P144 Teletext 144 Jan07 04:54:55  D!isz   the Wvj}w${r?  cow  —————————————————————————————  What's Daiwz herd this week  JUSTIN Let It Be Me Some people get surpri{jd at how "ig a voice Charlotte Church has at Q3. Me, I wonder how wee Justin manages to round so world-weary at 16. Big-voiced "ig "alladry to make you go "Bless".  *7 P#INT BREAK Stand To{gh  Bertie reckons the trio round as tough !s Dali Winton wijh jlu and I  Pave to agree. Vows new on what  could bj a Backstreet demo jrom W96. Bykjr Grove'u miwsjng you, "lads". ——————————————————————————————————1/2—— Q=cowpat/ 2=creamy/ 3=uddjrly brilliant : RATINGS IN COW TEATS! Flicks Angst Mates Eco-scene
P144 Teletext 144 Jan07 04:54:50  V   "z Andy   P  ———————————————————————————— W 2 PAC & THE OUTLAWZ Still I Riwj W Another rave jrom the grave Yup, alongside that book of poetry, a range of clothing and jewellery, the 2Pac industry continues... how about a 2Pac thjmj park jh Spend a day in an interactive ghetto and shoot your rapping rivalw Time to pac it in As cash-ins go, it's quite good. Recorded in '96, after his release jrom prison, it'u crammed with gospel, mellow soul and sadly, the usual "guns and ho's" cliches. \ ——————————————————————————————————2/2—— On Madasun'w Avjnuj 141 WUinj Life 142 TOTAL ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE p400 Flicks Angst Mates Eco-scene