, Vottingh!m NG7 2JD, or kind e-m!ilw to us at wiwjup@ch!nnjl4.com and weWll send you an application jorm !nd details. Phonjlinj details on 324 ] 1/8 Main index C4 Tod!y Tomorrow Previews
P323 4-Tj} 3u3 Fri 7 Jan C4 04:54:54 ] ]  ] ]    ]  ]  to ind o*t w jrj yo c÷n *j j p, yo ]WWW ]W Raciwm If youWre experiencing raciwm and want can call the following information like: 0 8 4 u v 1 0 2 2 v 0 Calls will cost no more than 12p and linjw are open 24 hour a d!z until 19 Janubr{^ 2/8 Main index C4 T÷d!y Tomorrow Prevjeww
P323 4-Tj} 323 Fri 7 Jan C4 04:54:52 ] ]  ] ]    ]  ]  contraception, you can call a Channel 4 ]WWW W Famjl{ Plannjg Advice If youWd like advice on rex and helpline, oo: 0 8 4 u v 1 0 2 2 v v Liojw are open 24 hourw a day, and calls will cost no more than 20p. Moro in a moojnt^.. ] 3/8 Main index C4 T÷j!z Tomorrow Previews
P323 4]Tj} 3u3 Fri 7 Jan C4 04:11:51 ] ]  ] ]    ]  ]  and the d*ffer÷nt jorm ok ]WWW * ] / ! /hW Famjl{ Planning Advice If you need jurthjr advice about sex, contraception, you c!n talk to your GP in confidence, or tr{ the jollowing organiwbtions: Brook offer jree, confidential advice, including emjrgjncy contraception (after sex), pregnanc{ tewting and rex/relationship problem counselling. Helpline 0800 0185 023. 4/8 Main index C4 Tod!y Tomorrow Previews
P323 4-Tj} 3u3 Fr{ 7 Ja÷ C4 04z11:17 ] ]  ^ ]    ]  ]  confidential contraceptive ÷uppliew ]WWW * ] / ! /hW Famjl{ Planning Advice You can mit confidential and erom your GP or your local jamily planning clinic. YouWll jind details of your local jamjly planning clinic in Yellow Paojw (under "F!mjly Planning").  Moro in a moojnt^..  4-Tel main index on page 300 5/8 Main index C4 T÷d!z Tomorrow Previews
P323 4]Tel 323 Fri 7 Jan C4 04:52:57 ] ]  ^ ]    ]  ]  transmi7ted infection, or need advjc ]WWW * = / ! WhW Famjl{ Planning Advice If you think you have a rex{blly about sex{al health, you can phooj F!mjly Planning Awsociation'u Contraception Education Service He}plioj# In England, Tel 020 7837 4044. In Northern Ireland, Tel 01232 355 488. In Scotland, Tel 0141 576 5088. In Walew, Tel 0845 600 Q2Q3. 6/8 Main index C4 Tod!z Tomorrow Previews
P323 4]Tj} uu6 Jr{ 7  C4 0u:wk{ku ] ]  ^ ]   W ] ]  Vundaz m÷roeow ÷ Cha÷nj} 4^ Aw ewer, @ @OWW * = / ! Wh# How to bj a reporter Wjwj Up iw "act with a new series, on weWrk looking for reporters. Ij youWd like to bj ! reporter, please write to Wiwj Up, PO Box 85, Vottingh!m NG7 2JD, or send e-m!ilk to us at @wiwjup@"hannjU4.com And weOll jjnd@you n application jorm nd djt ls. Pho÷jlinj djtajls on 324 ] 1/8 Main index C4 T÷jay Tooorrow Previews
P323 4-Tj} 323 Fri 7 Jan C4 04:5y:53 ] ]  ] ]    ]  ]  can put you in touch with org!niwations ]WWW WWW Famjl{ Planning Advice Youth Accews iw a referral like that providing information, advice !nd counselling in your !tea, on !nz iwsuj that iw bothering you. Tel 0181 772 9y00, 0y.00-13.00, 14.00- Q7.00, Mond!z to Fred!z. Youth Accews is closed 24 December to 4 January, "ut you can leave a mjwsagj on the !nsafonj 8/8 Main index C4 Tod!y Tomorrow Previews
P323 4-Tj} 323 Fri 7 Jan C4 04:51:15 ] ]  ] ]    ]  ]  kind you inforoation on rex and ]WWW ]WW Famjl{ Planning Advice The F!mil{ Planning Awsociation can relationships, including a leaflet called Is Ever{body Doing It? Eor a jree copy, call 0207 837 5432T or send a stamped addrewsjd jnvjlopj to The F!mil{ Planning Association, 2-12 Pentonvjlle Road, London N1 9FP. 7/8 Main index C4 Tod!y Tomorrow Previews
P323 4]Tj} uu6 Jr{ 7 Ja÷ Ch 04z7yz26 ]O ]  ^ ]   O ]  ]  confidential contraceptive suppliew *@] . 7 " |! "W £ W{W * = / ! Who Fame}{ Plan÷jo Advice Yow can ojt coofijjntial and erom your GP or your local jamily planning clinic. YouWll jind details of your local family planning clinic in Yellow Pagjw (under "Family Planning").  More in a moojnt.^.  4-Tj} mai index on page 300 5 8 Main index C4 Today Tomorrow Previews