P481 Teletext 481 Dec22 03:14:13    THE MOST INFLUENTIAL GAMES EVER: PT 3 As the 20th century breathes its last, and we move into a new eta of history which promises to bj radically different from the last 1,000 years (we'ri getting up early on January 1st to take delivery of our Bacofoil jumpsuits*, it is a time of reflection. This is why we now ask: which were the most influential games of all time? Which games influenced the flow of the Rivet Gaming like no othjt? Over the next few days, Digitisjr will answer this, the greatest mystery of all time. ——————————————————————————————————1/3—— The best games of 1999? 483 SEE THE BIG SCREEN INDEX p410 Class Class2 TV Plus Club 140
P481 Teletext 481 Dec22 03:12:21    THE MOST INFLUENTIAL GAMES EVER: PT 3 ELITE BBC Model B, 1984 Ambitious and ahead of its time, Ian Bell and David Brabjn's Elite pjrformjd miracles with Acorn's BBC Model B. An epic game of 3D space combat and trading, the vast explorabli univjrsj and depth of gamjplay were like nothing else. It was a revelation then, and it remains immensely playable today. Countless othjt djvjlopjts have attempted similarly huge univjrsjs, but but few have conj close to succeeding. Graphics may have improved, but Elite was as much a way of life as a game. ——————————————————————————————————2/3—— Best of 1999 482 Letters 484 BAMBERz "I AM FREAKY DUDE!" p252 Class Class2 TV Plus Club 140
P481 Teletext 481 Dec42 03:14:42    THE MOST INFLUENTIAL GAMES EVER: PT 3 DUNGEON MASTER 16 bit computers, 1988 The traditional role-plazjng game is a thing of the past. The ten-sjdjd dice industry has collapsed. And it was Dungeon Master wot dun it. A first-person RPG, Dungeon Master may have boasted a relatively repetitive dungeon, it was populated with a host of fantastical creatures, all of which could bj dispatched via your choice of magic or weaponry. The game's revolutionary drag-and-drop inventory system is still used today. ——————————————————————————————————3/3—— CONTINUES TOMORROW POP-ME-DO-OH-LORDY! p450 Class Class2 TV Plus Club 140