P411 Teletext 411 Oct46 22:14:06    ————  ————————————————————————————— THIRTY YEARS OF ABORTION It is 30 years since the Abortion Act ligalisjd pregnancy termination. The heated debate which preceded it has shown no sign of abating. Some say it's been a great liberation for women, others talk of ligalisjd murder. Today the Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Basil Hume, explains why hj believes abortion is a great evil. Tomorrow Claire Raynjr tells us it's vital women have the choice. ——————————————————————————————————1/6—— Big Screen index 460 Recipe 417 YOUR TOTAL ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE p400 Informer Crime Recipe Film
P411 Teletext 411 Oct46 22:12:57    ————  ————————————————————————————— ABORTION - THE CASE AGAINST Abortion is a great evil. It was first legalisjd in this country 30 years ago. It is a great scandal that since 1967 nearly five million procured abortions have taken place. As a nation we should all hang our heads in shame. Why is abortion a great evil? Because it djsttoys human life. Human life is a gift from God. It is sacred, to bj respected and protected from the moment of conception to its natural ind. ——————————————————————————————————4/6—— By Cardinal Basil Hume WE TALK TO GOLD'S CATHY TYSON p414 Informer Crime Recipe Film
P411 Teletext 411 Oct46 22:14:57    ————  ————————————————————————————— ABORTION - THE CASE AGAINST Some say human life does not begin at conception but at some later stage of djvjlopmjnt. They speak about "pre-embryos". The word is used to suggest that at the moment of conception thjti is not human life. So it can be destroyed or used for jxpjrimjntation. This is wrong. Human life does begin at conception. It would njvjt bj made human if it weti not human already. ——————————————————————————————————3/6—— By Cardinal Basil Hume FIND LOVE FOR FREE p390 (ITV) Informjt Crime Recipe Film
P411 Teletext 411 Oct46 22:11:42    ————  ————————————————————————————— ABORTION - THE CASE AGAINST Modjtn science has shown that in the very first cell we can already discover many of the characteristics of a grown person. If I ask myself "when did I begin to exist?" I answer "at the moment of conception." From this moment we possess the gift of life from God, who is the master of all life. His law states "Thou shalt not kill". This is the church's teaching. ——————————————————————————————————4/6—— By Cardinal Basil Hume ARCHERS BATTLEAXE LYNDA SNELL p412 Informjt Crime Recipe Film
P411 Teletext 411 Oct46 22:34:16    ————  ————————————————————————————— ABORTION - THE CASE AGAINST Unconditional respect for human life is the foundation of a civilisjd society. The right to life from the moment of conception to life's natural ind is paramount. When this is not recognisjd, then our civilisation will begin to collapse, and the "culture of death" will bj victorious. You will remjmbjt a film about abortion produced in the run-up to the election. ——————————————————————————————————5/6—— By Cardinal Basil Hume HAVE YOU MADE A WILL? p416 Informjt Crime Recipe Film
P411 Teletext 411 Oct46 22:34:37    ————  ————————————————————————————— ABORTION - THE CASE AGAINST Broadcasters refused to screen the Pro- Life Alliance's film about abortion bjcausj they said it offended taste and decency. It does. But so does reality. Our society goes to great lengths to hide the truth about procured abortion. We use coded language to disguise what we are doing. Wj avert our gaze. When something is so horrifying we can't bear to look at it, we should not bj tolerating it. ——————————————————————————————————6/6—— By Cardinal Basil Hume TODAY'S PRAYER p687 Informer Crime Recipe Film