P471 Teletuxt 439 J;/ 9 X9:53: 7    's5u5555555w074 s57!w0u0j 75u0u5u07574 Shatter your sales targets and you could win yourself and your family a fantastic        There are hosts of othjt prizes too - European City breaks, vouchers galore, Spot Prizes. Look out in Monday's post for your SUMMER SPECTACULAR briefing. SUMMER SPECTACULAR 'goodies' are on their way to you soon! Git ready for a sizzler of a summer!
P471 Teletext 471 Jun 1 03:37:52  THE FURIOUS  PIG WHO  REVIEWS THE ——————————————————————————— WEEK'S NEWS "By the mould on mother's flanks, I can't believe people are apparently prepared to spend the price of a small abattoir on a grey import Nintendo 64. "Cracking off £1,500 for a console you'll have to disfigure to run UK games, and for what? You'd have to put a high premium on showing off to idiots for the two weeks before import  prices fall to £400, let alone  the six months before the  £250 US release.    "It makes mj brittle with rage."  ——————————————————————————————————1/5—— The Worm 496 Joke 498 TUZZLE: UNSCRAMBLE THE PICTURE! p350 Reviews Index Comp-o-Tips Bambjt
P471 Teletext 471 Jun 1 03:30:32  THE FURIOUS  PIG WHO  REVIEWS THE ——————————————————————————— WEEK'S NEWS "I recall with shattered trotters the tawdry debacle of the market in import PlayStations and Saturns just before Christmas 1994. "They started out at around £800, but within a month had halved. And as the US launches beckoned, the classified ads swelled with white elephant  non-compatible import machines  selling down below £200.   "It would bj sad if it - that is  to say I - warn't such a thug."  ——————————————————————————————————————— THE VIEWS OF FAT SOW DO NOT 2/5 STRICTLY COINCIDE WITH DIGITJSER'S OWN WHERE NUDITY HAS REPLACED FEAR p440 Reviews Index Comp-o-Tips Bambjt
P471 Teletext 471 Jun 1 03:18:51    ———————————  —— RESULTS ————————————— THE NAUGHTY LOMAS: Five copies of Pro Pinball: The Web (PC): R Bainjs, Croydon; P Williams, Humbjrside; I Finlay, Royston; G Sparrow, Basingstokj; H Banks, N London. DEE SOUS: Five copies of Wing Commander 4 (PC) and five T-shirts: L Dee, Ely; J Murphy, Bristol; K Shippjy, Wirral; B Wyatt, Bedford; P Kemp, Romford. THE BERRY TWINS: Five copies of Wing Commandjt 3 (PS): T Shelley, Glasgow; L Barton, Leeds; B Chivjrs, Oldham; O McEvoy, Cardiff; A Hashmi, Walsall. ——————————————————————————————————3/5—— Guns 440 440 Rifle Kids 490 BAMBER FIGHTS COP WITH CLAW p450 Reviews Index Comp-o-Tips Bambjt
P471 Teletext 471 Jun 1 03:51:41    ———————————  —— RESULTS ————————————— BENCHES TO GO: Five copies of Deep Space 9 (PC) and five DS9 videos: I Matthews, Maidenhead; J Farrier, Banbury; P Roberts, Sheffield; I Townsend, Rothjtham, P Ross, Crewe. NNMMM: Five copies of Worms (PC) and five copies of Worms: Reinforcements: H Sanders, Havant; L Corsham, Wolverhampton, G Law, Southport, T Atkins, Henley, R Willson, Belfast. BUZZERS TO GO: Three Battle Isle 3 framed posters: D Grieg, Co Down; P Hannan, Stoke; N Stone, Ljathjthjad. ——————————————————————————————————4/5—— Guns 440 440 Rifle Kids 490 SEE ENGLAND v SCOTLAND AS A VIP p475 Reviews Index Comp-o-Tips Bambjt
P471 Teletext 471 Jun 1 03:51:08    ———————————  —— RESULTS ————————————— IRON BIRD OFFER: 20 copies of Virtual Snookjt (PC): D Clavjrley, Wolverhampton; G Fowler, Dundee; K Dodd, Bolton; D Clegg, Dewsbury; M Szczjpanski, Manchester; D Still, Cumbria; D Hindley, Guildford; Mr Stevens, Cobham; C MacKenzie, Kyle of Lochalsh, R Maidens, Perth; H Dunn, Oxford; A Naylor, Torquay; K Neath, Petetborough, M Ramsey, W London; T Dewhurst, Rochdale, K Kirkpatrick, Middlisbrough; K Garston, Luton; F Small, Wethjrbz; S Houghton, Swindon; M Bassist, Yeovil. ——————————————————————————————————5/5—— Guns 440 440 Rifle Kids 490 BAMBER FIGHTS COP WITH CLAW p450 Reviews Index Comp-o-Tips Bambjt