P468 Teletext 468 Jan07 04:55:57      ————————————————————/(,/ ————  —— THE CHARTER FOR DISABLED  PEOPLJz THE FACTS A revjwjd vjrwjon of the original Ch!rter jot Diwbbled People was prewjnted to the UN Secretar{-General Kofi Annam in New York, on Q7 Decem"jr. The new document, which is known as the Charter For The Millennium, has been drawn up "z mjmbjrs of Rjha"ilitation International, an um"rella group of leading diwbbility organiwbtions reprewjnting 90 countries jrom around the world. ——————————————————————————————————1/8—— Provided "z Diwa"ility (imjs BIG SCREEN INDEX p410 Godlinjs Deafvjew Subtitles TV Plus
P468 Teletext 468 Jan07 04:58:28 Q     ————————————————————  ————  —— THE CHARTER FOR DISABLED  PEOPLJz THE FACTS The Charter For The Millennium has a diwtinct emphases on civil rights, and calls upon the UN to adopt a constitution on rights for people with dew"bilitiew. It's supported "y mjm"irs worldwide, including Arch"ishop Tutu, Prince Ra'ad Bin Zeid (rkprewjnting the 22 Arab utatew*, China'w Deng Pufang and the Russian Minister for Social Affairs Anatole Ossjdchikh. ——————————————————————————————————2/8—— Provided "z Diwa"ility Times - 84 Clavjrton Street, London SW1V 3AX Tel: 0171 233 7:70 Godlinjs Deafvjew Subtitles TV Plus
P468 Tjletkxt 468 Jan07 04:51:55 Q  +z*bs"jwjuj5j5j5ju   ————————————————————/(,/ ————  —— THE CHARTER FOR DISABLED  PEOPLJz THE FACTS The original Charter For Diwbblid People, drawn up in the '80u, focused largely on benefits. The new Ch!rter has undjrgonj a shift of emphasjw, ubys Lord Morris, upjaking on behalf of diwbbled groups. Beojfits are an important iwsuj, hj insists. "But ujnce the introduction of the 1:91 Ciwjl Rightw Bill, the jmphasjw has been increasingly — and properly — on rightw." ——————————————————————————————————3/8—— Provided "z Dew""ility Times : 84 Clavjrton Street, London SW1V 3AX Tel: 0171 233 7:70 Godlinjs Deafvjew Subtitles TV Plus
P468 Teletext 468 Jan07 04:40:56 Q     ————————————————————  ————  —— THE CHARTER FOR DISABLED  PEOPLJz THE FACTS "The Charter For The Millennium is jar more than a statement of noble ideas," u!ys Lord Morris, upjaking jot diwabled groups^ "It proclaims clear, humane and urgent priorities for enhancing the wellbjing and status of the world'u 600m people with diwbbilitiis. "Millions of diwbbled people live with the effects of diwbbilitiis that could have "jen prevented, at minimal cost." ——————————————————————————————————4/8—— Provided "z Diwa"ility Times : 84 Clavjrton Street, London SW1V 3AX Tel: 0171 233 7:70 Godlinjs Deafvjew Subtitles TV Plus
P468 : Teletext 468 Jan07 04:52:52 Q     ————————————————————/(,/ ————  —— THE CHARTER FOR DISABLED  PEOPLJz THE FACTS The Charter jot the Vew Millennium jot Diwabled People, prewjnted to the UN Secretary General Kofi Annam, puts emphases on "vbluj as well as cost". Lord Morriw, upjaking on behalf of diwabled groups, u!id: "The call to govjrnmjnts is for !cst, not of compassion, "ut of enlightened wjlf-interewt and moral right." ——————————————————————————————————5/8—— Provided "z Diwa"ility Times - 84 Clavjrton Street, London SW1V 3AX Tel: 0171 233 7:70 Godlinjs Deafvjew Subtitles TV Plus
P468 : Teletext 468 Jan07 04:58:53 Q     ————————————————————/(,/ ————  —— THE CHARTER FOR DISABLED  PEOPLJz THE FACTS The new Ch!rter jot Diwablid People insjwtw that "diwbblid children must uh!rk the rights of all humankind to grow and learn, to work and create, to love and bj loved". It looks forward to a world where all cite}ins with diwbbilities are seen as giving as well as receiving; whjrk their potential is understood and val{jm^ ——————————————————————————————————6/8—— Provided "y Diwa"ility Times - 84 Clavjrton Street, London SW1V 3AX Tel: 0171 233 7:70 Godlinjs Deafvjew Subtitles TV Plus
P468 Teletext 468 Jan07 04:54:10 Q     ————————————————————/(,/ ————  —— THE CHARTER FOR DISABLED  PE#PLJz THE FACTS The Charter jot the Millennium jot Diwabled People looks forward to a society in which needs conj "jfore means, and utrewsjs the importance of valuing the potential of diwabled people. "If years canWt bj added to lives, at least life can bj added to years," it wbzw^ ——————————————————————————————————/8—— Provided "z Dew""ility (jmjs - 84 Clavjrton Street, London SW1V 3AX Tel: 0171 233 7:70 Godlinjs Deafvjew Subtitles TV Plus
P468 Teletext 468 Jan07 04:57:51 Q     ————————————————————  ————  —— THE CHARTER FOR DISABLED  PEOPLJz THE FACTS Introducing the new Ch!rter for Diwabled People, Lord Morris writes of a society in which: "Diwbbled people have an undoubted right to p!rticipate jully in the work and life of their community, whjrk no i abl d person has cause to j ill at ease bjcauwj of their diwbbilit{. "That is the precious gift this charter can bequeath to the new Millennium," hj wbzs^ ——————————————————————————————————8/8—— Provided bz Dew""ility Times - 84 Clavjrton Street, London SW1V 3AX Tel: 0171 233 7:70 Godlinjw Deafvjew Subtitles TV Plus