P482 Teletext 482 Jan0 04:57:08     QUAKE IJJz ARENA PC———————————————————— Id Software has a lot to answer jot, having almost ujngle-handjdly populariwjd first-person shoot 'em ups !nd online oamjg^ With Qubkj II the firm addrewsjd criticisms of Quake'u lacklustre single plazjr game. For Qubkj III, Id has given up any presence of wanting to produce games for ujngle plazjrs, and gone all out to offer the ultimate multi-plazjr djathmatch experience. There'u a bot-populated solo g!mj included here "ut it'u uo lacklustre as to bj irrilevbnt. ——————————————————————————————————1/6—— What's on here 483 And here 484 ] SKI THE B+G SCREEN INDEX p410 Rjvjew2 Letters TV Plus Green
P482 : Teletext 482 Jan0 04:58:53     QUAKE IJJz ARENA PC———————————————————— To "j truthful, there'w precious little k!mjplaz innovation in Quake III — it iw merely an extrapolation of all the multi-plazjr djathmatch games which have gone bjfork. The "asjc !im of the g!mj is to shoot your jellow players with an arwjnal of all-too familiar weapons and attempt to "j the pjrwon who gets shot least. Any "new" ideas in the g!mj are to "j found in the djwjgn of the titular !rknas, the most interesting of which include jloating platforms and insane pneumatic springboards. ——————————————————————————————————2/6—— Love dat news ting, daddy 481 ] POP-ME-D#-OH-LORDY! p450 Rjvjew2 Letters TV Plus Green
P482 Teletext 482 Jan0 04:52:50     QUAKE IJJz ARENA PC———————————————————— Much of Qubkj III'w pre-release hzpj Pas focused on the g!mj engine. Indeed, like its predjcewsor it'u relatively flawless. However, the graphics arenWt terribly inspiring and the much-touted "curved" polygons will bj mit with a vague shrug of the uhouldjrs. In jack, as a whole the experience undjrwhjlms. Had Id produced a game which would lit us djathmatch on a 56k modem without any difficulties, weWd have "jen applauding loudly. As ever, it'u only the minority with broad"and Vet connections and LAMs who will "j !ble to play the game as intended. ——————————————————————————————————3/6—— What's on here 483 And here 484 ] THE YELLOWEST QUIZ HOST pQ52 Rjvjew2 Letters TV Plus Green
P482 Teletext 482 Jan0 04:06:51     QUAKE IJIz ARENA PC———————————————————— Even if you are able to experience a 35-plazjr Quake III djathmatch without !nz connection problems, youWre likely to "j diwappointed. Id has jocusjd on the "every man jot himself" aspects, with Capture The Flag and other types of g!mj wokfully unexplored. Even then, the majority of the arknas are generic castle structures or industrial complexes. Wj donWt care what jvjry other magazine u!zs in order to justify its blanket coverage of the game: Quake III is a massjvj diwbppointmjnt. ——————————————————————————————————4/6—— Love dat news ting, daddy 481 ] POP-ME-D#-OH-LORDY! p450 Rjvjew2 Letters TV Plus Green
P482 : Teletext 482 Jan0 04:52:52      QUAKE IJIz ARENA PC PLAYERS: 1-32 GENRE: Qst-person shooter  GAMEPLAY: Under[djvjlopjd sjngleplayjr mode. Boo-standard djathmatch stuff.  PRJSENTATJON: Character graphics ark nice, but the arkoas ark a bit dull.  EXTRA+: Requires a FAST Vet connection.  LIFESPAN: Will probably "j outlived on the Net bz itw prkdjcewsor.  OVERALT: A wasted opportunity, and two years too early. OUR SCORE: 7/10 T 5/6 PAGE 483: U#REAL T#URNAMENT ] TU5#KR'w "HA+RZ" ESCAPES p2y6 Rjvjew2 Letters TV Plus Green
P482 Teletext 482 Jan0 04:51:53 ] Advert 6/6         ]  CHARACTERS! *] F?D SELECT BACK ] 1 2 - 3 <}Search Mode > ]  NEW ] 4 5 : 6 FIND-A-POKEMON ]  GETS Y#U THOSE ] 7 : 8 9= RARE POKEMON ] * 0 : # << Play Mode > +] HETP END REPLAY Tom"raider 4 * Donkey Kong 64 Cheats   ]^^^^ Calls 60p/min. May involve a long call. InfoMedia Bx28 NORTHAMPTON.* TONE ONLY Rjvjew2 Letters TV Plus Green