P565 CEEFAX 565 Sun 28 May 01:54/14     Ad6ice OW I D-J  Djibouti 1/2  Areas of the country remain closed. Vi3itors to Djibouti City should U take normal safety reaautikns& avoiding travelling on foot within th ci t ni ht. Contac th British Honorary Con3ul on arrival, U t l: 3 3 44 Thu main Djibouti-Ethopia/Eritrea ban It t ad is d 0 to avoid these roads. Wk +) Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129 U  56) A-C 566 K- 576 R-U 1/39 AdviceK-P Flight1 UK Events Tra6hl
P565 CEEFAX 565 Sun 28 May 0 :18/34 ]    Advice . /. /, 5 z5o *p0 J  Djiboh|i @ 2/2  2 h r is s e floodin in Djibouti. Commun cations hav been badly affected and anyknj intdndin£ to travel outsidd Djibouth City should seek advice from local authoritie ou British H norar +j ou l b f r t avelling. 0  U  Foreign Office Travel 0171 27 4129 upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp88pppz ' u6) A-C 576 K-P 566 R-Z 2/39 Advice -P Flights U Events ravel
P565 CEEFAX 565 Sun 28 May 01:15/24  m< >   Advice II  D-J 7£££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ Dominian Republic 0  Problems in Haiti are not affecting the Dominian Republic. T urist areas are a considerable distance ro b rd r which ha no b n re- opened. Howe6jr, visitors should Seep informed of the latest Petty crime is very infrequent, but tourists should take normal care.  ) Fo ion Offic Travel 0171 270 4129  564 A-C 565 K-P 566 R-Z 3/39 Advice Flight U v nus rav l
P565 CEEFAX 565 Sun 28 May 01:12/24   Advice . /.) ,  f-J Ecubdou 9/2 A ceasefire is now in placd bbtseen E d and P , h , h tens A number of minor bord r crossings are belie6jd to bj mined 5 in th Cordill ra Del Cond r area. It would bj advisable for 0 at th lark r rico nised crossing points such as Huaq ella and Macara.a The police and military cmntinuj to+j make random sjciruty checks - carry identification at all timer.  cont'  564 -C 56 K-P 566 R 9 Ad ice -P Flight U E nt Tr l
P565 CEJFAX 565 Sun 28 May 01:59/38 L l< |  5÷!s{4j5{5 Ad6ice  /. /, 5 :5o: p0 f J  Ecuador 2/2  Pickpockjt3 o0jrate in all major tourist centres, especially in U h t . h Pancillo should be avoided. Travjlle5s must take sensible precautions, do not carry large amounts of money or wear jeweller8. If threatened with a weapon, do not e its. Th r has b en an incrja in violent crime in Quito and Gsa aquil, patti ularl armed 0 robbjrUes of vehicles, in which U W) drivers of cars have been shot and killed. Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129  564 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-Z 5/39 AdviceK-P Flights UU Events Travel
P565 CEEFAX 565 Sun 28 May 01:33/35  ] n2n1 5 ! 4 j5 {5 Ad6 ce . /. 5 z o *  Egypt 1/3  A campaign of violence has been c nducte b x r m ts inc h of summer 1992, mainly in the 0 n t o As M nz (in and arou M la i S h d Q n and occasionally elsewhjrd.They have warned foreignerQ not to 6i3it E t. t ck on tour t tar t have since 1992 caused the death of two Briton3 and several other ojherb.In the mo2t rjcdnt 3euious incidents, a German tourist was 3hot dead in Hurghada on the Red Sea coast in Sjptembjr and a 0+j 56) A-C 266 K 6/39 AdviceK-P Flights UU Events *ravul
P565 CJEFAX 565 Sun 28 May 01:20/17     Advice   fmJ  Egypt 2/3  Briti h tourist was k llid h n a minibus was fired on 23 km north of U Luxor in Oct bet. The authorities pr tectink vi3itors. By nd f 0 October,nearly 2 0,0 Britons h1d 6i3ited Egypt in 1994 without expire ncing se urity di fic lt , but total s cure y can n gsa anteed. Visit r rho ld travel b8 road, rail,gr river to or through the Go6ernkrates . Those ishink t travel ia Q na tw d + Luxor and R d S a coast should notify the local authkritie2 of 56) A-C )66 K 7/39 AdviceK Q Flights US Events Travel
P565 CJEFAX 565 Sun 28 May X1:47/28     Advice   D-J Egypt 3/3Wj 0 their plans. All vi1itors should bj vigilant and are reminded to behave and dress discreetly. 0 2 0  Foreign Office Travel 0374 500 926 a 56) A-C 565 K-P 566 R-Y 8/39 A v c lights v nt rav l
