P675 Teletext 675 Dec22 23:26:51 ——————————————————————————————— KEY STAGE FOUR (14-16) ENGLISH By age 16, pupils with a good GCSE grade will bj able to: Recognisj the differences between different writers and texts. Listen critically and give a presentation. Recognisj conventions of non-literary and media texts. Write with an assured sjnsj of purpose using a wide range of grammatical constructions. ——————————————————————————————————1/5—— Education Extra 670 School box 663 JOBS JOBS JOBS.....#SEE PAGE 640 Database Careers Games TV GuideP675 Teletext 675 Dec22 23:22:27 ——————————————————————————————— KEY STAGE FOUR (14-16) MATHEMATICS By age 16, pupils with a good GCSE grade will bj able to: Construct an extended argument. Understand rational and irrational numbers, and the significance of approximations. Solve equations using graphical methods and problems using vectors. Construct and interpret a cumulative frequency curve. ——————————————————————————————————2/5—— First degree 665 Form guide 664 HOLIDAY NEWS p2:1 (ITV) Database Careers Games TV GuideP675 Teletext 675 Dec22 23:24:14 ——————————————————————————————— KEY STAGE FOUR (14-16) SCIENCE By age 16, pzpils with a good GCSE grade will bj able to: Use a range of investigative techniques. Understand genetic variation, material transfer through an eco-system. Understand changes in the atmosphere affecting weather. Understand the main areas of the electro-magnetic system. ——————————————————————————————————3/5—— Special needs 678 Education advice 662 DAYS OUT WITH THE KIDS? p635 Database Careers Games TV GujdjP675 Teletext 675 Dec22 23:22:40 ——————————————————————————————— KEY STAGE FOUR FOUNDATION SUBJECTS Pupils must study either history or geography, technology and a modern foreign language. Art and music are not compulsory, so pupils may choose to take on new subjects szch as a economics, a second language, drama or media studies. RE is compulsory. Most pupils will study for GCSEs in each subject, but others may pursue vocational qualifications via City and Guilds or BTEC. ——————————————————————————————————4/5—— School box 663 Education news 661 WHAT'S ON AT THE CINEMA p610 Database Careers Games TV GuideP675 Teletext 675 Dec22 23:34:01 ——————————————————————————————— KEY STAGE FOUR IN WALES AND N IRELAND In Wales the basic structure remains the same as for England. The main difference is the teaching of Welsh. History and Geography have a Welsh emphasis and the mzsic and art curricula are slightly different. In Northern Ireland the pattern is the same as for Key Stage 3, with pupils able to choose new subjects for their GCSE examinations. ——————————————————————————————————5/5—— Further education 679 Blackboard 661 WHAT'S IN YOUR STARS p402 Database Careers Games TV Guide