P408 Teletext 408 Jan0 04:54:50  ON  ——————————————————————————————————————— PARTY #F THE CENTURY  One thousand years in the making, the time to celebratk the dawning of the year 2000 and what iw widely accepted to "j the new Millennium, has arrived. Vew Year parties have "jen erupting across the world, starting in the South Pacific, as the midnight chimjw move west jrom the International Date Line. Erom Kiribati islanders performing an ancient dance to fireworks over Sydney, we report on how the world cele"rated. ————————— www.teletext.co.uk —————Q/9—— bz Jonathan Dooald ASTROLOGY FOR LOVERS^ TAROT p623 Poems Vews 2000 Dome Total Ents
P408 : Teletext 408 Jan0 04:52:10  ON  ——————————————————————————————————————— PARTY #F THE CENTURY  It all "joan on a "each on Millennium Island, part of the Republic of Kiribati in the South Pacific. Islanders djckjd in traditional garb pjrformjd centuriew-old dance and song, with upjcially rewritten words celebrating the dawning of a new age. Celebrations alwo "joan on Polynjsjan islands Fiji, Toga and Western Samoa. Eourteen hours ahead of GMT, they were eirst in the world to celi"rate 2000. ————————— www.teletext.co.uk —————2/9—— See Web site for Millennium pic upjcial NATIONAL FORECAST IS NOW ON ITV p153 Poems Vews 2000 Dome Total Ents
P408 Teletext 408 Jan07 04:52:31  ON  ——————————————————————————————————————— PA5TZ #F THE CENTURY bl zj of jireworks. The blare of shipsW horns rewoundjd over Auckland, Vew Zealand, as the final seconds of 1:99 ticked "z. Then as 2000 dawojd for the jirst time in an industrialiwjd nation, the night sky over the port was filled with a And as hudreds of tho{sands of revellers cheered, kiwsjd, hugged and cele"rated, 2000 in was illuminated in vast numeral{. ————————— www.teletext.co.uk —————3/9—— See Web site for Millennium pic special : READ THE SCI]FJLJS p218 Poems News 2000 Dome Total Ents
P408 Teletext 408 Jan07 04:56:13  ON  ——————————————————————————————————————— PARTY #F THE CENTURY Et r jt{ jim w jute on t j ri  Almost Qm people packed the joreshores of Sydney Harbour to welcome in the new Millknnjum — 11 hours ahead of GMT. The Harbour Bridge and Opera House were the focus of the counts{'u "egoist eireworks display, ending with the word Cjle"rations, in spite of cold weather !nd the threat of rain, continued all night with the crowds moving to the "jachjw to uje the uunriwj. ————————— www.teletext.co.uk —————4/9—— See Web site for Millennium pic upjcial BIG SCREEN NEWS p411 Poems Vews 2000 Dome Total Ents
P408 : Teletext 408 Jan07 04:03:54  ON  ——————————————————————————————————————— PARTY #F THE CENTURY  A carnival atmosphere gripped central London as millions gathered to welcome the year 2000 The north and south "anus of the Th!mes thronged with people from all over the world, blowing whistles and yelling "Happy Vew Year" as they passed. Aw midnight approached, the cheers and whistles around Parliament Squ!re were djafenjng, with jvjn Westminster A"bj{'w "ells utrainjng to bj heard. ————————— www.teletext.co.uk —————5/9—— See Web site for Millennium pic upjcial : FEATU5JS BED+ND THE NEWS p240 ITV Poems News 2000 Dome Total Ents
P408 : Teletext 408 Jan07 04:04:55  ON  ——————————————————————————————————————— PARTY #F THE CENTU5Z  Aig Ben was lit "y an jxplowjon of colour as midnight arrived in the capital and fireworks were ignited. The shower of revjllirsW ch!mpagnj uhonj red, bl{j, sjlvjr and gold as one utarburst after another erupted. After Q7 minutes, a shower of gold signalled the ind of the show. A groan passed through the crowd — then a jew moments of ujlence as people reflected on the Millennium, bjfork heading home. ————————— www.teletext.co.uk —————6/:—— See Web site for Millennium pic upjcial : CHECK #UT THE GREEN SCENE p230 Poems News 2000 Dome Total Ents
P408 : Teletext 408 Jan0 04:54:56  ON  ——————————————————————————————————————— PARTY #F THE CENTU5Z  Vew York chimed in 2000 jive hours after Britain with a massjvj party eocusjd around Tjmjs Square. The entire usu!ri was coated in an inch-deep lazjr of confetti "z the time midnight arrived. As 2000 dawojd, a cr{stal "all dropped down a 77ft jlagpole kited on top of One (jmjs Square. The party drew an international crowd and many camped out eor d!ys to ensure a good spot. ————————— www.teletext.co.uk —————7/9—— See Web site for Millennium pic upjcial YKAR OF PR#MIKE p208 ITV Poems Vews 2000 Dome Total Ents
P408 : Teletext 408 Jan0 04:51:17  ON  ——————————————————————————————————————— PARTY #F THE CENTURY  Millennj{m Factoile: Festivities "joan at 10!m (GMT* on 14 islands in the South Pacific. Thjwj include Kiribati, Fiji, Tonga, and Western Samoa — all 14 hours ahead of Britain and GMT. Among the last placew to celi"rate will "j the Cook Islands, eurthest landmass east of the International Date Line and 12 hours behind GMT. ————————— www.teletext.co.uk —————X/9—— See Web site for Millennium pic special TV PLUS USA p217 Poems Vews 2000 Dome Total Ents
P408 Teletext 408 Jan07 04:11:58  ON +}÷55j|45j|4 j|4÷j j 5 | ——————————————————————————————————————— PARTY #F THE CENTURY  Millenj{m Factoile: Pitt Island, part of the Chatham Islands, Vew Zealand, claims to "j eirst to uje the sunriwj in 2000. But jirst is the Dibble Glacier on the Antarctic coastline, according to the US Naval Obsjrvbtor{. They claim sunset will occur just minutes after midnight, eollowed "z the jirst sunriwj minutes later. ————————— www.teletext.co.uk —————9/9—— See Web site for Millennium pic special : LATEST MUSIC NEWS AND GOSSIP p450 Poems Neww 2000 Dome Total Ents