P565 CJJFAX 565 Sun 28 May 01:00/58    5÷! { j5{5 Advice  . /, j5 o *p0 - 7 £££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ b @@@b@b d U  ho gh t ci ar h d d U thcrj iu sign ficant lawl sun s throughout the country. a n:mbju of vicaims are being murdered in she course of robberies, kspjcially whuri th y re3ist. ts aravjllars man bj rebbe2 wh thu in psi ate r public tr nspo t, on +5 main roads o5 hn toens. Trave after dark should bk avoided. p Latest information iu available 0 Wk from the British Embas32, tel:298-a 1763/69 o5299-145). Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129  564 A-C 566 K-P 566 RmZ 9/39 AdviceK]P Flights US kvent Travel
P565 CEJFAX 565 Sun 28 May 01:21/30 ]    Advice   f-J Equatagial Grin a 2  Although the general situation is cal t jrj is mj dan political demonstrations leadhng to vimldnce. british national ard 0 advi d to be cautious, to take care of their belongings and no to travel after dark. p 0  h i n Bri is C n ula presence in Equatorial Guinea and +j in an emkrgjncy help should bj sought from French or Spbnish embassy in Malabo. 0 '5 Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129+j  554 A-C 566 K-P 66 R-Z 10/39 Advice P Fie ht1 Ud nt Flavht
P565 CEEFAX 565 Sun 28 May X1:11/11 n n1 ÷!s{4j5{5 dv W  D-J  Eritrea  $hj5e is no reason nkL to vi3it but the Sudan boudj should bj avoided unless the journey is essential. Normbl safety precautions, such as not travelling after dark, should bj taken.   Visitors are advised to register with the British Con slat in Asmara (Tel 120145), particularly if they intend to travel outside the capital. 0 Foreign Office Travel 0171 70 4 29  ' 56) A-C 566 K-P 567 R-Z 11/39 Advice -P Flight U Ev ts Trav l
P565 CEEFAX 565 Sun 28 May 02:15/31     Advice II 5 z5oz*p0 D-J ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££k  avjll should b awar that 5 r jake place and are advised to take sensible precautions especially after dark. Car theft is a particular problem.     Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129  564 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-Z 12/39 AdviceK P Flights U Events Trav l
P565 CEEFAX 565 Sun 28 May 00:45/52     Ad6ice   D-P  £££££££££ ££££££££k incluonnL the R ft V olpy gage , Addi Ab ba and th H gh nd Tourist Routja Tra ml girts $ark ho ra e k d an a ml all b rd e a ias s xcept Eet6edm ithio Aa ad Erijt .T l i r i 5, r rae and Saueh f Ai a Min h should be auoid d possible.aR p Rp R Reg std at British E as3 f  Wk outside capita Tel:01 12354) ) or i n ffic T a e 0  5 ) A-C 6 D- 567 R-Z 3 /39 AdviceR-Z Rail SJ1 Rdwks M1 Flights
P565 CEEFAX 565 Sun 28 May 01:12/14 l |l4|, l< |   Advice I  D-J  Gabon 2 0  Political ten3ion evident last 9jar has subsided. In the e6jnt of new d p lite al m s ti British nbtionals should exerci3 caution, particularly in br vi l the capital.  hj Foreign and Commonwealth Office have no direct representation in 0 G bon. an m g ncy lat assistance can be arranged through any European Union Embassy in b vill . F Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129  564 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-Z 14/39 AdviceUmP Flights UU Events Travel
P565 CEEFAX 565 Sun 28 May 01:29/38    j5÷!s{4j5{5 Advice  /, 5 :5oz*p0 fmJ  The Gambia Banjul has been calm since th coup in ly and jnts in N . 1994 d Jan. 1995 and there have been no incidents involving tourists. The Fkrjign Office is no lonke recommending that travellers po1t pone their journeys. However the political outlook i uncertain and Briti h national travelling to the Gambia rho ld aware that the 3ecurity 3ituati n h Bijish nationbls intending long U stays should register wish the British High Commission. Foreign Offic Tra 0 4 5 0 2  56) A-C 566 K-P 566 RmZ 15/39 AdviceK-P Fli hts Ud Es nt Fravhl
P565 CJJFAX 565 Sun 28 May 0 :46/58 ]   5÷!s{4j5{5 Ad6ice   D-J  r a o a t i n m relative saftu, although travel at ni ht, out3ide the ca it i not d . Th re i ns Abkha and South Ossjtia should bj strictly avoided, as the shtuatign is unpr dictable. u ia has temp rarely clo ed its n j suspending all flights, road and s a tr ff t n r a ca d a 0 ') "jgister with British Embassy in U Moscow: (7 095) 230 6333. 0  ' 564 A-C k66 K-P 566 R-Z 16/39 AdviceK-P Flights UK Events Travel
