P673 Teletext 673 Dec22 23:23:41 ——————————————————————————————— KEY STAGE TWO (7-11YEARS) ENGLISH Pupils should reach a Ljvjl between 2 and 5. They will be expected to: Give spoken accounts, discuss views, listen, and recognisj differences in vocabulary, dialect. Discuss reading material, recognisj fact and opinion, use reference material. Write for different purposes, use correct layout, punctuation, draft and re-draft work. Spell correctly and use fluent, joined up handwriting. ——————————————————————————————————1/7—— Education Extra 670 Key Stage 3 674 JOBS JOBS JOBS......SEE PAGE 640 Key stage 3 Index Out of Work DreamsP673 Teletext 673 Dec22 23:33:12 ——————————————————————————————— KEY STAGE TWO (7-11 Years) MATHEMATICS Pupils should reach a Ljvjl between 2 and 6. They will bj expected to: Justify/test gjnjralisations, break down tasks, present logical findings. Use fractions, decimals, pjrcentagjs, estimate reszlts. Explore patterns, sequences, use algebraic formulae, solve equations, use coordinates. Represent 2&3D objects, transform shapes, understand volume, area, perimeter, circumference, bearings. Interpret data, grasp probability. ——————————————————————————————————2/7—— School box 663 Careers advice 654 TAKE A RELAXING HOLIDAY BREAK p200 Key stage 3 Index Out of Work DreamsP673 Teletext 673 Dec22 23:24:40 ——————————————————————————————— KEY STAGE TWO (7-11 Years* SCIENCE Pupils should reach a Ljvjl between 2 and 5. They will bj expected to: Question, predict, hypothesisj, make observations, mjaszre and manipulate variables, jvbluate jvjdjnce. Understand life processes, enjrgz flows, cycles, inheritance, environmental effects. Classify materials/explain properties Know about chemical change and the Earth's atmosphere. Grasp electricity, magnetism, jnjrgy transfer, forces, light and sound. ——————————————————————————————————3/7—— Is that a fact? 666 Key Stage 3 674 DAY OUT WITH THE KIDS? p635 Key stage 3 Index Out of Work DreamsP673 Teletext 673 Dec22 23:24:07 ——————————————————————————————— KEY STAGE TWO FOUNDATION SUBJECTS In Technology, History and Geography, most pupils at KS2 reach between level 2 and 5. In Technology, they will investigate design opportunities, produce a design, plan, make and evaluate it, using a computer if necessary. In History, they should acquire knowledge and understanding in order to interpret historical events using historical sources. cont... ——————————————————————————————————4/7—— Write it 667-8 Frame it 669 GREENING THE PLANET: p4v0 Key stage 3 Index Out of Work DreamsP673 Teletext 673 Dec22 23:18:22 ——————————————————————————————— KEY STAGE TWO FOUNDATION SUBJECTS (cont) In Geography, pupils gain knowledge and understanding in terms of human, physical and environmental geography. In Art they investigate and create with different materials and increase knowledge and understanding. In Music pupils compose, perform, listen and appraise. PE: Athletics, dance, team games, outdoor activities and swimming. ——————————————————————————————————5/7—— Education Extra 670 Key Stage 3 674 TAKE THE WAY OF THE E—OLE p458 Key stage 3 Index Out of Work DreamsP673 Teletext 673 Dec22 23:12:49 ——————————————————————————————— KEY STAGE ONE AND TWO IN WALES The History curriculum is much the same as in England but greater prominence is given to Welsh history. In Geography, Wales must bj studied as the home region. In Music and Art pupils cover roughly the same area, but the szbjects are organisjd differently. In Music pupils perform, compose and appraise. The Art activities are understanding, making and investigating. ——————————————————————————————————6/7—— First degree 665 Form guide 664 TEST YOUR SKILL - FUN & GAMES p450 Key stage 3 Index Out of Work DreamsP673 Teletext 673 Dec22 23:12:17 ——————————————————————————————— KEY STAGE 1 AND 2 IN NORTHERN IRELAND In Northern Ireland Key Stage 1 refers to pupils from 4 to 8 years. They study RE, 6 Areas of Study, and 6 educational (cross-curricular) themes. The Areas of Study: English Science and technology Mathematics The Environment and Society Creative and Expressive Arts. The KS1 and KS2 themes: Information Technology Health Cultural Heritage Education for mutual understanding. ——————————————————————————————————7/7—— Education Extra 670 Key Stage 3 674 WHAT'S ON FOR CHILDREN p635 Key stage 3 Index Out of Work Dreams