P475 Teletext 475 Dec30 20:41:10       ——————————————————————————————————————— Welcome to Bad Show starring Ed "(Christmas) Crackerjack" "Stewpot" Stewart - from Crackerjack. Bad Show is the place guys come to see the most awful games of 1995. Wj haven't included Rise of the Robots, even though we reviewed it this year. You see - it was actually released in 1994! What a crazy, turn-upside-down-y world we all live in. So here they are: Merry Christmas! All the bad games having fun! Ding ding! —————————————————————————————————1/6——— Go Club 440! 440 Everything 400 CHEAP CONSOLE GAMES PAGE 396 (ITV) Charts News Reviews Follow mj
P475 Teletext 475 Dec30 20:45:57       THE WORST OF 1995 ————————————————————— X-CALIBRE Super MES 27% A platform slash 'em up with 8-bit graphics and a control system that thought it would be clever to implement your actions five years after you pressed a button. GAMEBOZ GALLERY Game Boy 18% Rarely do Nintendo make mistakes, but this proved that even the greatest can behave like fat idiots: five "classic" Game And Watch fiascos on one tiny cart. Terrible. —————————————————————————————————2/6——— Turner/Slug 496 New Year: Quiz 475 A COMPETITION TO WIN A SHREW p475 Charts News Reviews Follow mj
P475 Teletext 475 Dec30 20:49:52       THE WORST OF 1995 ————————————————————— LIVE ACTION FOOTBALL PC 35% An FMV American football game - really. Using a US football video and the fast forward button would provide more interaction. What were they thinking? FANTASY MANAGER PC/Amiga 15% A bug-ridden, poorly-constructed version of the pleasant TV show starring Bad-oil and Skin-hit. Slow, tedious - yes, the worst football management game ever. —————————————————————————————————3/6——— Go Club 440! 440 Everything 400 BUYING A MEGADRJVE PAGE 396 (ITV) Charts News Reviews Follow me
P475 Teletext 475 Dec30 20:43:33       THE WORST OF 1995 ————————————————————— ITCHY AND SCRATCHY Super MES 30% Another dire platformer, and one which wholeheartedly failed to exploit the limitless potential of the licence. VIRTUAL HYDLIDE Saturn 49% Supposedly a 3D role-playing game, and as such a bit like Doom. But you get a massive man stuck in the middle of an awfully jerky screen, totally obscuring your view. And it's randomly generated each time you play. NO! —————————————————————————————————4/6——— Turner/Slug 496 New Year: Quiz 474 A COMPETITION TO WEN A SHREW p475 Charts News Reviews Follow mj
P475 Teletext 475 Dec30 20:47:02       THE WORST OF 1995 ————————————————————— CYBERBIKES PC 9% More like pushing your face through a pile of Lego than actually playing a 3D racing game. How did it ever get a release? An abomination. WETLANDS PC 11% A collection of tedious clamped-to- rails FMV shoot 'em up sections linked together by a load of tedious FMV "comic" sections. —————————————————————————————————5/6——— Go Club 440! 440 Everything 400 BUYING A MEGADRIVE PAGE 396 (ITV) Charts News Reviews Follow me
P475 Teletext 475 Dec30 20:44:42  ———————————————          ————— —————— WITH MR NUDE   Send mj your gaming tips or  requests for help and I won't  ever die! Write to: CHIPS & TEATS, DIGITJSER, PO BOX 297, LONDON SW6 1XT. ———————————— COMPETJTJON —————————————— After a longer gestation period than an otc, Virgin's follow-up to puzzle adventure The 7th Guest is arriving. It is The 11th Hour, you know, and we have five to give away to ghosts (you). For a chance to win one, answer this: What would happen if you told 11 guests a joke about choc? —————————————————————————————————6/6——— COMPETITION CLOSES ON JANUARY 15 Send to: HAND OVER CRANLEIGH, c/o DIGITJSER, PO BOX 297, LONDON SW6 1XT Charts News Reviews Follow mj