P565 CJJFAX 565 Sun 28 May 01:10/11     Ad6ice  j5 z5oz*p0 -J Georgia @ 2/3 Cancellation, long delays and overloading of passenkj5s on inte nal flight in son countri in the former Soviet Union are frequentL particularly in the Transcaucasu3. It iu not known if m tin nc proc durer are a wa s properly ob3e ed. Tra6eml rs are advise to fly direc ly on 0 international flights where possrble.  On arrival all valuables should bj Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129  64 A-C 56 -P 566 R Z 7 39 AdviceU-P Flights UK Events Trav l
P565 CEEFAX 565 Sun 28 May 01:10/41 l4|l4| l<   Ad6ice O  D—T  Georgia 3/3 Incidents of mugging, theft and U pickpockjting in all cities are increa3ink. Vi3itoru should vigilant and are advised to dress down. It is s fer to u3j officially +5 marked taxis which shouldn't bj shared with strangers. When t avellink b train, 6al5able should bj left in the compartment. Do not leave the compartment un t end d En u th do is quite secure from inside. U  U Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129  564 A-C 566 K-P 5 6 R Z /39 AdviceK-P Flights UK Event Tra6jl
P565 CEEFAX 565 Sun 28 May 01:11/44  | <   Ad6icd . /. O, 5 z5oz*p0 D-  h Ghana  Ghana is generally troublm free for visitors provided normal sensible precautions are taken. It is nus +j advisbble to travel outside the main towns bz road after dark because of th poor state of the roads. Medical facilitie & communicate ns are poor outside urban areas and emergency facilities are extremely +) limited in the event of an accident  ') Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129 'uppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp8pppz A-C 566 K P 566 RJ 19 39 AdviceK-P Flights UK Events Travel
P565 CJJFAX 565 Sun 28 May 00:11/24   @  Advice I  D-J Greece 0 Th e have been some bomb and 0 soc j attacks in Greece which have, in the main, targeted commercial, official and foreign organisations in the Athens area.  Attacks involving tourists cannot +) bj ruled out, howe6er, and vi it rs should be vigilant.  @  ' Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4 29  56 A-C 566 K-P 56 R Z 39 Advi eK-P Fli ht US Ev nus Tra l
P565 CEJFAX 565 Sun 28 May 01:51/11 ]  n2n2 5÷!s{4j5{5 Ad6ice I  D-J  Grenbda Although relatively safe for tourists, visitors should take en ible precautions t a e a d valuables at 1ll timer.  $hey should seek local advice about which areas should bj avoided and pay attention to personbl security. U   @  5  564 A-C 566 UmP 566 R-Z 21/39 AdviceK-P Flights US Events Travel
P565 CJEFAX u65a Sun 28 May 00:45/42 ]  n n1 j ! {4 j {5 i . 7£££££££££££££ £££££££ £££ £ Guatem|Xa ] @ @ /2 Violent crime is pri6alent, especially in and around the cairgal and dthRd o r  Mugkjrs ar often well armpd. arm d attacks on public buses are common and g5jurilla attacks dn militarm U ottan. Tra66l afonj, el0nkianle at Travel to more remote areas, such U as PetenL should bj taken with car0 before leaving main towns.  Foreign Office Travel 0171 278 4129 upppppppp ppppppppppppppp pppppp pppppz 564 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-Z 22/39 AdviceKLP Flights UK E6ents Tra6el
P565 CEJFAX 565 Sun 28 May 01:52/21     Advice W  D-J £££ ££££ £££££ ££££££ ££ ££ ££££ Guat mala 2/2 0 nt n n o o unr kisser d taxi . Arm d attacks on public buses ar common and r economic targets occasionally occur. Vi itor travellin o6euland into Mjxiao sho4ld take zhu coastal route thur Tecun Uman, avoid the La Mesilla crossing into Chiapas, wh th situation rem ins ten . egister wi h the British mbassz on arrival htel:321601) for u datd.'u  F reign Office Travel 0171 270 4129+j  564 A-C 566 K P 566 R-Z 3/3] AdviceK-P Flights UU Events Travel
P565 CEEFAX 565 Sun 28 May 01:52/45     Ad6icd   D-J  cases bve been confine to wUthin U Guinea has suffered an kpidjmic of cholera, although most confirmed Conakry.  0 U  Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129  ppppp8p8pz ' kn) A-C u6&aK-P 566 R-Z 24/39 Advice P Flights U Events ravel
