P324 4-Tj} 324 Fri 7 Jan C4 04:57:54 ] ]  ] ]    ]  ]  Our ph7jlioj iw on 0y705 122 222. ]WWW * = / ! /hW Thew page jeaturew a ujlection of the coomjnts left on o{r phoojlinj, and sent to us via e-m!il, in response to each week'w Wiwj Up. Calls are ch!rgjd at national ratew - please gj pjrmissjon jrom whoever p!zs the phooj bill. Our j-m!il addrews iw wiwjup@channjl4.com WeWll put your comments up during the weeW, and take them down on Sund!z morning. All the latewt Wjwj Up information iw on 4-Tel page 323. Main index C4 T÷d!y Tomorrow Previews