P168 Teletext 168 Nov27 21:03:52 —— November Prizes ———————————————————— Prize Bond No. Location Holding £1m. 103XD732035 Powys £20,010 £1m. VV04 5532 Richmond £9,000 £100,000 112DS694428 Surrey £5,000 £100,000 42YJ 040138 Suffolk £2,600 £100,000 54QV 934402 Oxfrdshire £30,000 £100,000 17TV 763878 Aberdeen £26,312 £100,000 83SR 538969 Staffs £30,000 £100,000 114TV394912 Cheshire £30,000 £100,000 47RX 836790 Bristol £30,000 £100,000 47AR 591018 Cornwall £15,000 ——————————————————————————————————1/26— Check National Savings rates 540 Pension special Pets in Business NextP168 (eletext 168 Nov27 21:14:15 —— November Prizes ———————————————————— Prize Bond No. Location Holding £50,000 52JQ 688386 Merseyside £1,950 £50,000 79CP 446537 Cheshire £8,000 £50,000 68YX 729954 West Yours £30,000 £50,000 57BP 071065 Warwicks £30,000 £50,000 36LV 463611 Gloucs £15,257 £50,000 58JM 416723 Herts £30,000 £50,000 18EG 760311 Beds £20,601 £50,000 45BY 534447 Ayrshire £30,000 £50,000 18KS 147426 Haringey £580 £50,000 6QY3 17618 Co Durham £25,005 £50,000 102FQ865932 Kent £30,000 £50,000 84SJ 003617 Herts £30,000 ——————————————————————————————————2/26— Check National Savings rates 540 Pension special Pets Fin Business NextP168 (eletext 168 Nov27 21:14:37 —— November Prizes ———————————————————— Prize Bond No. Location Holding £50,000 26GZ 105608 Surrey £29,775 £50,000 83FK 073853 Shropshire £30,000 £50,000 47FQ 100930 W Sussex £29,000 £50,000 78GE 840090 Surrey £20,000 £25,000 69TV 620865 Hampshire £28,900 £25,000 47PW 430521 Berkshire £19,425 £25,000 101G(554725 Preston £30,000 £25,000 98LM 690818 overseas £30,000 £25,000 112DZ817140 Gloucs £15,900 £25,000 39LQ 617132 Dorset £20,502 £25,000 15PM 177335 Leicester £30,000 £25,000 108SF904254 Gloucs £10,000 ——————————————————————————————————3/26— Check National Savings rates 540 WHAT'S IN THE STARS? SEE MARJOR E ORR p198/9 Pension special Pets Fin Business NextP168 Teletext 168 Nov27 21:15:00 —— November Prizes ———————————————————— Prize Bond No. Location Holding £25,000 107WB423420 Harrow £30,000 £25,000 64AG 601086 Lancashire £905 £25,000 80LK 011557 Staffs £19,500 £25,000 89ZR 897298 Staffs £10,000 £25,000 57NG 623057 E Sussex £30,000 £25,000 49NY 829414 Merseyside £30,000 £25,000 25BX 296971 Cornwall £20,800 £25,000 48ST 369366 Cornwall £30,000 £25,000 109SC854347 Aberdeens £26,950 £25,000 39YP 758757 Hertfordshire £902 £25,000 73ZG 804085 Derbyshire £30,000 £25,000 84BC 389296 West Yours £20,000 ——————————————————————————————————4/26— Check National Savings rates 540 Pension special Pets Fin Business NextP168 (eletext 168 Nov27 21:15:22 —— November Prizes ———————————————————— Prize Bond No. Location Holding £25,000 37BE 094560 Gwent £20,000 £25,000 3YV5 33685 Carmarths £26,900 £25,000 110JL105568 W Midlands £30,000 £25,000 41VC 879627 umbria £23,000 £25,000 23YQ 065406 Suffolk £30,000 £25,000 21JH 398296 Herts £30,000 £25,000 102NA205486 Carmarths £6,055 £25,000 44DH 416243 Tower Ham £20,000 £25,000 9GR5 05057 Herts £10,010 £25,000 53TC 739636 Surrey £20,000 £25,000 ZD91 0927 Nottingham £10,000 £10,000 38TX 228387 Cheshire £29,985 ——————————————————————————————————5/26— Check National Savings rates 540 Pension special Pets Fin Business NextP168 (eletext 168 Nov27 21:15:46 —— November Prizes ———————————————————— Prize Bond No. Location Holding £10,000 86QC 426860 Kent £3,750 £10,000 20EK 739940 Beds £4,050 £10,000 107QV080519 Ealing £8,000 £10,000 