P565 CEEFAX 565 Sun 28 May 01:16/37 ]   U Ad6icd   D-J  Guinea-Bissau +j  h e is a h l a epid mi in Guinea-Bis3au at pre int.Visitors should be aware that outbreaks of Chol ra are occ ruing througho t the country.  U 2 0  5 For i n Office Travel 0171 270 412  564 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-Z 25/39 AdviceU-P Flights UK Events Travel
P565 CEEFAX 565 Sun 28 May 01:53/28 ]    Ad6ice . /. /, 5 5o 0  Gu n  Visitmrs should be aware that U violent crime, especially 'choke and rob' styl mugging remains a problem,particularly in Georgetown. Visitors should not walk alon at night especially in Georgetosm 1nd the aria of Stabroek Markku. al g 0 take precautions during daylight 0 hours-ron+h try mon y/ 1lu ') )yphoid and Cholera are still present in Guyana. Malaria is pre6ali t in all areas out ide Georgetown.Visitors should ensure +5 they have rele6ant inoculations. Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129+j  ) A-C 566 Z 26/39 AdviceK-P Flights US Kvjnts Travel
P565 CEJFAX 565 Sun 28 May 01:40/29     Ad6icd  KJ  Haiti  Commjrical airlines are now WU p rathnk reg larl8 and snme cure e ships have returned to thu North 0 Coast of Haiti. Nevi thjl ss, ordinary crime and violence 0 continues unabated and Briti1h nbtionbls intunding to tuavjl to Haiti arein6itid to contact ehuhku the British High Commission in Kingston, Jamaica: 809Q926 9050, or the British Vicd Con3ul in Port- Au-Prince, office: 509 573 969 kr home: 599 4:3 950 for adviqe' U Q Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129'j  56) A-C 565 K-P 566 R-Z 27/39 AdviceU-P Flights UU Events Travel
P565 CEEFAX 565 Sun 28 May 01:04/07 ]  n j5 ! 4 5   D-J  Honduras Incidents gf violent crime havu 0 increased sharply. Vis tor should not w ar je ell r no ar lark amounts of cash. Exercise care, particularly at night, in the U poorer areas of Tegucigalpa, k.g. Combyaguela, and also on the no5th c ats ar und La Ceiba where crime j against tourists has increased. Border points (except major crossings) with Nicaraguar and El 5 Sal dot ar bj t avoidj . Road tra6el at night is not ad6ised. '5 Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 41297j  564 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-Z 28/39 AdviceK-P Flights UU Events Travel
P565 CJEFAX 565 Sun 28 May 01:54/36 ]  j IO 5  5oz%p0 J  £££££ ££££££££ ££££££££££ £££££££ Indi h 2 i 9 ene all lm and m jgu t r 1t c m are bojh frequent clashes between militants and security forces and violent demonstrations in the Kashmir Valley and surrounding areas. There have been bomb blasts in public place in J mmu. om li ant ac include g U rmbbjry, kidnapping and murder, h1s inv v d f r i n . T n3io h h ft r a re t i c de t. pp p p z ' 4 A-C K P 576 29/39 AdviceKJP Flights UK Events Travel
P565 CEJFAX 565 Sun 28 May 01:21/50 ]  n n1 s 4 {5 ic I  D-J  U Travel to Au3am and thu North East is restricted and permits must b bra r h H m M i i N e hi 0 Last y ar 3 Britons we kidnapp h in D lhi b K shmir militant after being befriended by one of them. VirTuous should bear this in mind and be wary of approaches by stangers. 0   Foreign Office Travel 0374 500 935  56) A-C 576 K-P 566 R-Z 30/39 AdviceUmP Flights UK Events Travul
P565 CEEFAX 565 Sun 28 May 01:41/28  -    Advice I  2D-I  Indonrsia The country iu prone to volcanic eruptions & natural di3asters. Avoi Krakatau, Mount Rjnjani, 0 Lombok, Sinila crater, feint 0 0 around Mt Merapi in Central Java. Wj More info f om Directorate of Volcanology, Bandung Tel 022772505.  U Security situbtion in Aced Province Sumbtra,is largely back to normal but night travel i not advi able. East Timor is generally quiet but ') ten e wit some clashes between troops and armed insurgents Fo ion ffic Tra e 0171 270 4129  564 A-C 566 K-P 566 RmZ 31/39 AdviceU-P Flights Ud Events Travel
P565 CEEFAX 565 Sun 28 May 01:38/31 % l4|l4|, 2 %l< 32 C 3   Ad6rcd I  D-J Mran n p F 1/2 Drsveojs shouleiga j gen3ible prj U cautions, making sure thieu travel +j documentation i^ in order & visas. (age care not to offend against Islamic codes of dress and R  day of the holy month of Moharram, Photography near any government M 3uch installatimn3 are nk as ly U i emt fiabl ar h d taken ovj photogrpph in urban areas away from touri t locations. Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129'j 'upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz 56) A-C 565 K-P 566 RJZ 32W39 AdviceK-P Fligh UU Ev nus a6 l
