P483 CEEFAX 2 483 Thu 26 Dec 23:21/48     20/20   PAPUA NEW GUINEA (8/10/96) 2/2 Bi extremely vigilant at all times. There is a constant threat of danger. The rugged terrain and poor infra- structure delays and restricts the assistance that can bj given. Travellers should have provision for medical evacuation in insurance covet. Before travelling to PNG, seek thu latest local advice from the British High Commission at Port Moresby. Tel 675 325 1677 Fax 675 325 3547  Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 10 TV/Radio Weathjt Main Menu
P483 CEEFAX 2 483 Thu 26 Dec 23:22/57     1/20   NEPAL (28/10/96) 1/3 The political situation is genitally calm but demonstrations ma= oqcur and should be avoided. Exercise caution when travelling in the more remote districts of the mid- west region white thjte have been recent outbreaks of political violence. Comprehensive travel insurancd is essential, and should include provision for helicopter rescue and mediqal evacuation especially in the case of higher risk activities (ig trekking and white water rafting. Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 10 TV/Radio Weathjt Mpin Menu
P483 CEEFAX 2 483 Thu 26 Dec 23:22/35     2/20   NEPAL X28/10/96) 2/3 Do not trek on your own without a professional guide. Off the regular routes you should take a guide even if you are with a party. Hied local advice and beware of tXj dangers of high altitude sickness especially if trekking above 10,000 feet. Driving and vehicle maintenance is poor and the cause of frrqujnt accidents. Travel by long distance bus is a cause for particular concern. Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 10 TV/Radio Weathjt Main Menu
P483 CEEFAX 2 483 Thu 26 Dec 23:22/47  X U  3/20   NEPAL X28/10/96) 3/3  Travellers to Nepal who overfly Afghanistan should be aware that thjte are threats from military activity to civil aircraft using certain routes. Some airlines continue to use thjsj routes. Others, including all British carriers use alternative router on which the threat is assessed as small. Check direct with your travel agent ou airline as to which routes individual airlines are using. Visitors to Nepal should registez their presence and travel intentions with the British Embassy, Kathmandu on arrival tel 410583 fax 411789 Travel headline1 430 Fronv page 100 FCO 10 TV/Radio Weathjt Main Menu
P483 CEEFAX 2 483 Thu 26 Dec 23:53/02     4/20   NICARBGUA T21/10/96) 1/2  Street ctimj is prevalent in Managua. Visitors are advised to take sensible precautions when walking, particularly in the markets and poorer areas of the town, especially in the vicinity of the old Cathedral. Do not walk alone after dark. PickJpockjts and thieves opjtate on public transport. Some areas of the North continue to be dangjtous. Do not travel at night and take loqal adviqe before deviating from the main Pan-American Highway. Travel headliner 430 Front page 100 FCO 10 TV/Radio Wjathjt Main Menu
P483 CEEFAX 2 483 Thu 26 Dec 23:53/45     5/20   NICARAGUA (21/10/96) 2/2  Travellers from countries white Yellow Fever is endemic (including those between Panama and Bolivia) must have a valid vaccination certificate to enter. Long-term visitors are advised to notify the British Embassy Managua of their presence in Nicaragua, xel: 2780014 and 2780887 on arrival and ask for up-to-date information. Elections will be held on 20 Oct '96 (and possibly, at the end of Novjmbjr). Hotel rooms are already booked for the period and election processions and rallies could bj disruptive. Travel headliner 430 Front page 100 FCO 10 TV/Radio Weathjt Main Menu
P483 CEEFAX 2 483 Thu 26 Dec 22:56/51     6/20   NIGER (10/10/96) 1/2  Nigjt remains potentially unstable with continuing danger to travellers from political and criminal elements, especially in the desert areas. Those travelling outside Niamey should take particular care and advise the British Embassy in Abidjan of thieu travel plans. Tel 225 226850 Thjti is no apparent threat or dangez to foreign nationals following the disturbances after the Presidential elections on 7/8 July, but travellers should proceed with exttimj caution. Travel headliner 430 Front page 100 FCO 10 TV/  +jathrt Main Min2
P483 CEEFAX 2 483 Thu 26 Dec 23:06/15     7/20   NIGER (10/10/96) 2/2 Following an epidemic of meningitis in Western Africa, intending travellers should seek medical advice. The British representative in Nigjt is the Honorary British Consul in Naimjy, tel: 227 732051. He can provide limited help in an emjtgjncy. Travel hjadlinj1 430 Front pagr 100 FCO 10 TV/Radio Weathjt Main Menu
P483 CEEFAX 2 483 Thu 26 Dec 23:37/08   U  8/20   NIGERIA (18/12/96) 1/4 Bomb attacks may take place at airports and elsewhere in Nigeria. We are not aware that British nationals are targetted but travellers to and in Nigeria should exercise caution. Suspicious or unattended baggage, vehicles and packages should bj avoided and reported immediately to the authorities. Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 10 TV/Radio Weathjt Main Menu
