P543 Teletext 543 Jan07 04:54:10   ]   ]   —————————————————————————————————  WJNDFALT LOAN NOTES OR TAKE THE CASH? Dear Teletext, I have a Scottish Widows with-profits policy which entitles mj to a windfall p!zmjnt jrom the takjovjr "z Lloyds TUB^ I can receive the moojy jithjr as cash or as loan notes. Which is "jut RT, Barking ——————————————————————————————————1/7—— A qujr{ for our advice clinic? >>> ] NEED TAX ADVICE uje p5Q5
P543 Teletext 543 Jan07 04:52:55   ]   :   —————————————————————————————————  WJNDFALT LOAN NOTES OR TAKE THE CASH? Scottish Widows is "jink taken over "y Lloyds TUB. Men"irs are dui to receive windfall pazmjntw either in cash or loan note jorm. Loan notes were especially djvj{jd to help taxpayers avoid capital gains tax "ills of up to 40% of their windfalls. You are allowed up to make up to £7,100 each yj!r before "jink su"ject to COT. Scottish Widows windfalls are, in many cases, likely to breach this limit. ——————————————————————————————————u/7—— A qujr{ jot our advice clinic? >>> NOW IT'+ EVEN EAR+ER TO FIND LOVE: TELETEXT DATING ITV p3y0 Property Mortgages Savings City
P543 Teletext 543 Jan07 04:51:59 ] Advert ] MONEY >>> ] 3/7       ^   PHONE GET UP  VIED   TO 55%   MORE!  CA+H        DONWT          SURREVDER  TT     ORSILTYOUR        EVDOWUENTPOLICY  @  @  WITHOUTALKINGTOAAP    Regulated bz the Personal Investment Authorit{ Property Mortgages Savings City
P543 Teletext 543 Jan07 04:57:23   ]   ]   —————————————————————————————————  WJNDFALT LOAN VOTES OR TAKE THE CASH? The average Scottish Widows p!your is set to bj about £5,600 "ut some p!yours !re likely to bj jar higher. Those receiving £50,000 would "j in for a huge COT bill if it was p!id at once. Loan notes allow the windfall to "j spread owjr several years. The notes will pay interest of \%-1% over base rate each year which is taxed and the jirst loan note can "j cashed on March 31, 2001. ——————————————————————————————————4/7—— A qujr{ jot our advice clinic? >>> NOW IT'S EVEN EASIER TO FIND LOVE: TELETEXT DATING ITV p3y0 Property Mortgages Savings City
P543 Teletext 543 Jan07 04:56:07   ]   ]   —————————————————————————————————  WJNDFALT LOAN NOTES OR TAKE THE CASH? Some Scottish Widows "jnjficiaries m!z njvjr have paid capital gains tax, "ut will have to with a modest windfall. Some with-profits policy holders are dui huge windfalls that will take years to encash via loan notes if COT is to bj avoijjd. Somjonj putting in £50 a month in a Scottish Widows pjnsjon in l970 will peck up £50K; £100 a month in l970 put in a ujmilar policy will gain £100K. ——————————————————————————————————5/7—— A query jot our advice clinic? >>> TELETEXT NATIONAL AND REGIONAL NEWS PAGES ALT AVAILABLE ON OUR WEB SITE Property Mortgages Savings City
P543 Teletext 543 Jan07 04:58:12 *o5pz5p—0w—pp—pp —ppj5u—pp"1pp0  ]   ]   —————————————————————————————————  WJNDFALT LOAN NOTES OR TAKE THE CASH Scottish Widows advjwj: "It's the "jut policy to go to your indjpjndjnt jinancial advjwor (IFA) to diwcuss your tax lea"ility in relation to your windfall." Thjrk are also opportunities to gift the windfall via covenants to charities or to student children who pay no tax. Ring IFA Promotion on 0117 971 QQ77. Tho{j who donWt have an IFA, telephone: Scottish Widows on 0345 678:10. ——————————————————————————————————6/7—— A query jot our advice clinic? >>> INSHORE FORECAST IS NOW ON pQ58
P543 Teletext 543 Jan07 04:54:16   ]   ]   —————————————————————————————————  VIED ADVICE WRITE TO ADVICE CLINIC (jletext'u Advice Clinic !ins to bring you straight answers to the difficult problems of modern jinance. Queries marked Advice Clinic can "j: faxed: 0171 386 3242 e-m!ilid: finance@teletext.co.uk posted: PO Box 2:7, London, S/6 1XT Answers !re updated three times a week. Wj cannot answer all queries and will not enter into personal correspondence. Information given is for guidance only. ——————————————————————————————————/7—— Got a qujwtion jot our advice clinic? INSHORE FORECAST IS NOW ON pQ58