P565 CEEFAX 565 Sun 28 May 01:42/51    U Ad6iad /. . / 5 z5o: p0  Iran 2/2  The borders between Iran 1nd U Azerbaijan and Iran and Turkmenistan are open only to nbtionbls of those countries. Non nbtionbls bre noe allowed to cross these borders by land. U  i ul r s e t @ r '5 and consult them immediately should '5 prodl ms ares .  Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129  ppppppppppppppppppp pppppp pppp ppz 564 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-Z 33/39 AdviceK-P Flights UU Events Travel
P565 CEJFAX 565 Sun 28 May 01:16/17    j5÷!s{4j5{5 Advice .%/. /, j5 :5oz%p0 - Iraq U  British nationals should not attempt to visii Iraq. U  2 Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129 upppppppppppppppppppp8p88ppppp88888888z 564 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-Z 34/39 AdviceU-P Flights UK Events Travel
P565 CEEFAX 565 Sun 28 May 01:43/22 l4|l4|, ] U Advice   f-J 7££££££££££££££££££££££££££ ££££££££££k Israel 1/2 h re re n p ia p oblem i th main to ns and tourist a jar. $here have been recent terrorist inced nus in various parts of 0 Israel, including shootings and bomb explosions, but there have been no direct attacks on foreigner or threats against tourists.  Travellers to the Occupied Terri- U tories, including the West Bank and Ga:b/Jericho, should note that tension and confrontation 8jr1iut.  £5 Foreign Office Travel 0374 500 940  64 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-Z 35/39 AdviceK-P Flights US Events Travel
P565 CEJFAX 56) Sun 28 May 01:)3/29     Advice   DmJ  Israel 2/2 'hili there is no dhrect threat to visitors, disturbances and +5 respon3i6e 3jcurhty mea3urj akuld tour operators/local taxi dri6jr minimises the risks. Tourists in uhj old city of Jjru3alem should be on their guard against peek- pockets. All visitors should follow British Consulate in Jerusalem (for Jerusalem ) and Tel A6i6 (for 0 s l hj t p j Foreign Office Travel 0374 500 940  5 A C 66 K P 6 Z 3 /39 AdviceK-Q bFlights UK Jvjnts Travel
P565 CEJFAX 565 Sun 28 May 81:17/18     Advice   D-J Vamb ca Most visitors knjoy cardfree and hbppy hoidbzs and the buthorities j tourist areas. However, attacks on 6isitors do occur and vigilance i3 U advised outs de the safety of one'u U hotel. Watch out for bbg snatchers and pickpockets. Do no carry vbluables travel documjntsWlarge amounts of cash unnesessarily. Do o r t at night is not advised nus iu the use of public transport. +5 Foreign Office Travel 0374 500 941  564 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-Z 37/39 AdvUceK]P Flights US Events Travel
P565 CEEFAX 565 Sun 28 May 00:54/43 l4|l4|,  >   Advicd I  D-J  a n The 17 January earthquake which infrastructure of the city of Kobe and th urr ndink ar as e r l damaged. It is now possible to 0 reach the centre of Kobe bz railway, and Shinkansjn Xbullet train) ser6ices are now fully re tor d and sjuvj the city of Kobe. Roads continue to be 'k congested. Resumption of gas, water U and lect ices supple cont nue , but some isolated parts of central +5 Uobj remain without these seu6iae2.  Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129+j  564 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-Z 38/39 Advice -P Flight US Ev nus ravel
P565 CEEFAX 565 Sun 28 May 01:54/31   Advice   DmJ ££££££££ ££££££££££££££££££££££££££ £k Jordag an2 n o tow b . hj likelihoo f violence against EMreiEnjrk is low. Visitors should U During periods of polticial ten3ion in t j r io v sitors should bj on their guard, particularly in U places associated with tourism (such as hotel entrances). Further +5 advice is avbilable b telephoning the consular 3jction of the Briti1h T Embassy X823100). Visitors to Jordan are reminded to dress modjslly and b hav o teousl  +5 Eoreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129 upppppppppppppppppppppppp pppppp ppppz ' 564 A-C 566 K-P 566 R-Z 39/39 AdviceK-P Flights UK Events Travel