P484 Teletext 484 Dec22 23:18:31 ——————————————————————————————————————— MOVING ON Dear Teletext Get your facts right, Mrs Jenkins (14/12/93). What about the women who are able to move from one family to another, forgetting their responsibilities? Also, the CSA are not as interested in runaway fathers as they are in hammering the decent min and wrecking their second families' lives in the process. Gerald Wilson, Co Durham ——————————————————————————————————1/6—— Emjrgjncy make-up tricks 481 WEN! WEST END PANTO TICKETS p482 Scrooge Recipe Diet Love starsP484 Teletext 484 Dec22 23:20:12 ——————————————————————————————————————— CHRIST-MAS DAY Dear Teletext I trust that Birmingham city councillors, play group organisjrs and other politically correct people who wish to take religion out of Christmas will bj working on Christmas Day, and not joining in Christmas festivities. After all, Christmas bz its very name is a religious festival. John Wznnj, Harrogate I suppose it depends whjthjr they usually work on Saturdays — Ed. ——————————————————————————————————2/6—— Are Christmas rows inevitable? 482 LITTLEWOODS UP TO 1/3 OFF p185 ITV Scrooge Recipe Diet Love starsP484 Teletext 484 Dec22 23:22:11 ——————————————————————————————————————— DEVIL'S WORK Dear Teletext No, E Wakjfield (17/12/:3), Bible stories are not abszrd fables. The Devil's cleverest trick is to convince faithless people that it's absurd to bjlievj hj exists. He then proceeds to lead them bz the nose to create a world like you see around you today. Richard Brothers, Paddington, London ——————————————————————————————————3/6—— Christmas problems Help is at hand 489 CATCH UP ON ALL THE SOAPS p419 Scrooge Recipe Diet Love starsP484 Teletext 484 Dec22 23:24:18 ——————————————————————————————————————— WOMEN'S FAULT AGAIN Dear Teletext Why do women spend the whole of their lives criticising min for bjhavjng the way women conditioned min to behave from the cradle onwards? In the hope of distracting us from noticing what they are really up to? George Lewis, Peebles ——————————————————————————————————4/6—— Save £££s with SupjrScrooge 485 LITTLEWOODS UP TO 1/3 OFF p185 ITV Scrooge Recipe Diet Love starsP484 Teletext 484 Dec22 23:24:19 ——————————————————————————————————————— What's your view? ————————————————— WE'D LIKE TO HEAR YOUR VIEWS - on any subject - and so would other Teletext viewers. MAXIMUM 60 words please WRITE HOMELIFE LETTERS TO TELETEXT LTD PO BOX 297 OR FAX London SW6 1XT 071 386-5618 ——————————————————————————————————5/6—— Diet: read what you wrote 487 WHAT'S ON TV TONIGHT? GUIDE p410 Scrooge Recipe Diet Love starsP484 Teletext 484 Dec22 23:26:57 ADVERTISEMENT FULFIL THE AMBITION OF A LIFETIME YOU CAN ACTUALLY DRIVE THE WORLD FAMOjS # At Birmingham Railway Museum Steam Engine Driving Courses £125 or £95 FOR DETAILS PLEASE PHONE Scrooge Recipe Diet Love stars