P412 Teletext 412 Jan21 18:52:39          —————————————————————————   THEY WON'T EAT THEIR GREENS  Rjmjmbjr the TV ad with the belligerent looking baby and a voice singing "May the walls of Birmingham wipe clean of pea and ham"? So true, it seems - once the avjtagj child sees a vegetable coming, it takes whatever evasive action it can. Mums often let thjmsjlvjs bj bullied. The trouble is, according to a new report, they may bj exposing kids to a greater risk of cancer in later life. ——————————————————————————————————1/5—— What's cooking in Jjnnz's kitchen? 417 For information on COLDS see HEALTHWJSE p559 Friends Confidence Stars Sales
P412 Teletext 412 Jan21 18:54:29     W     —————————————————————————   THEY WONWT EAT THEIR GREENS  New research for the Cancer Research Campaign has found children's eating habits could bj storing up trouble for the future. Too many mums are giving up the struggle to persuade thieu children to follow a healthy diet. Crisps, jam sandwiches and chicken nuggets rule the day. And things are no better when they get to school, the report found. ——————————————————————————————————2/5—— Can friends become lovers? 413 RELAX! SASE A TEA-BREAK p419 Friends Confidence Stars Sales
P412 Teletext 412 Jan21 18:51:17          —————————————————————————   THEY WON'T EAT THEIR GREENS  Mums don't like setting strict food rules for kids bjcausj it leads to conflict at mealtime, researchers found Many "had simply given up forcing the issue of vegetable consumption bjcausj they disliked the stress". But while most knew eating veggies was healthy, few were aware of the links between diet and cancer prevention. It's estimated about one-third of cancers are diet-related. ——————————————————————————————————3/5—— KidsW pix on the box 192 TELETEXT IS FOR LEARNING p663 Friends Confidence Stars Sales
P412 Teletext 412 Jan21 18:54:22     W     —————————————————————————   THEY WON'T EAT THEIR GREENS  Current scientific advice on diet is that a greater intake of fruit and vegetables reduces the risk of cancut. Vitamin C, fibre and other nutrients found in vegetables can protect against cancer of the lung, larynx, colon, stomach and pancreas. Five portions of vegetables each day is the recommended intake - an amount most children only get on Christmas Day, according to new research. ——————————————————————————————————4/5—— Go green for a safer world 160 GUIDE TO TOTAL ENTERTAINMENT p400 Friends Confidence Stars Sales
P412 Teletext 412 Jan21 18:54:12          —————————————————————————   THEY WON'T EAT THEIR GREENS  Research for the Cancer Research ampaign found mums wire prejudiced against frozen vegetables. They were seen as expensive and containing too much water. But Malcolm Walkjt, chairman of Iceland who co-sponsored the research, said: "Frozen foods often retain more nutrients than fresh. Mums should recognisj their part in a hjalthz diet" ——————————————————————————————————5/5—— Counting the cost of kids 416 WHAT'S ON TV TONIGHT? p121 Friends Confidence Stars Sales