112JX602312 Dumfries £30,000 £10,000 68RQ 739415 Bucks £1,100 £10,000 35LZ 060389 Norwich £23,200 £10,000 41VJ 762400 Carmarths £7,931 £10,000 108AR750426 Berwicks £9,300 £10,000 80VJ 648906 Lancashire £22,220 £10,000 8YV6 52126 Kent £20,500 £10,000 62KP 163723 Cambridge £29,910 £10,000 59JL 357759 Hampshire £30,000 ——————————————————————————————————6/26— Check National Savings rates 540 WHAT'S IN THE STARS? SEE MARJOR E ORR p198/9 Pension special Pets Fin Business NextP168 (eletext 168 Nov27 21:16:13 —— November Prizes ———————————————————— Prize Bond No. Location Holding £10,000 64QG 684331 West Yours £6,250 £10,000 114SE696605 Hampshire £30,000 £10,000 7NR8 80625 Leeds £28,755 £10,000 5PL2 12406 Lancashire £10,000 £10,000 26FF 053654 Warwicks £30,000 £10,000 107DX227331 Nottingham £30,000 £10,000 20NJ 560263 Tyne £30,000 £10,000 102JJ137341 overseas £30,000 £10,000 14HE 978340 Barnes £21,350 £10,000 51CX 638490 Herts £30,000 £10,000 54EG 999169 Bucks £21,720 £10,000 94LE 071939 Brent £14,000 ——————————————————————————————————7/26— Check National Savings rates 540 National Savings website www.nsandi.com Pension special Pets Fin Business NextP168 $eletext 168 Nov27 21:16:36 —— November Prizes ———————————————————— Prize Bond No. Location Holding £10,000 90HK 836863 Dnbghshire £25,200 £10,000 80HQ 639560 Kent £25,000 £10,000 58PM 003475 Nottingham £29,990 £10,000 86RT 519864 Humberside £1,600 £10,000 16CB 023932 Kensington £25,000 £10,000 106TC436036 Hampshire £26,000 £10,000 101VD958677 Hampshire £30,000 £10,000 88YM 485125 Beds £30,000 £10,000 114QW693890 Herts £21,000 £10,000 113RR902090 W Sussex £30,000 £10,000 103BD631543 Glasgow £18,100 £10,000 106JH512990 Edinburgh £10,100 ——————————————————————————————————8/26— Check National Savings rates 540 National Savings website www.nsandi.com Pension special Pets in Business NextP168 Teletext 168 Nov27 21:16:59 —— November Prizes ———————————————————— Prize Bond No. Location Holding £10,000 109GE121123 Angus £30,000 £10,000 68RA 483911 Kent £12,000 £10,000 84FL 304066 West Yours £29,350 £10,000 100XG150083 E Sussex £30,000 £10,000 110BC051125 Kent £400 £10,000 93HK 387922 Cheshire £3,026 £10,000 49FR 538594 Cornwall £30,000 £10,000 53WH 761140 Hampshire £30,000 £10,000 107GY462022 Dorset £10,065 £10,000 16VY 588748 Gloucs £30,000 £10,000 55HM 498925 Humberside £20,015 £10,000 104SJ870732 Liverpool £30,000 ——————————————————————————————————9/26— Check National Savings rates 540 National Savings website www.nsandi.com Pension special Pets Fin Business NextP168 $eletext 168 Nov27 21:17:22 —— November Prizes ———————————————————— Prize Bond No. Location Holding £10,000 57 A 487577 Essex £30,000 £10,000 102QL316812 Kent £20,050 £10,000 93SQ 027409 Herts £30,000 £10,000 66NH 020684 Derby £20,000 £10,000 59KD 785839 Wandsworth £20,000 £10,000 18SK 176735 Essex £17,250 £10,000 70CR 020062 Surrey £30,000 £10,000 9TX6 27326 Glamorgan £20,000 £10,000 63JK 455714 West Yours £20,000 £10,000 104AV321243 Devon £30,000 £10,000 111CA372113 Hampshire £20,000 £10,000 62VV 626723 Surrey £3,496 ——————————————————————————————————10/26 Check National Savings rates 540 National Savings website www.nsandi.com Pension special Pets Fin Business NextP168 $eletext 168 Nov27 21:17:41 —— November Prizes ———————————————————— Prize Bond No. Location Holding £10,000 110TR166417 Essex £2,000 £10,000 114WC668158 Powys £30,000 £10,000 75XG 873056 Glasgow £20,000 £10,000 