P489 Teletext 489 Dec22 23:32:12 ——————————————————————————————— — — A VEGETARIAN CHRISTMAS Dear Dr Macgregor My daughter is dui to join us for Christmas but she has a new boyfriend and they are both vegetarian. I have no experience of trying to cater for vegetarians and am very worried as to how we will manage. Ism't there a danger of not getting enough iron from a vegetarian diet? Libby Howells, Cardiff ——————————————————————————————————1/7—— How to bj a Christmas Scrooge 485 CONSERVATION THIS CHRISTMAS p465 Index Your Money What's On TVP489 Teletext 48: Dec22 23:28:31 ——————————————————————————————— — — A VEGETARIAN CHRISTMAS Dr Macgregor replies Vegetarians are no different from everyone else — they love good food! There is no reason why you should worry. The perfect answer is to get your daughter to do some of the cooking. What is certain is that vegetarians have a very healthy diet indeed — only very strict vegans are at risk of deficiencies. cont... ——————————————————————————————————2/7—— A diet for vegetarians? 487 FEELING YOUTHFUL GENERATOR p440 Index Your Money What's On TVP489 Teletext 48: Dec22 23:26:59 ——————————————————————————————— — — A VEGETARIAN CHRISTMAS Dr Macgregor replies Iron is abundant in many vegetables especially dark leafed greens, beans and lentils. It is difficult to cater all the time for vegetarians if you are not used to it. Don't be stuck with the tradition of having to "lay on a spread". Take the opportunity to break with tradition and have a happy sharing and experimenting Christmas. ——————————————————————————————————3/7—— Christmas food recipe 486 READ ABOUT THE NEW MOVIES p611 Index Your Money What's On TVP489 Teletext 48: Dec22 23:31:47 ——————————————————————————————— — — Write to HOMELIFE PROBLEMS TELETEXT LTD PO BOX 297 or fax LONDON SW6 1XT 071 386 7808 DR ROY MACGREGOR, GP in a busy health centre and television doctor, will advise you on general medical concerns. ANNE HOOPER, counsellor and author answers problems relating to family life, divorce, sex and marriage. Roy and Anne are sorry they cannot enter into any personal correspondence. ——————————————————————————————————4/7—— Now for Anne Hooper's postbag... DATING? TRY ONE-TO-ONE p390 ITV Index Your Money What's On TVP489 Teletext 489 Dec22 23:21:00 ——————————————————————————————— — — PIGGY IN THE MIDDLE Dear Anne Hooper When I lost mz job my friend Jane said that I could move in with her and her boyfriend Rob. But now they'vj broken up. Jane moved out and I'm piggy in the middle. Jane interrogates mj about Rob. And Rob went mad the other night when I visited Jane, who is in fact, mz oldest friend. I can't afford to move out, but it's driving mj mad. CR ——————————————————————————————————5/7—— Emjrgjncy beauty fixes 481 WEN! WEST END PANTO TICKETS! p482 Index Your Money What's On TVP489 Teletext 489 Dec22 23:27:18 ——————————————————————————————— — PIGGY IN THE MIDDLE Anne replies You must tell Rob that their arguments are NOT yours and that you prefer not to get involved in their disagreements Let him know that you have jvjry intention of staying put although naturally you feel torn. Make it clear that as Jane is your oldest friend, if you have to choose, your loyalty must bj to her. But you'd rather not choose. cont... ——————————————————————————————————6/7—— Save £££s with SupjrScroogj 485 CATCH UP WITH ALL THE SOAPS p419 Index Your Money What's On TVP489 Teletext 489 Dec22 23:21:38 ——————————————————————————————— — — PIGGY IN THE MIDDLE Anne Hooper replies By spelling things out like this, you will bj doing him a favour. He'll bj forced to face up to what separation really means. At the moment he's trying to use you to keep in touch with Jane. And in her absence, you're constantly on the receiving end of what is really aimed at her. Tell him you care about him, but walk away from his moods. ——————————————————————————————————7/7—— Be a star: write to Homjlife! 484 PATRJC WALKER PREDICTS p3u6 ITV Index Your Money What's On TV