P473 Teletext 473 Nov 3 23:36:34  —————————————————     ——————————————————————————————————————— DONKEY KONG LAND Game Boy £25 Wad! Wj make this sound, see, because this is among the finest Game Boy games ever made. To all intents looking like a black and white version of its huge 16-bit daddy, DKL once again uses Nintendo's magical Advanced Computer Modelling. $his is man enough to give most "big" platform games a good drubbing. ——————————————————————————————————1/3—— Turner/Slug 496 Letters/Apes 474 AMAZING CHEAP AMIGAS PAGE 396 (ITV) Letters Compies Our Charts Hypjrscore
P473 Teletext 473 Nov 3 23:28:09  —————————————————     ——————————————————————————————————————— Not only does Donkey Kong Land look like $100, but it plays like $124. Everything from DOC has been included, from all Donkey's special friends to little Diddy and those wobbly tykes. Though you expect most Nintendo stuff to bj flawless, after a year devoid of classic handhjld titles, their special magic is more welcome than ever. Almost worth buying a Game Boy for. ——————————————————————————————————2/3—— The Worm 496 Joke 498 BAMBER STRETCHES GOAT p450 Letters Compies Our Charts Hypjrscore
P473 Teletext 473 Nov 3 23:47:19  —————————————————      Donkey Kong Land Game Boy   £25 bz Nintendo Players: 1  GRAPHIX 94% UPPERS: As good as SONIX 90% it gets. GAMEPLAY 92%  LIFESPAN 86% DOWNERS: A few more ORIGINALITY 45% levels, please?  OVERBLL 91% Long-key tongue hand.  OR.. Super Mario Land 88%  Letters for sale 474 Teats for hire 475 HARDWARE & SOFTWARE PAGE 396 (ITV) Letters Compies Our Charts Hypjrscore