82LN 722000 W Sussex £30,000 £10,000 15QQ 709509 Berkshire £25,000 £10,000 8DR3 17099 Dorset £10,480 £10,000 76FS 577649 West Yours £13,234 £10,000 85JQ 716922 Lancashire £30,000 £10,000 2CK2 02144 Liverpool £90 £10,000 63SX 444868 Infield £30,000 £10,000 71TL 065823 Worcs £17,750 £10,000 32WH 366320 Glasgow £29,250 ——————————————————————————————————11/26 Check National Savings rates 540 National Savings website www.nsandi.com Pension special Pets Fin Business NextP168 Teletext 168 Nov27 21:18:04 —— November Prizes ———————————————————— Prize Bond No. Location Holding £10,000 14YJ 453150 Norfolk £29,310 £10,000 35TD 023617 Cambridge £22,300 £10,000 56YQ 176577 Hampshire £30,000 £10,000 103MC182344 Havering £5,000 £10,000 97CH 769461 Hampshire £2,005 £5,000 15VZ 861346 West Mids £100 £5,000 51NB 866063 Sthampton £22,575 £5,000 53VX 727711 Wiltshire £30,000 £5,000 76QY 154502 Oxfrdshire £29,992 £5,000 6ZH9 21394 Cheshire £22,703 £5,000 6yBT 009349 Lancashire £11,000 £5,000 102GY367306 Tower Ham £16,850 ——————————————————————————————————12/26 Check National Savings rates 540 National Savings website www.nsandi.com Pension special Pets Fin Business NextP168 Teletext 168 Nov27 21:18:31 —— November Prizes ———————————————————— Prize Bond No. Location Holding £5,000 66HY 272225 Hampshire £30,000 £5,000 8KT2 21280 ornwall £2,058 £5,000 59JQ 574002 Morayshire £17,018 £5,000 47KY 247440 Highlands £29,992 £5,000 104KA577282 Oxfrdshire £28,800 £5,000 91EQ 551009 Suffolk £30,000 £5,000 31QD 512664 Oxfrdshire £30,000 £5,000 11ZH 153728 Herts £30,000 £5,000 67YM 290512 Argyll £25,000 £5,000 18VH 457285 Brent £21,000 £5,000 87WZ 170846 Kent £10,000 £5,000 105RX850319 N Yours £29,788 ——————————————————————————————————13/26 Check National Savings rates 540 National Savings website www.nsandi.com Pension special Pets Fin Business NextP168 (eletext 168 Nov27 21:18:55 —— November Prizes ———————————————————— Prize Bond No. Location Holding £5,000 24LE 199414 West Midlands £100 £5,000 17MD 092569 Lancashire £21,600 £5,000 60VB 259956 Worcs £106 £5,000 80EQ 225583 Merseyside £29,994 £5,000 63MD 281702 Ealing £9,050 £5,000 73BH 641149 W Midlands £3,170 £5,000 94BV 759506 Derbyshire £5,000 £5,000 105BN746833 Suffolk £8,010 £5,000 37BM 331717 Bath £30,000 £5,000 37SQ 969767 Wiltshire £9,000 £5,000 86YM 959766 West Yours £3,000 £5,000 101JK278712 Surrey £5,850 ——————————————————————————————————14/26 Check National Savings rates 540 National Savings website www.nsandi.com Pension special Pets Fin Business NextP168 $eletext 168 Nov27 21:19:14 —— November Prizes ———————————————————— Prize Bond No. Location Holding £5,000 16MR 118735 Isle Wight £29,993 £5,000 100WA893425 Lancashire £30,000 £5,000 80YQ 275886 Somerset £11,500 £5,000 33ER 746324 Somerset £20,023 £5,000 81DM 713548 Humberside £30,000 £5,000 68ZG 100984 County (yr £20,000 £5,000 71DR 383031 Devon £30,000 £5,000 76ZA 163026 Bucks £20,000 £5,000 8DA9 80030 W Midlands £30,000 £5,000 92GC 657245 Cumbria £30,000 £5,000 113YX107000 Norwich £3,000 £5,000 103BH872268 Highlands £20,000 ——————————————————————————————————15/26 Check National Savings rates 540 National Savings website www.nsandi.com Pension special Pets Fin Business NextP168 (eletext 168 Nov27 21:19:37 —— November Prizes ———————————————————— Prize Bond No. Location Holding £5,000 37MD 323365 Cambridge £18,282 £5,000 60SP 029997 Hampshire £13,511 £5,000 82SM 865812 Essex £30,000 £5,000 21SM 711050 