P484 Teletext 484 Jun24 00:52:58       ——————————————————————————————————————— GOOD NEWS ABOUT BREAST CANCER New figures revealed today show a fall in the number of women dying of breast cancer. This fall, the first in the last five years, is described as very rapid and encouraging for breast cancer patients. The decline is a tribute to the success of treatment, which has djvjlopjd dramatically over the last djcadj. ——————————————————————————————————1/3—— By Dr Roy Macgregor ECOmFRJENDLZ WINE p463 Suicide Recipe Angling On-line
P484 Teletext 484 Jun24 00:53:42       ——————————————————————————————————————— GOOD NEWS ABOUT BREAST CANCER Every year, 13,000 women die in the UK from breast cancer. This is six times more than the number of deaths from cervical cancer. Previously, many doctors had been unszre of the benefits of some cell killing, or hormonal treatments. However, studies have now shown doctors convincingly that modern treatments do save lives. ——————————————————————————————————2/3—— By Dr Roy Macgregor WHEN BIG IS BEAUTIFUL p487 Suicide Recipe Angling On-line
P484 Teletext 484 Jun24 00:51:12       ——————————————————————————————————————— GOOD NEWS ABOUT BREAST CANCER Early diagnoses remains a key factor in beating breast cancer. Any breast changes should bj reported to your doctor. Mammogram checks and regular self-examination are essential. ———————————— COMPETITION —————————————— For a chance to win one of 35 pairs of tickets to this year's Natural Health Show (July 6-9), answer this poser: What would a reflexologist massage? a) Your hair b) Your feet c) Your hands Call 0891 787 352 Lines close July 2 ——————————————————————————————————3/3—— T+ Cost/min 39p cheap, 49p other Winner selected at random on July 3 Ticket Hotlinj: 01733 890187 Suicide Recipe Angling On-line