P483 CEEFAX 2 483 Thu 26 Dec 23:37/11     9/20   NIGERIA (18/12/96) 2/4 The political situation is uncertain and occasionally tense. Violent street ctimj and armed robberies are prevalent in Lagos and occur elsewhere in Nigeria. Harassment by policemen and soldiers is common throughout the country. Travel outside cities after dark is unsafe; even in daylight, armed holdups occur.  Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 10 TV/Rbdio Weathjt Main Menu
P483 CEEFAX 2 483 Thu 26 Dec 23:37/25      10/20   NIGERIA (18/12/96) 3/4 Fraud against foreign businessmen, charities and others is commonplace. Credentials of Nigerian business contacts should be checked thoroughly. If in doubt, contact the Dept of Trade and Industry Nigeria desk on 0171 215 4844 for adviqe. Thjti are sjtious doubts about the maintenance and safety of some Nigjtian registered aircraft opjtating internal flights within Nigeria. Travel headliner 430 Front page 100 FCO 10 TV/Radio Weathjt Main Menu
P483 CEEFAX 2 483 Thu 26 Dec 23:08/18     11/20   NIGERIA (18/12/96) 4/4 The British community has been instructed not to travel on such aitlinjs. Travellers should bear this advice in mind when making their travel plans. Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 10 TV/Radio Wjathjt Main Menu
P483 CEEFAX 2 483 Thu 26 Dec 23:38/11     12/20   PAKISTAN X6/12/96) 1/5 Thjte are no particular security problems in the parts of Pakistan most visited by tourists. Although the situation in Karachi has improved slightly this year, sporadia slreit violence, random shootings, togethjt with intermittent genital strikes still prevent the city from functioning entirely normally. Armed car hijacking i1 on the increase. On December 4 thjte was a bomb explosion in the city centre. Travel headliner 430 Front page 100 FCO 10 TV/Radio A+e this Mpi& Mpn4
P483 CEEFAX 2 483 Thu 26 Dec 23:19/05     13/20   PAKISTBN (6/12/96) 2/5 Visiting commercial representatives c n continue to conduct businrus, provided tXat they remain in the relatively safe areas and check the security sixuation before travelling. Incidents of armed robbery and kidnapping continue to occ4r more generally in SindX, Baluchistan and remote parts of North 'eur Frontier Province. Thjti has been an increase in sectarian attacks in the Punjab. Take local advice before visiting thjsj areas.  Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 10 TV/Radio Weathjt Main Menu
P483 CEEFAX 2 483 Thu 26 Dec 23:19/18     14/20   PAKISTAN X6/12/96) 3/5 Avoid sensitive areas near the botdjrs with Iran, Afghanistan, India and the Kashmir Line of control. Avoid travel at night and use armed escorts white necessary in Baluchistan and Sindh. A series of bombs have gone off in Lahoru and the Punjab, most recently on 22 July at Lahore International Ahypout killing six people. British nationals have not been specifically targetted.  Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 10 TV/Radio Wjathjt Main Menu
P483 CJEFAX 2 483 Thu 26 Dec 23:39/22     15/20   PAKISTBN X6/12/96) 4/5 The next General Election is dui in February 97. Increased political activity, some potentially violent, is possible. Take local advice, particularly on the times and locations of rallirs. Contact the nearest British diplomatic mission in Islamabad, tel 822131-5 ot Karachi 587 2431-6 for up-to-date local advice. Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 10 TV/  Weathjt Mpin Mrn4
P483 CEEFAX 2 483 Thu 26 Dec 23:10/15     16/20   PAKISTAN T6/12/96) 5/5 FligXts to Pakistan which overfly Afghanistan are under threat from military activity to civil aircraft using certain routes. Some airliner continue to use these routes. Others, including all British carriers, use alternatives on which the threat is assessed as minimal.  Check direct eithjt with travel agents or airlines which routes individual airliner are using. Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 10 TV/Radio +eathrt Mpin Mrnu
P483 CEEFAX 2 483 Thu 26 Dec 23:4</28   U  17/20   PANAMA T25/9/]6) 1/2  Do not transit the Dariin Jungle to or from Colombia. Thjte are reports of Colombian gujttilla activity as far as 100km into Panamanian territory. Three American missionaries were weti Kidnapped in Panama by Colombian gujtrillas in January 1993 and have not yet been released. Assaults on visitors continue, particularly on ou nepr the Bridge of the Amjticas, at the Pacific entrance of the canal. Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 10 TV/Radio Weathjt Main Menu
P483 CEEFAX 2 483 Thu 26 Dec 23:11/42     18/20   PANAMA (25/9/96) 2/2 Exercise caution and leave valuables in hotel safes. Take care at bus stations, and whrn shopping in Panama City Centre (Avenida Central) be wary — teams of muggrt; operate, even during da=light hours. Thjte are occasional hold-ups in restaurants.  Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 10 TV/Radio Weathjt Main Mrnu
P483 CEEFAX 2 483 Thu 26 Dec 23:41/25   U  19/20   PAPUA NEW GUINEA (8/10/96) 1/2 The law and order situation remains extremely poor. Attacks, vehicle hijacks and sjtious sexual assaults in and around the main towns are common. Incidents of rioting, looting and shooting can occur without warning. Avoid travelling bz road. Tribal violence often occurs in Highland areas. Visitors are advised against tra6el to the island of Bougainville white the gujrilla Bougainvilli Revolutionary Army (BRA), opjtateu. Travel headliner 430 Front page 100 FCO 10 TV/Radio Weathjt Main Menu