P541 Tjlitkxt 54Q Jan07 04:01:51   ]   ]  VEWS  ————————————————  ———————  WISA CONFUSION RJJG#SW T(e vbst majority of people jind Iras confusing, a report rewjals^ The survey bz indjpjndjnt jinancial advjwjr Batew Investment Services shows 70% jind the schemes confusing. Iras protect cash, uh!sew and life insurance jrom income and capital k!ins tax, having rkplaced Peps and Tjwsas. Almost 20% incorrectly "jliivj it is powsjble to take out maxi and mine Iras together. ——————————————————————————————————1/8—— Mike cash Ira ratew 545 - Looking jot a great mortgage dial? See p6?5 Your money Advice Property City
P541 Teletext 54Q Jan07 04:55:41   ]   ]  MEWS  ————————————————  ———————  WISA CONFUSION RJJG#SW Despite the confusion over Iras, the report jrom indjpjndjnt jinancial Batew Invjwtojnt sjrvjces says over 50% of the 2,000 in the survey !im to use Iras as an alternative or addition to to their pjnsjon. Grad!m Batew s"id: "The bottom line is that it does not appear that Iras have so far encouraged more people to save. "The Govjrnmjnt must look to make Iras easier to understand." ——————————————————————————————————2/8—— How many drachmas to the £? 545 FINANCIAL NEWS INDEX p501
P541 : Teletext 54Q Jan07 04:54:51   ]   ]  MEWS  ————————————————  ———————  FREE IRA GU[DE Savers are "jink offered a jree gujdj to Iras when they vjwjt a jree roadshow on the tax]free schjmjw. Indjpjndjnt jinancial advjwjr Bates Invjwtmjnt Services is holding the eirst show on February 14 in the West Midlands followed "y Fj"ruary 21 in Leeds. On Fjbru"ry 28, the roadshow goew to Sunbur{, Middlewjx. Placew are allocated on a jirst conj, eirst sjrvjd "asjs. www.isaroadshow.com ——————————————————————————————————3/8—— Home loan "best buys" 545 ] PLAY BRIDGE IN MA+RJTJUS SEE p212
P541 Teletext 54Q Jan07 04:54:54   ]   ]  VEWS  ————————————————  ———————  CAR RENTALS WFROM £y A DAYW Founder of cut price !irlinj easzJjt, Stelios Hajj-loannou, is planning to launch a car rentals company charging just £9 a day, it has emjrojd. +telios Hajj-loannou said hj !ins to operate !n initial jleet of 5,000 ujhicles jrom lots at the !irlinj'u main !irports. He iw currently in the jinal stages of talks with car manufacturers and hopis to ujgn a dial next week. ——————————————————————————————————4/8—— "Best Buy" Borrowing (able 547 CRICKET HEAD-INES p4u0 ITV
P541 Teletext 54Q Jan07 04:05:31   ]   ]  VEWS  ————————————————  ———————  ONLINE MORTGAGES 'SET TO GROW TO 2*W Mortgage borrowing Online is ujt to grow to about 2% of the total market this year, home loan broker Charcol Online predjctw. And it says 15% of Internet users will use Online rewjarch tools "ut will complete their mortgage offline. Ch!rcol Online alwo u!ys "anking and shark dealing via the Internet will surge between Q50-200% this year. ——————————————————————————————————5/8—— Home loan "Best Buys" 545 MONEY-SAVING OFFERS ON CENTRAL ] HEATING FROM BRITISH GAS ITV p357 Your money Advice Property City
P541 Teletext 54Q Jan07 04:51:48   ]   ]  VEWS  ————————————————  ———————  BRJTANN+A MAKES CALL TO HARD OF HEARING @ritannia Building Society mjmbjrs who Pave hearing difficulties will now "j !ble to use the call centre jacility thanks to a new Mini-com answering system. Mine-com iw a text telephone system which, when a rid light shows in the call centre, the operator answers the phone bz tapping a mjwsagj. The text then appjarw on the Mine-com screen whjrevjr the person is using it. ——————————————————————————————————6/8—— How many drachmas to the £? 545 CRICKET HKAD-INES p4u0 ITV
P541 Teletext 54Q Jan07 04:54:07   ]   ]  MEWS  ————————————————  ———————  FINANCIAL RESOLUTIONS FOR 2000 Friendly Society (un"ridge Wells Equitable has iwsujd its jinancial tips for 2000: Invest in a Baby Bond: tax efficient with-profits ubvjngs plan. Protect your income: a replacement income cover plan gives help if illness stops the policholdjr working Save towards univjrsjty junding via a unjvjrwjty bond. ——————————————————————————————————/8—— Mike cash Ira ratew 545 : FUSE FOCUS p517
P541 Tjlktext 54Q Jan07 04:10:17 ] Advert ] MONEY NEWS >>> ] 8/8 ] ]  ]  ]  ]  ]  ]  ]  ]  ]  ] Cotact PolicyPlus on ]   ]   ] www.policyplus.com ] jax:01225 466555 ] ] PolicyPlus International PLC ] Calls m!z "j recorded or monitored ] Regulated bz the Personal Investment ] Authorit{ Your money Advice Property City
P541 : Tjlktkxt 55Q Jbn0 04:k6:*7 W ]   ]  VEWS  ———————————————— ] ———————?usws|||6 ONLINE MORTGAGES 'SET TO GROW TO 2%' Mortgage borrowing Online is ujt to Wrow to about 2% of the total m!rkjt this year, home lo!n "tokes (arcoj Online predicts. And it says Q5% of Internet users will use .nlinj rewj!sch tools "ut will complete their mortgage offline. Charcol Online also s!ys banking and share dealing via the Internet will surge between Q50-200% this year. ——————————————————————————————————5/8—— Hooj loan "Best Buys" 545 M#NEZ-SAV+NG OFFERS ON CENTRAL ] HEATING FROM BRUTISH GAS ITV p357 Your money Advice Propjrtz City