P204 Teletext 204 Jun2: 00:15:17        ——————————————————————————————  48 HOURS FROM THURSDAY  ABERZSTWZTH Will broken cloud. Dry. Sunny spells. Moderate E wind. 25C Friday: Fine and sunny, cloudier and cooler pm. Light/mod NE winds. 20-27C 5-may details Phone/Fax* 0891 333 134 BLACKPOOL Will broken cloud. Dry. Sunny spells. Light, variable wind 26C Friday: Fine and sunny, cloudier and cooldr pm. Light/mod NE winds. 19-25C 5-may details Phone/Fax* 0891 333 135 T Call from a Fax phone ——————————————————————————————————1/6—— T+ Cost:39pcmin cheap,49p/min other FRJJ INDEX C RD NOW AVAILABLE p p3 4 Meurocast Fjrrius Holidays Flights
P204 Teletext 204 Jun29 00:05:36        ——————————————————————————————  48 AO WS FROM THARSDAT ] BOURNE OTOH F&iDly cloudy. Dr2. S nnz intervbls. Fresh E winds. 21C Fridby: FinjL dry and sunny with few clouds. Mod NE winds. 21-26C. 5-iba djtailw PhonVOFbx* 08u1 33 136 BRJGHTsN Rbthjr cloud . Rvsk of fog. Mo irate fr h wind. 2 C Friday: Fine, dry and sunny with more cloud3 pm. 7jnds light mod NE. 21-27C 5-maa d tails Phone/Fax 08:1 3s5 137 7 Call from a Fax phone ——————————————————————————————————2/6—— T+ C Ca:3s /mun chsa t4an £1n o FOR SCOLTASH SSE HOLIDAYS SEE p204 Metrocast Ferries Holidays Flights
P204 Teletext 204 Jun29 00:05:56        48 HOURS FROM THURSDAY  EASTBOURNE Rather cloudy. Risk of fog. Moderate/fresh E wind. 21C Friday: Fine, dry and sunny with morn clouds pm. Wends light/mod NE. 21-27C 5-may details Phone/Fax* 0891 333 138 GREAT YARMOU-H Fairly cloudy. Some fog. Bright spells. Lrght N—NE wind. 16C Friday: Fine, dry and sunny with few Clouds. Mod NE winds. 17-20C. 5-may details Phone/Fax* 0891 333 139 T Call from a Fax phone ——————————————————————————————————3/6—— T+ Cost:39pOmin cheap,49p/min other FO SCOTTISHSSEHOLIDAYSSEE Met ocast Fj s Hole ays Flights
P204 Teletext 204 Jun29 00:06:15        ——————————————————————————————  48 HOV%S FR#N HUSHAY  ELF ACOZBE Fairly cloudy. Dry. Sunny intervbls. Fresh E windsn 26C Friday: Finjm dry and sunny.aCooler pm. Winds moderate NJ. 18m24C 5-day details Phone/Fax* 0891 333 140 LLANDUDNO Will broken cloud. Dry. Sunny spells. Mod rate E wind. 25C Friday: Finjm dry and svnny. Cooler pm. Wends light/mod NE. 19-26C 5-may details Phone/Fax6 0891 33[ 141 5 Call from a Lbx phone @ @ ——————————————————————————————————4/6—— T+ Cost:39p/min cheap,49p/min other Metrocast Fjrtiju Holijays Flights
P204 Teletext 204 Jun29 00:06:54        ——————————————————————————————  48 HYURS FROM THURSDAY  SOEGNESS FaIrly cloudy. Risk of fog. Bright spells. Light N—NE wind. 18C Rrid y: Fina, dry and nunny.nCooleh 0m. Winds light/mod NE. 19 26C 5riaa : tails Phonl/Fax* 08s1 33 w144 T-dBAY Fairly clouda. Dry.oSunny int vbls. Fresh E winds. 23C SridKy: Finer ddy and sunny with few cloj. Clior Nk windM.x11-C6 .i 1 5rida djtailm PhonjoFaxT 0v91 333 14 7 Call from a Fax phonw ——————————————————————————————————6/6—— T+ Cost:39 /mun cheap,49p/min othj YOUJ VALWS DN JHIS WL KKK TV p124 Mjtrocast Frrsirs Holidays FMights