P461 CEEFAX 2 461 Fri 28 Fed 22:34/25   'e $kj $kj 'k     1/5 Department of Hial5h Do's and Don'ts Git a cop= of the depaztmrnt+1 ftri leaflet Health !dvice foz Travellers known as the T5. ? It contains vet l information and advice and includes an application for Form E111 which entitles you to fuji ot reduced cost emergency medical trratmjnt in many EC counttiiu. 9ou can obtain a copy at the Post Office or bz calling the He luh Literature Line on 0800 55) 777. The form must rj signed and stamped at thu Post Office bjeori you can use it. Travel h adlinru 430 Front page 100 HealtX TVORbdio Wear(ju Maim MeNu
P461 CJEFAX 2 461@Fri 28 Feb 22:34/49 U L   'd£££"£££"£££ CC W @ 2/5 HipbtjYj]h oe Dea\hX Do's aTd Don'ts CXjck whtX your doctor winl in advance of departure — two months if possjRli — to sji if you need 1nti- malarial tablets or imm*nj3ation. Check even if you are ttavellink at short notice. Malaria can bj a very sjtious diujasj. If the aria you are visiting iu malarious use insect@repellents to avoid bites and take regularly the anti-malarial pills recommended. Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 Health TV/Radio Wjathjt Main Menu
P461 CJEFAX 2 461 Fri 28 Fer 42:35/12  T       O @ 3/5 cipe espje ol H ol t D ro and D nith Aqqidentu are the main qause of health problems among travemlits:  ar e p ially on hj ro d and wi h watit. ,oo much sun can cause long titm damage to your skin: Ptotjat yo5rujlf and your children. A Stomach upsets are vrt= qommon shr& travelling abroad: Be careful what you eat and drink and wash your hands ejfori handling food. Travel headlines 430 Front pate 108 Health TV/ CBM
P461 CEEFAX 2 461 Fri 28 Feb 22:35O36 'j£3kj£3kj£3k       4/5 Ddpartment of HDD —lways tpkj guv adrxuatu hjplzh ins/r^nce befoj/ .ouj/tpUejj j Even if yoz are ttpvelling to an EC country covered by the E111 form you may not have adequate co6ju for all medical ixprnsju. ? Auk your travel agent, ins*ranqi compbnz #t bank@for details. More information on how to avoid t(j risks of HIV and AIDS when abroad are in the (ravelsafi leaflet. For a fuji copy call the National Bids Helpline on 08p0 k67 123. Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 Health TVORadio Wear(jt Main Min2
P461 CEEFAX 2 461 Fri 2 FrbA22:3 'j£3kj£3kj£3k        5/5 Department of Health Do's and Don'ts It iu advisable tg carr= a First Aid kit with you when travelling abroad. Kits coLtaiNing basic stiqile iqui0mjnt foz use in an emergency arr available from chemists and suppliers. Ask your GP, pharmacist ot travel company for details. Do noz put yourself at risk of HIV infectio or othj sexually transmi ted disjasjs. If you do have sj| whth someone othjt than your usual partner while abroad always use a condom. Travem headliner 430 Front page 100 HialtX TV/Radio Wealhjt Main Mqnu