P124 Teletext 124 May10 18:25:19     —— On Sunday's TV ————  ——   It's the sort of storylinj  that cheaply-made Aussie  hospital soaps used to run  day after day. Handsome surgeon is having an affair with his best friend's missus. Then he has to perform an operation on his pal which goes badly wrong. Ooh-er! But because it's on BBC1 and has an impressive cast, The Heart Surgeon is passed off as something superior: it ism't. We are talking between-the- sheets trash soap here, that's all. ——————————————————————————————————1/7—— Today's films on TV 117 Now & Next 120 FACE FAX-SEND YOUR PHOTOS IN NOW p391 Tim Healy Nick Hancock TV Clips News
P124 Teletext 124 May10 18:16:27     —— On Monday's TV ————  ——   I can think of one person who  would be ideal for Change Your  Life Forever (ITV) — though as  a contestant, not as a presenter. That person is queen blandie Anthja Turner, lording it over "ordinary people" who want to get a new life. I despise everything this programmed is predicated upon, including the big lie that "the magic of TV" can make people happy. It's Anthea who needs to get a life. ——————————————————————————————————2/7—— Today's films on TV 117 Now & Next 120 FACE FAX-SEND YOUR PHOTOS IN NOW p391 Tim Healy Nick Hancock TV Clips News
P124 Teletext 124 May10 18:16:45     —— On Monday's TV ————  ——   I love it when Fat Pat from  EastEnders (BBC1) comes over  all hard.  "I'll 'ave you!" she snarled at poor Dot before switching to Mother Teresa mode with Lorraine about poor Joe. Lord knows the last thing the lad needs in his present condition is a visit from his frightening granny. Thank heavens for the comic relief of Tony the hard news journalist. Now that's a real laugh. ——————————————————————————————————3/7—— Today's films on TV 117 Now & Next 120 FACE FAX-SEND YOUR PHOTOS IN NOW p391 Tim Healy Nick Hancock TV Clips News
P124 Teletext 124 May10 18:16:02     —— On Tuesday's TV ———  ——   C4 bosses get all excited  when a drama-documentary comes  along that touches the right  themes for them. Lesbian sex and the portrayal of the British Army as boorish brutes are traditional C4 themes given full reign in The Investigator. Helen Baxendale was grimly impressive as the military police investigator of gay goings-on in the ranks who discovered - whoops! - that she was herself a lesbian. ——————————————————————————————————4/7—— Today's films on TV 117 Now & Next 120 FACE FAX-SEND YOUR PHOTOS IN NOW p391 Tim Healy Nick Hancock TV Clips News
P124 Teletext 124 May10 18:17:10     —— On Wednesday's TV —  ——   All good things must come to  an end and so it is with Sharpe  (ITV), now into the last three  adventures to bj filmed. Our swashbuckling hero started off well, seemingly single-handedly storming the ramparts to bring about Napoleon's downfall. But all went pear-shaped when hr was accused of murder, and of stealing treasure, then having his wife desert him. Still, I'm sure Sharpe will get his working class chippinjss back. ——————————————————————————————————5/7—— TV tonight 121 TV clips 127 FACE FAX-SEND YOUR PHOTOS IN NOW p391 Tim Healy Nick Hancock TV Clips News
P124 Teletext 124 May10 18:17:48     —— On Thursday's TV ——  ——   Governments don't seem to give  two hoots what doctors and the  health industry get up to, so  it's rood that TV will play watchdog. The new series Health Alert (C4) started by giving the highly profitable laser eye surgery specialists a thorough investigation. It was significant that spectacle- wearing surgeons hahn't had the surgery themselves. The more hi-tech and cosmetic medical practice becomes the more I distrust it. ——————————————————————————————————6/7—— TV tonight 121 TV clips 127 FACE FAX-SEND YOUR PHOTOS IN NOW p391 Tim Healy Nick Hancock TV Clips News
P124 Teletext 124 May10 18:15:51     —— On Friday's TV ————  ——   It was never going to bj easy  to make that old theme of long-  distance romance seem fresh —  and See You Friday (ITV) certainly doesn't manage it. Women find Neil Pearson irresistible apparently. Fine. I just think he's another luvvie actor in a dismal sitcom This tosh is plainly aimed at the most feather-brained elements in society — those with no life of their own who think they can get one, vicariously, by watching soppy romantic comedy. ——————————————————————————————————7/7—— TV tonight 121 TV clips 127 FACE FAX-SEND YOUR PHOTOS IN NOW p391 Tim Healy Nick Hancock TV Clips News