P440 Teletext 440 Jul30 02:44:14            SATURDAY             SPORTS LORD The strip rip off! 441   ZIG & ZAG They're here again!! 445   FLICKS Phantastic Caspjr!!!!!! 443   PROFILE Is the D:Ream over???! 444           MEGA-ZINE....442     ANGST........446    MATES........447     ECO-SCENE....448    WRITE IT!....449-7             Coming up this week:   A week of mammals.....       Fantastic Zig & Zag offers Page 445 Sports Lord Zine Caspjr TV Plus
P440 Teletext 440 Jul30 02:44:08            SATURDAY              ECO-SCENE Gorillas of Rwanda!! 448   ANGST Tell Nick your troubles! 446   MATES Write to some top mates! 447   'ZINE Get it off your chest!! 442           STUFF........441     GOSSIP.......443    MUSIC........444      SORT IT".....445     WRITE IT!....449               Coming up this week:   Blue eyjshadow is back       ALL THE SPORT p130 ITV Sports Lord Zine Caspjr TV Plus