Ealing £30,000 £5,000 50AB 261313 Norfolk £30,000 £5,000 89ZF 835441 Somerset £30,000 £5,000 101YC674080 Belfast £16,550 £5,000 111LE104765 Sheffield £3,000 £5,000 85QV 024947 W Midlands £30,000 £5,000 51HX 543763 ornwall £800 £5,000 104MN376263 Gloucs £30,000 £5,000 112TL171122 E Sussex £30,000 ——————————————————————————————————16/26 Check National Savings rates 540 National Savings website www.nsandi.com Pension special Pets Fin Business NextP168 (eletext 168 Nov27 22:30:01 —— November Prizes ———————————————————— Prize Bond No. Location Holding £5,000 110FL646644 Leicester £300 £5,000 40FW 347314 Reading £30,000 £5,000 31KD 975568 Gwynedd £30,000 £5,000 110FX877026 Hillingdon £14,250 £5,000 45HS 659210 Wiltshire £30,000 £5,000 110KF475494 West Yours £30,000 £5,000 110ZZ872530 Cheshire £6,100 £5,000 74RP 149228 Cheshire £5,325 £5,000 57MG 437714 Havering £25,291 £5,000 72JH 559926 Dorset £15,760 £5,000 50DY 753180 E Sussex £29,540 £5,000 62PM 363764 Lancashire £30,000 ——————————————————————————————————17/26 Check National Savings rates 540 National Savings website www.nsandi.com Pension special Pets Fin Business NextP168 (eletext 168 Nov27 22:10:23 —— November Prizes ———————————————————— Prize Bond No. Location Holding £5,000 45QG 241306 Cleveland £5,006 £5,000 26EK 551400 W Sussex £12,906 £5,000 112SY326684 West Sussex £5,000 £5,000 12PA 414497 Hillingdon £20,000 £5,000 40QQ 230817 E Sussex £29,050 £5,000 63TV 095050 Norfolk £30,000 £5,000 101GE059353 Shropshire £15,310 £5,000 42VD 428629 Carmarths £28,800 £5,000 53EH 615414 Herts £22,750 £5,000 114YC304546 Midlothian £14,100 £5,000 105LR912375 Cornwall £30,000 £5,000 111KR567560 Herts £30,000 ——————————————————————————————————18/26 Check National Savings rates 540 National Savings website www.nsandi.com Pension special Pets Fin Business NextP168 Teletext 168 Nov27 22:10:46 —— November Prizes ———————————————————— Prize Bond No. Location Holding £5,000 81TR 487319 Gwent £29,129 £5,000 106YQ187095 Bristol £30,000 £5,000 115KZ047428 Kent £25,000 £5,000 85KW 193744 Suffolk £20,000 £5,000 47HP 041562 Herts £30,000 £5,000 89YR 260148 Devon £29,939 £5,000 109JF511501 Herts £30,000 £5,000 45WE 126313 Stoke £12,950 £5,000 114NN648419 Essex £10,000 £5,000 111ZQ165610 Suffolk £30,000 £5,000 81FG 500324 Humberside £30,000 £5,000 48XQ 137864 Surrey £25,500 ——————————————————————————————————19/26 Check National Savings rates 540 National Savings website www.nsandi.com Pension special Pets Fin Business NextP168 (eletext 168 Nov27 21:11:11 —— November Prizes ———————————————————— Prize Bond No. Location Holding £5,000 111WL814354 Dorset £1,011 £5,000 52AD 337117 Herts £19,997 £5,000 66EH 991973 Kent £20,000 £5,000 108HK050804 Preston £30,000 £5,000 81NT 202433 Devon £29,900 £5,000 19ST 973211 Manchester £7,020 £5,000 107JS696675 Lancashire £1,550 £5,000 26BR 311522 Ch Islands £30,000 £5,000 81YN 281845 E Sussex £30,000 £5,000 46HE 235555 Cheshire £20,000 £5,000 8KV4 27705 Devon £27,907 £5,000 41ZZ 272692 Surrey £20,000 ——————————————————————————————————20/26 Check National Savings rates 540 National Savings website www.nsandi.com Pension special Pets Fin Business NextP168 Teletext 168 Nov27 21:01:32 —— November Prizes ———————————————————— Prize Bond No. Location Holding £5,000 72XT 791140 West Yours £19,862 £5,000 109NC661909 Birmingham £30,000 £5,000 103FH703831 Inverness £30,000 £5,000 91ZY 721603 Lancashire £7,000 £5,000 72FY 898400 Beds £14,900 £5,000 34EE 968855 Devon £30,000 £5,000 25FQ 944833 Watford £30,000 £5,000 24AF 786889 Essex £21,950 £5,000 98PJ 958158 Devon £5,000 £5,000 48XV 924440 Lancashire £11,403 £5,000 58XX 193665 Birmingham £1,100 £5,000 115KW234840 York £18,151 ——————————————————————————————————21/26 Check National Savings rates 540 National Savings website www.nsandi.com Pension special Pets in Business NextP168 Teletext 168 Nov27 22:01:51 —— November Prizes ———————————————————— Prize Bond No. Location Holding £5,000 71DD 835323 Birmingham £21,650 £5,000 19WQ 643416 Lambeth £30,000 £5,000 26AM 926620 Somerset £11,945 £5,000 72KX 741336 Southwark £10,000 £5,000 62HM 480576 Cleveland £28,000 £5,000 46YY 886311 Hillingdon £17,250 £5,000 59DW 139424 Cornwall £8,047 £5,000 62HR 557819 Bucks £30,000 £5,000 100MM408736 Norwich £23,950 £5,000 77CN 688729 Somerset £19,030 £5,000 36DF 696700 Devon £21,150 £5,000 36PF 342981 Gwynedd £25,499 ——————————————————————————————————22/26 Check National Savings rates 540 National Savings website www.nsandi.com Pension special Pets Fin Business NextP168 Teletext 168 Nov27 21:02:21 —— November Prizes ———————————————————— Prize Bond No. Location Holding £5,000 83VZ 157560 Lancashire £28,350 £5,000 106PX536518 Lincs £21,455 £5,000 69WB 025529 South Yours £530 £5,000 109PC852723 Hampshire £29,992 £5,000 9NM0 89401 Essex £15,001 £5,000 31NC 086898 Somerset £22,931 £5,000 21DH 033766 Preston £20,000 £5,000 82YG 429389 Essex £15,000 £5,000 88WJ 842552 Barnes £29,182 £5,000 114FP843657 Dorset £1,503 £5,000 107QP562180 Cambridge £700 £5,000 34DT 984560 Hounslow £30,000 ——————————————————————————————————23/26 Check National Savings rates 540 National Savings website www.nsandi.com Pension special Pets Fin Business NextP168 $eletext 168 Nov27 21:02:47 —— November Prizes ———————————————————— Prize Bond No. Location Holding £5,000 41GP 860390 Dorset £25,191 £5,000 51DD 860793 Lincs £5,000 £5,000 89ZA 064185 Humberside £20,900 £5,000 108HE324318 West Sussex £2,555 £5,000 15JQ 463231 Merton £30,000 £5,000 109YM218295 Devon £29,999 £5,000 65LV 545615 Bromley £30,000 £5,000 76WG 380906 Hampshire £30,000 £5,000 106BX706761 N'umberlnd £10,717 £5,000 108WA133990 S Glamorgn £5,700 £5,000 43JY 738192 overseas £5,047 £5,000 6KA0 36065 Avon £10,008 ——————————————————————————————————24/26 Check National Savings rates 540 National Savings website www.nsandi.com Pension special Pets in Business NextP168 Teletext 168 Nov27 21:03:00 —— November Prizes ———————————————————— Prize Bond No. Location Holding £5,000 40CV 485579 Devon £30,000 £5,000 106NR739045 Wiltshire £28,209 £5,000 69ZA 007685 Suffolk £20,000 £5,000 47EL 270959 Cleveland £20,300 £5,000 84TV 790742 North Yours £5,600 £5,000 54YP 533195 Lanarkshre £30,000 ——————————————————————————————————25/26 Check National Savings rates 540 National Savings website www.nsandi.com Pension special Pets Fin Business NextP168 $eletext 168 Nov27 21:03:39 —— November Prizes ———————————————————— Prize value/number of prizes: £1,000,000 2 £5,000 157 £100,000 8 £1,000 2,037 £50,000 16 £500 6,111 £25,000 31 £100 138,030 £10,000 78 £50 1,200,611 Total prize value: £84,866,050 Number of prizes: 1,347,081 Prize fund rate: 3.15% Value of £1m winning bonds: £5,000/£1,000 23 million people have £33bn invested ——————————————————————————————————26/26 Check National Savings rates 540 National Savings website www.nsandi.com Pension special Pets Fin Business Next