P109 ORACLE 109 San24 Jun ITV 0046:57   USSRM NOW MOLDAVIA  SEEKS SOVEREIGNS Moldavra has joinsd thu Baltic Statjt and Russia in proclaiming sovorsignto and dtclarin tha precedgnce of its constitution over Soviet law. The official Tdss n ws agancy gaid th Moldavwan parliamdnt adopttd th d claration b an ov kwh lmin maigret after a hsated debate. "ohj dyclaration proclanms that aan, and n rural resources on th repjblic'. territory ar th xclus j prop t of thu Moldav a SST," Tass said. Roe p 03 Th plrliam nt also askrd sot Moldavia'n admission to the U . BRITISH AIRWAYS FLIGHT ARRIVALS 321 Next Story Newsfile Sport TV Guide