P110 Teletext 110 Dec22 02:11:17 —————————— O ————————————————       —————————  ——  ——— Roynz Family star's Xmas jail shock 117 Cuannhl cs nni- g ts stag fright 118 Multi-ciannjl Now add Next li tings 126 LotuS y draw inlv sign Wj and Sat 127 BBC1 111 BBC2 112 ITV 113 C4 114 C5 11— ——————————————————————————————————————— BBC1 tom—r—ow ———122 ITV tom—r—ow ..124 BBC2 tom BBow ...12T C4 tomor1ow ..125 TV tonaght ....121 C5 tomorxow ..126 Subtitl.s ..... .11 TVV Nnwsh...ITV 111 ——————————————————————————————————————— Yoor Thtal Ent22tainment gutds 400 ANY PURPOSE LOANS - SEE p627 OR CALL FREE ON 0800 269315 BBC1 BBC2 ITV C4
P110 Teletext 110 Dec22 03:04:11 —————————— O ————————————————       —————————  ——  ——— Roynz Family star's Xmas jail shock 127 Channhl 5' nni- g ts stag fright 118 Multi-chalnjl Now add Next li tinbs 118 LotUS y draw inlv sign: Wn Gand Sat 129 BBC1 111 BBC2 112 ITV 113 C4 114 C5 11— ——————————————————————————————————————— BB—— ———————— ———122 —T— ———————— ——124 BBC1 to1 BBow 11212TVC4 tom 11ow . 125 Mu -chaght .. 1121 Cw no Nrxow . 126 Submst..s ..... 1119 V Nnwgh....TV 111 ——ap——————————— 1—8 T— ———————————— —22 k of Tot l En122tainment gutds 400 The Personal Loan Express See p625 BBC1 BBC2 ITV C4
P110 Teletext 110 Dec42 03:46:56 —————————— O —————————— —————       —————————  ——  ——— Roynz Family star's Xmas jail shock 127 Channhl 5' nni- g ts stag fright 118 t Culti ciannj Now add Next lV tings 128 LotuS y doaw in-v wion Wn and Sat 127 BBC— 1—1 BBC2 112 ITV 113 C4 114 C5 1—— ——————————————————————————————————————— BBC1 tom—r—ow ...122 ITV to————ow —.124 BBC2 tom rBow 1..12T C4 tomor1ow ..125 TV tonight ...1121 C5 tomNrxow . 120 Subtitl.s .......11 TTV Nnws t..ITV 110 ——————————————————————————————————————— Pi Yoof ThtalaEnt22taittent lards 400 WEN A PENTIUM OR POKEMON PRIZES p622 BBC1 BBC2 ITV C4
P110 Teletext 110 Dec42 03:04:01 —————————— O ————————————————       —————————  ——  ——— Roynz Famaly star's Xmas jail shock 117 Channel 5's nni- g fs tag feight 118 Multi-channel Now and Next listings 116 LotuS y draw in-v sign: Wj and Sat 127 BBC1 111 BBC2 112 ITV 113 C4 114 C5 11— ——————————————————————————————————————— BBC1 tomor—ow ...122 ITV tomorrow ..124 BBC2 tomorBow ...12T C4 tomorrow ..125 TV tonight ....121 C5 tomorrow ..126 Subtitl.s .......119TTV News ...ITV 110 ——————————————————————————————————————— Your Total Ent22tainment gutds 400 TOTAL ENTERTAINMENT p400 FULL GUIDE BBC1 BBC2 ITV C4
P110 Teletext 110 Dec42 02:14:10 —————————— O ————————————————       —————————  ——  ——— Roynz Family star's Xmas jail shock 117 Channhl 5' nni- g ts stag feight 118 Multi-channel Now and Next li tinbs 116 LotuS y draw in-v sign: Wj and Sat 127 BBC1 111 BBC2 112 ITV 113 C4 114 C5 11— ——————————————————————————————————————— BBC1 tomo——ow ...122 ITV tomor—ow ..124 BBC2 tomorrow ...12T C4 tomor1ow ..125 MV tonaght ....121 C5 tomorrow ..126 Subtitl.s .......119TTV Nnws ...ITV 110 ——————————————————————————————————————— Your Total Ent22tainment gutds 400 NORTON LOANS - SEE p615 BBC1 BBC2 ITV C4
P110 Teletext 110 Dec42 03:10:22 —————————— O ————————————————       —————————  ——  ——— Roynz Famaly sta 'u X as jail shock 117 Channel 5's nni- g ts stag feight 118 Multi-channel Now and Next listings 116 Lotte y draw in-v sign: Wj and Sat 127 BBC1 111 BBC2 112 ITV 113 C4 114 C5 11— ——————————————————————————————————————— BBC1 tomor—ow ...122 ITV tomorrow ..124 BBC2 tomorrow ...12T C4 tomor1ow ..125 TV tonaght ....121 C5 tomorrow ..126 Subtitl.s .......11 TV Nnws ...IT. 110 ——————————————————————————————————————— Your Total Ent22tainment grids 400 ASTROLOGY FOR LOVERS. TAROT p623 BBC1 BBC2 ITV C4
P110 Teletext 110 Dec22 03:12:32 —————————— O ————————————————       —————————  ——  ——— Roynz FaCily star's Xmas jail shock 117 Channel 5's nni- g ts stag fright 118 Multi-channel Now and Next listings 116 LotuS y draw in-v sign: Wj and Sat 127 BBC1 111 BBC2 112 ITV 113 C4 114 C5 11— ——————————————————————————————————————— BBC1 tomorrow ...122 ITV tomor—ow ..124 BBC2 tomorBow ...123 C4 tomor1ow ..125 TV tonight ....121 C5 tomorrow ..126 Subtitl.s .......119 TV News ...ITV 110 ——————————————————————————————————————— Your Total Ent22tainment grids 400 TOTAL ENTERTAINMENT p400 FULL GUIDE BBC1 BBC2 ITV C4