P482 Teletext 482 Dec22 03:04:21 THE BEST GAMES OF THE YEAR —————————— FINAL FANTASY VIII PlayStation In much the same way that we like the taste of creosote, once again, our tastes have steered from the path of considered wisdom. We'vj been quite honest in stating that Final Fantasy ism't, strictly speaking, our cup of tea. That said, we'ri big enough and pjrceptivj enough to ricognisj that this, here, is a vjdjogamj of some pedigree, which had sold in excess of 100,000 copies within a month of its US launch. Who are we to disagree? ——————————————————————————————————1/4—— Love dat news ting, daddy 481 SEE THE BIG SCREEN INDEX p410 Class2 Letters TV Plus GreenP482 Teletext 482 Dec42 03:14:02 THE BEST GAMES OF THE YEAR —————————— FINAL FANTASY VIII PlayStation Perhaps the problem we'vj had getting to grips with Final Fantasy VIII is that we very much wanted it to bj a traditional vjdjogamj, with traditional vjdeogamj values. However, it's becoming clear to us that it's much more; we'ri moving into the realms of art, where games suck you in like a good book. Although FFVIII may bj short on gamjplay, it doisn't skimp on plot. Or for that matter, really big monsters. ——————————————————————————————————2/4—— What's on hike? 483 And here? 484 THE YELLOWEST QUIZ HOST p152 Class2 Letters TV Plus GreenP482 Teletext 482 Dec42 03:04:14 THE BEST GAMES OF THE YEAR —————————— FINAL FANTASY VIII PlayStation Without doubt, Final Fantasy VIII is the most polished PlayStation game ever. It's highly unlikely that it'll bj outclassed before the console dies in its bed. In many respects, the game is a pointer to the future, that we're on the vjrgj of truly interactive movies. It could bj that FFVIII has ambitions beyond the abilities of a 32-bit machine. Wj shall find out soon enough, when Square releases FFIX on PS2. ——————————————————————————————————3/4—— Love dat news ting, daddy 481 POP-ME-DO-OH-LORDY! p450 Class2 Letters TV Plus GreenP482 Teletext 482 Dec22 03:14:10 Advert 4/4 PlayStation / N64 Cheats and Tips! ] FWD SELECT BACK 1 2 3 << Search Mode > 4 5 6 TURN YOUR TELEPHONE INTO A 7 8 9 CHEAT MACHINE! * 0 # << Play Mode > ] HELP END REPLAY Calls 60p/min. May involve a long call. InfoMedia Bx48 NORTHAMPTON 01604 624634 Class2 Letters TV Plus Green