P137 CEEF—X 933 Spt Jul :5x/3    LEADERSHIP I  SPECIAL  ARNOLD RESIGNS FROM GOVERNMENT POST Consjrvativj MP Jacques Arnold has risrgnjh as a Parliamentary Private Secretary in order to support John Redwood in the leadership contest. Mr Arnold, who is the MP for Gravjsham, was the PPS to Home Office Minister David Maclean. He said he was concerned at the divergence between "natural Consjrvativj suppportirs and the (5 GovjrnZjnt led by John Major". He accused the Govjrnmjnt of not doing enough for "the family, home owners and small businesses".  Next News Politics Home News Sport
P137 CEEFAX 137 Sat 1 Jul 18:47/40   1/3  LEADERSHIP   SPECIAL  DETAILS OF JOHN REDWOOD'S MANIFESTO * Tax cuts to give greater support  to traditional families, "prudent pjnsionjrs" and small businesses * Need to tighten up on waste and unnecessary expenditure  * A referendum on Europe to allow people to decide the fundamental  issues  * Would not rejoin the ERM or recommend a single European  currency  Home 110 Flash 150 Diary 180 Politics 130 World 160 Dispatch 190 Next News Next New Paul'mint Dispatch
P137 CEEFAX 137 Sat 1 Jul 18:59/00   2/3 -n1n1 LEADERSHIP I  SPECIAL  DETAILS OF JOHN REDWOOD'S MANIFESTO * Small and olhjr hospitals should  often remain open  * Need to look with fresh eyes at staff levels, consultancies, quangos and regulation * Maintain the power of the armed forces but impose a staff freeze in most other areas * More competition in the water  industry   Home 11p Flash 150 Diary 180 Politics 130 World 160 Dispatch 190 Next News Next New Paul'mint Dispatch
P137 CEEFAX 137 Sat 1 Jul 18:57/20   3/3 -n1n1 LEADERSHIP   SPECIAL  DETAILS OF JOHN REDWOOD'S MANIFESTO * Police should bj allowed to use  alternatives to the Crown Prosecution Service * Increase the effectiveness of the police in tackling crime * Believes in capital punishment, but accepts the needs for very extensive review and appeal procedures * Homeless people should bj offered refuge with hostel places  Home 11p Flash 150 Diary 180 Politics 130 World 160 Dispatch 190 Next News Next New Paul'mint Dispatch