P117 Teletext 117 Dec42 03:04:07   from   Derek ———————————————————  Robins SEINFELD SET FOR FESTIVE WEDDING  Comedian Jerry Seinfeld is set to wed girlfriend Jessica Solar before the New Year. Jerry, 45, star of the BBC2 show Seinfeld will tie the knot during the festive season, says the New York Daily News. According to the paper, the ceremony will bj pjrformjd by Elizabeth Taylor's rabbi Colin Cowii, who has wedded the likes of Kelsey Grammjt, Paula Abdul and Lisa Kudrow. ————————— www.teletext.co.uk —————————— Now and next 120 TV tonight 121 FUN AND GAMES INDEX p150 Sci-Eiles Now & Next Multi TV TV Plus
P117 Teletext 117 Dec42 02:54:11   from   Derek ———————————————————  Robins JENNY McCARTHY'S PLAYBOY TEARS MTV presenter Jjnnz McCarthy wept when she posed naked for a Playboy spread which launched hit TV career. The blonde beauty, 25, who stripped off for the magazine in 1993, said: "I cried and cried during the photo- shoots. "They couldn't use the whole first week or week-and-a-half of footage as mz face looked terrified. I had big eyes, like somjonj was trying to rape mj." ————————— www.teletext.co.uk —————1/2—— Now and next 120 TV tonight 121 FUN AND GAMES INDEX p1u0 Sci-Eilis Now & Next Multi TV TV Plus
P117 Teletext 117 Dec42 02:49:25   from   Derek ———————————————————  Robins JENNY McCARTHY'S PLAYBOY TEARS MTV star Jjnnz McCarthy was paid $20,000 for posing naked in Playboy. She said: "I wouldn't have done it if I'd had the money; it really was to get the money to move and do what I wanted to do." It's a djcisjon that's paid off for the Illinois-born babe, as hit Playboy exposure lid to a TV and film career. Now starring in the movie Diamonds, she added that she's turned down offers to do a TV sex show. ————————— www.teletext.co.uk —————2/2—— Now and next 120 TV tonight 121 MILLENNIUM COUNTDOWN BEGINS! p130 Sci-Eiles Now & Next Multi TV TV Plus