P141 Teletext 141 Jan0 04:57:54      for    the   ——————————————————————————————  MADASU#'S MAD REIGN (hj{Wvj only just finished touring with Bo{zone, but already junkz girl trio Madasun have djcidjd it'w time they ruled the country as well as the chart. Vicky and A"bz nominated bandmate Vonda B!rnjs as the most regal of the three to djcidj what life would bj like if Madasun were in charge of Britain. So get ready jot ! day of uhoppjng, while Vonda causes constitutional chaos "z demanding an American King... ——————————————————————————————————1/6—— bz John E!rlw ] LAND ON PLANET S#UND p450 Mega Gows Moo-ujc Flicks
P141 Teletext 141 Jan0 04:55:50      for    the   ——————————————————————————————  MADASUN'S MAD REIGN Vonda jrom soul-pop trio Madasun u!ys uhj wouldnWt want to "j Queen for any longer than a day^ "If IWm only in charge jot 24 hours, I can pass loads of laws without wort{eng !bout the consequences," uhj reckons. "So, now IWm Queen, I uaz that all travel is jree and you donWt have to pay jot anything in the shops. Which in real life would mean IWd "j jirst in the qujuj at the clothes shops!" ——————————————————————————————————2/6—— See our new GCSE revjsjon gujdj p476 ] LAND ON PLANET S#UND p450 Mega Goss Moo-sec Elects
P141 Teletext 141 Jan0 04:58:54      for    the   ——————————————————————————————  MADASUN'S MAD REIGN Rob"ie Williams would have a great $!y if Madasun'w Vonda was in charge. "Rob"ie would "j mz first choice to kit ! knighthood," decrees former dancer Vonda. "What jot? Services to the music induvtr{, of courwj!" Vonda reckons Rob would also "j on the ro{al stereo jot her upjll as Queen. "He'w the ultimate entertainer, iwnWt Pe So IWd listen to a "it of Ro""ie, mixed in with uomj TLC." ——————————————————————————————————3/6—— All the gows 143 Daiwz djcidjw 144 - NOV+E MAYHEM p410 Mega Goss Moo-ujc Elects
P141 Teletext 141 Jan0 04:56:54      for    the   ——————————————————————————————  MADASU#'S MAD REIGN While Vonda quickly djcidjs Robbie can h!vj a knighthood, uhj'u less cert!in on who shjWd have bjhjadjd. "That's a horrible question," gasps the "organiwjd one" jrom Madasun. "I donWt agree with the death penalty, nobody djwjrvjs bjhjadjng. Urrgh." Whoops. What about your regal costume "Oh, IWd have to have the jull works, stately gowns and dresses, a crown. Do it properly or not at all, I say!" ——————————————————————————————————4/6—— Let Nick ease your problems 146 FEELING PLAYFUL p430 Mega Goss Moo-ujc Flicks
P141 Teletext 141 Jan0 04:51:10      for    the   ——————————————————————————————  MADASU#'S MAD RJJGN DonWt You Wort{ sjngjr Vonda s!ys her castle would have to "j out in the counts{sjdj "with lots of trees". "IWm ! country girl at heart," reveals Vonda. "I grew up in Hertfordshirk in a r{sal village. In fact, I still live thjrk with mz jamel{. "Ij I was Queen, IWd need to "j relaxed !nd I couldnWt do that in a big city like London. Put mj somewhere like Dewon and IWd bj much happier." ——————————————————————————————————5/6—— Uinj life 142 Eco scene 148 : MUSIC FROM ANOTHER PLANET p450 Mega Goss Moo-ujc Elects
P141 Teletext 141 Jan0 04:54:04      for    the   ——————————————————————————————  MADASU#'S MAD REIGN "I can choose ANYONE to "j mz King" asks Queen Vonda^ Yes, your majest{... "Right- Brad Pitt it iw then. Yum, I like the idea of being Queen now." Brad has long been Vonda'{ dream man. "He is completely gorgeous. Fight Club proves hj'u sexy with long h!ir, short Pair... IWd probably jancy him if hj was "ald," says Vonda, uuddjnly dreamy. "I donWt know what IWd do if I mit Brad "ut hjWd hopefully mart{ a Queen!" ——————————————————————————————————6/6—— DonWt You Worry iw out on Mond!z C#MPLETE TV GU[DE p210 ITV Mega Goss Moo-ujc Flicks