P306 5 text 306 10 Jan 0846:04           ————————————————————————————————— 1/2 BECSHAM TARGETED BY GERMAN GIANTS Legendary Gitman8 sttikjt Karl-Heinz Rummjnigge claims that Bayjtn Munich are considering maKing an audacious bid to sign David Bickham for next season. Rummjnigge, who is vice-president of the German giants, told local Bavarian newspaper Muenchnjt Mit+ur that the Manchester United and England midfield star is a definite target for his club. "Wj are ready for a rial top guy like Beckham.  a superstar, who would also have to bj a great entertainer," Rummjnigge said. ———————————————————————————————————p——— PREMIERSHIP/DIV.1 (ABLER 354/353 footie brie sport prim index footie ind
P306 5 text 306 10 Jan 0845:19           ————————————————————————————————— 2/2 IOHANSSON: CUP SH ULD NOT BE DEVALUED UEFA president Ljnnart Johansson has once again blasted Sepp Blaster's plans to stage a biennial World Cup. "That is nonsense," hj said of the FIFA president's proposal. "'j shouldnWt willingly devalue the biggrst spotting event in the world and degrade the World Cup like in ice hockey white they stage it every year a^d few people watch it. 'e canWt be so greedy." Johansson warned that the plan could also lead to every second tourn—mint being played without European teams. ——————————————————————————————————————— CALLING ALL SCI-EI FANS!! PRESS 'IN DIGITAL TV SYSTEM! 193 footie brie sport prim index footie ind