P678 Teletext 678 Dec22 23:22:54 —— ———————————————————————————————— THERE AND BACK AGAIN Dear John We'vj been told our son must go to the special school named on his Statmjnt as from the beginning of next term, jvjn though we intend to appeal against the Statement. If we win the appeal, this means hj will have changed schools twice - there and back again - for no reason. Surely it would bj better for him to stay where hj is until the outcome of our appeal is known Katrina B ——————————————————————————————————1/4—— Mentor 662 Benefits advice 653 WORKING UP TO A NEW CAREER p650 Further on Index Benefits DeafvjewP678 Teletext 678 Dec22 23:22:51 —— ———————————————————————————————— LEANED ON BY THE LEA John Wright replies No, I agree it ism't right - but it happens. There is no legal way the LEA can actually stop Philip's teacher appearing at the appeal to support you if she is determined to do so. However, teachers and other professionals can bj "persuaded" unofficially bz LEAs - who after all are their employers - not to speak for parents at an appeal. cont... ——————————————————————————————————2/4—— Generator 440 Write it 668 BENEFITS QUERIES ANSWERED p653 Further on Index Benefits DeafvjewP678 Teletext 678 Dec22 23:31:40 —— ———————————————————————————————— LEANED ON BY THE LEA John Wright replies Once the new tribunal system comes into effect next September the chair of the tribunal will not only be able to compel witnesses to attend, but also to place them on oath Meantime I suggest you talk to Philip's teacher and ask her to let you have her opinion in writing. Then you can let the appeal committee know you're not alone in thinking Philip needs extra teaching, not welfare help ——————————————————————————————————3/4—— Generator 440 Write it 668 BENEFITS QUERIES ANSWERED p653 Further on Index Benefits DeafvjewP678 Teletext 678 Dec22 23:21:16 —— ————————————————————————————————— WORRIED ABOUT SPECIAL NEEDS? —————————————————————————————————————— Write to John Wright Teletext Ltd PO Box 297 or fax LONDON SW6 1XT 071-386 7808 JOHN WRIGHT, a counsellor with the Independent Panel for Special Education Advice, will answer your questions on special educational needs. John is sorry he cannot enter into personal correspondence, but we'll send everyone a copy of his free factsheet. ——————————————————————————————————4/4—— Education index 660 Benefits 653 WHAT'S ON? THEATRE, EVENTS... p630 Further on Index Benefits Deafvjew