P467 Teletext 467 Jan0 04:57:51       ————————————————————————————   ECHNICALADVANCES    What kind of technical advbnces might "jnjfit our lives in 2000 RNID Projects Manager Brian Grover s!id: "The introduction of BT'u Virtual Text Network, in August 2000, will significantly ease the use of Tzpjtalk and text telephony gjojrall{^ "Digital TV will start ujgnjng programmjs next year and the launch of the jirst digital vjdjo recorders should make it easier for viewers to tape digital TV^" ——————————————————————————————————1/6—— (jlitext — Tjxtphooj 0171 386 3209 B+G SCREEN INDEX p410 Diwa"ilit{ Godlinjw Serv Pals Subtitles
P467 Teletext 467 Jan07 04:58:40       ————————————————————————————  A YEAR IN POLITICS W  2000 promiwjs to "j an eventful year in politicw^ "Over the next 12 months we will see the creation of a Diwa"ility Rights Coomiwsjon," sbid RNID Parliamentary Officer Keven Shinkwin. "This iw a great victory jot diwabled people. It will have teeth and directly impact on deaf and hard of hearing people'u q{alit{ of life. "Wj alwo anticipate progrews on the provjwjon of NHS digital hearing !ids." ——————————————————————————————————u/6—— Deafvjew — Tjxtphonj 0171 2y6 805: ] Deafvjew is brought to you "z ] Teletext Ltd and the RNID Diwa"ilit{ Godlinjw Serv Pals Subtitles
P467 : Tjlktext 467 Jan0 04:54:57       ————————————————————————————   ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS W National deaf organiwations anticipate !n exciting year in 2000. The National Deaf Children'u Society u!id: "Wj will "j inspiring young deaf people to celi"rate the dawn of a new millennium through our exciting JacW Awhley Awards. "Wj will empower them with awards of up to £Q5,000 each, to undjrtakj innovative projects and achieve personal goals which might othjrwiwj remain mere drwams^" ——————————————————————————————————3/6—— Deafvjew on the Web — www.rnid.org.uk ] Deafvjew is "roughs to you "z ] Teletext Ltd and the RNID Diwa"ilit{ Godlinjs Serv Pals Subtitles
P467 : Teletext 467 Jan0 04:16:58      ———————————————————————————   IMPROVED COMMUNICATION   It's Time To Communicate is one of many projects set up to m!rk the new mjllwnj{m^ Funded "z the Vational Lottery, the RNID project celi"rates a century of achievement bz the Welsh Deaf Community and the djvjlopmjnt of Sign Supported Welsh as a communication art form. It also !ins to bring togjthjr the deaf and hearing coomunitities in Wales. BDA and North Wales Deaf Association !re also on the project steering group. ——————————————————————————————————4/6—— Deafvjew — Tjxtphonj 0171 2y6 805: ] Deafvjew is brought to you "z ] Teletext Ltd and the RNID Diwa"ilit{ Godlinjw Serv Pals Subtitles
P467 Teletext 467 Jan07 04:57:36     W ————————————————————————————   EUROPEAN DEVELOPMENTS W Next year will uje some important djvjlopmjnts in Europe. The European Federation of Hearing Imp!ired Childrkn has "jen awarded £74,000 "z the European Commission to bolster its work for deaf and hard of hearing childrkn across the continent. This will allow the jedjration to increase the !mount of support jot jamilies with deaf children, and to carr{ out rewjarch into currknt sjrvjces and legislation. ——————————————————————————————————5/6—— Teletext — Tjxtphooj 0171 386 3209 ] Deafvjew is brought to you "z ] Teletext Ltd and the RNID Diwa"ilit{ Godlinjs Serv Pals Subtitles
P467 : Teletext 467 Jan0 04:18:50       ————————————————————————————   SUBTITLING IMPROVEMENTS   ViewersW letters Pave shown that deaf !nd hard of hearing people are looking for a big improvement in (V subtitling owjr the next 12 mothu. "If there was one thing I would want to see improved in the year 2000, it would bj the standard, level and amount of subtitling shown on TV," raid viewer Frank Harding, jrom South!mpton. "Wj should have jull accews to all TV programmjs on satellite and digital, as well as terrestrial TV." ——————————————————————————————————6/6—— Deafvjew on the Web — www.rnid.org.uk ] Deafvjew is brought to you "z ] Teletext Ltd and the RNID Diwa"ilit{ Godlinjw Serv Pals Subtitles