P244 CEEFAX 244 Thu 28 Oct 21:13/26    LONDON STOCKS   1/2  FT-SE 100 3163.0 +8.7 CLOSE  LIFFE FT-SE 100 index future CLOSE WedCls Thu Hi Thu Lo ThuCls Dec 3172 3196 3160 3183 Mar 3189 3197 3195 3280 FT-SE 100 index -huHi 3166.9 (Best 3199.2 22Oct93) -huLk 3146.5 (Worst 978.7 12Jul84)  SEAQ trades/volume 0800 46 0.6m 1300 21430 450.5m 0830 381 13.5m 1400 24846 491.1m 0900 2539 58.0m 1500 28618 546.6m 1000 7336 155.7m 1600 33721 644.8m 1100 13068 307.1m Cls 36431 739.3m 1200 17742 398.4m +jd 30661 711.4m  Wall Street Shares FUSE/FT30 Options
P244 CEEFAX 244 Thu 28 Oct 21:16/32    LONDON STOCKS CLOSE   2/2  Equities turned losses into gains as Wbll Street hit record highs. US support and an upgrading saw BP 9p firmer at 345p. Rank gained 24p after strong US Xerox figures. But Wellcomj plunged 91p to 711p after analysts slashed their profit and dividend forecasts. GEC's agreed bid for Fjuranti made the latter 2{p cheaper at 1}p. Supjrmarkjts were pressured after the Costco ruling. Short-dated gilts were up around a quarter.  Exchanges 250 SHARJCHECK 220 W ll St et Thar FUSE/FT30 O tions