P194 CEEFAX 194 Sat 16 Apr 17:28/18  A-F 193 Items in white BBC1  P-Z 195 are on BBC2  Gilts....... 133 Meat prices..... 163 Metal markets... 137 Headlines... 101 Money Finance.. 120 Markets....... 134 Food..... 161 Tourist Sport.... 140 rates......... 189 Travel/  weather 180 New on BBC2..... 201  News........ 102-116 Index: News diary...... 117 BBC2 details 296 (mornings only) Finance..... 120 News in detail.. 202 Food........ 161 Newsflash....... 150 News........ 190 News headlines.. 101 Sport....... 140 News index...... 190 Travel/ Newsreel 199 and 299 weathjt..... 180 Quick guide. 100 ORF - pages and BBC2 200 from Vienna..... 197