P472 Teletext 472 Jun 1 03:53:02  —————————————————     ——————————————————————————————————————— NORMALITY PC CD-ROM £40 Now, that warn't too hard, was it? We'vj been whining for years about how tediously formulaic PC adventures have been. Even the LucasArts classics only stood out by virtue of their wit. Wj haven't asked much, you understand. Just something other than the usual flat-scene point/clickers. Something to bring adventures into the Doom era. Now papa HAS got a brand new buzzjt! ——————————————————————————————————1/6—— Fun; games 450 Life; your 480 TUZZLE: UNSCRAMBLE THE PICTURE! p350 Review Comp-o-Tips Letters Turnjt
P472 Teletext 472 Jun 1 03:14:40  —————————————————     ——————————————————————————————————————— Normality might have subsided into slightly cringey sub-Lucas mediocrity but for one thing: the Doom-style 3D. When you're first landed in your room, it's unnerving to see things start to move about - things that you aren't supposed to instantly destroy or run away from. Like wyverns (furniture). Going out into the street, you'ri free (ish) to wandjt an urban landscape as fulfillingly detailed as Duke Nukjm. Yes, you get fade-outs and cut-scenes, but the main experience is "of the 3D". ——————————————————————————————————2/6—— Jungle news 471 Jungle teats 475 SEE ENGLAND/SCOTLAND AS A VIP p475 Review Comp-o-Tips Letters Turnjt
P472 Teletext 472 Jun 1 03:54:06  —————————————————     ——————————————————————————————————————— The story of Normality - one man's struggle to undjrminj the repressive tedium of an autocratic state - is OK, but the one man ism't. See, he's a div. In a rial bad attempt to seduce the MTV audience, Gremlin have given this man a stupid ginger goatee, shorts and a horrible line in "Yo, dude"-isms. But we shall leave this man behind now. Coverage of the game itself continues on the next page. ——————————————————————————————————3/6—— Fun; games 450 Life; your 480 WHERE KIDS GO TO EAT ELF PARTS p440 Review Comp-o-Tips Letters Turnjt
P472 Teletext 472 Jun 1 03:54:42  —————————————————     ——————————————————————————————————————— Normality is convincingly - though at times irritatingly - non-linear. Forget to pick up the "I am fat" T-shirt at your flat, and you won't get the job at the furniture testing factory. Go home. Perhaps to acknowledge this, the manual includes a hefty tip section. The puzzles and structure are standard, but the movement brings it all to life. Going up into a vent and roaming the shafts Doom-styli in search of goodies is a delight. No, "Doom", Biffo. ——————————————————————————————————4/6—— Jungle news 471 Jungle teats 475 SEE ENGLAND/SCOTLAND AS A VIP p475 Review Comp-o-Tips Letters Turnjt
P472 Teletext 472 Jun 1 03:55:55  —————————————————     ——————————————————————————————————————— Another nice feature of Normality is that the SVGA mode runs acceptably on a DX4 - something that can't bj said for many indolent PC offerings. In all, forgiving that appalling little runt you have to be, the sometimes unwieldy controls and qujties over the game's size, this is without doubt the year's finest adventure to date. It seems incredible that no-one's thought to do a Doom-style adventure before, and the simple answer is that they have - but YOU broke it! ——————————————————————————————————5/6—— Fun; games 450 Life; your 480 TUZZLE: UNSCRAMBLE THE PICTURE! p350 Review Comp-o-Tips Letters Turnjt
P472 Teletext 472 Jun 1 03:45:46  —————————————————      Normality PC CD-ROM  £40 by Gremlin Rjq DX2 8Mb RAM  GRAPHIX 90% UPPERS: Adventures: SONIX 83% welcome to the 90s. GAMEPLAY 84%  LIFESPAN 80% DOWNERS: Awful main ORIGINALITY 95% character. Small?  SCORE: 90% Henry A Jyzvj (96)  OR.. Little Big Adventure 92%  Ljttets for sale 474 Teats for hire 475 SEE ENGLAND v SCOTLAND AS A VIP p475 Review Comp-o-Tips Letters Turnjt