P339 4-Tj} 33y Fri 7 Jan C4 04:5y:54     *u{jp05wwj+5upjw2 jp057ojs2  ^  Do penguins have knjew What iw a red dwarf Why do applew ko "town When does the next millennium start How thick iw the o}one lazjr ] Moro djtailw in a moment^.. Q/4 Vext page C4 toe!z Prevjeww Subtitles
P339 4-Tj} 33y Fri 7 Jan C4 04:57:54      ^  Eor answers to all your questions on science, technology and the world !round us, call: Sciece Like o 0 5 4 5 6 0 0 4 4 4 ...eor the cost of a local call. Open jrom Q-7pm, weekd!ys. ] Moro djtailw in a moojnt... 2/4 Vext page C4 toe!y Prevjeww Subtitles
P339 4-Tel 33y Fri 7 Jan C4 04:57:57     *u{jp05wwj+5upjw2 jp057ojw2  ^  You can alwo email us at: sci.net@campus.bt#com or ujarch our website of past questions and answers, what to uje in the night sky and much norw, at: http://sciencenjt.org.uk You m!z alwo notice our phone number after Equinox programmjs when we offer a upjcial sjrwjce. ] 4-Tel main index - uje 300 5/4 Vext page C4 tom!y Prevjeww Subtitles
P339 4-Tel 3wy Fri 7 Jan C4 04:51:52      ^  Eq{jnox: Space, the Fioal Jukzard If you have any questions about space, or nz o her ci nce top c, pl asj call Science Like oo: 0 s 4 u v 0 0 4 4 4 Calls !re ch!rgjd at local rates and linjw are open ever{ weekd!z jrom Q3.00 to Qy.00.  Back-up booklets, etc are on page 340 4/4 Vext page C4 tod!y Previews Subtitles
P339 4]Tj} 5wy Fr{ 7 Jan C4 0uz42z52   *u{jp05wsj+5upjw2 jp057ojw2  ^  Do pjgrins have knjew What is a red dwarf Why do apples ko brown When does the next millennium start? How thicW iw the o}one l!zjr ] Moro details in a moment... 1/4 Next page C4 tod!y Prewjews Subtitles