P564 CEJFAX 564 Sun 28 May 01:12/04 l4|l4| l< n n j5 ! {4 j5{5 d ic I /, J -C  Afghanistan t f h tan h b avoided. Continuing tension has l d to recurrent outbreaks of fighting. Those insisting on travelling shoul ch k b f re s t n out. U -hike is no resident mission in Afghanistan for consular hjlpW The Briti h H gh Commi i n i Pa stan can only provide limited advice. 0 Armed conflict may pose a threat to '5 civil aircraft. Some carriers avoid U ) Afghbn airspbce. It is possible to check direct or with a travel agent Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129  56) D-J 566 K-P 567 RmZ 1/44 AdviceD-J FuelPrice Sea S ot Top Roads
P564 CEEFAX 56) Sun 28 May 00:17/24 ]   i !s{4j5{5 Advice I  A-C 7 ££££££££££ ££££££££££££££££ £££££ ££k Albania 1/2 Public ord r h s impro e , but out- U side Tirana it is adv bl to ha j a guide. 0 0 Health risks (Yepatitis A and B) 0 are high and medical facilities are o . n rink ta 0 at . The supply of fuel can bj erratic ') and f l jet ycans houl be are in short uppl or no 'k obtainbble. @ +) Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129 p pppppp p p p pp pp p + 5-) D- KPRJZ 2/44 AdviceD-J FuelPrice SeaWScot Top Roads
P564 CEEFAX 564 Sun 28 May 01:17/45   Advice  /. /, j5 z5oz p0 A-C  ££££££k Albania p 2/2 Foreign visitors and their vehicles ar n at activ taro f criminals. They should avoid dark and lonely spots, keep valuable secure and avoid revealing large mount of m n y. n rural areas western travellers j are more at risk than in towns. It is advisable to travel with a local cu toms and traditions are no W) inbdvjrtently breached. U Driving standards are low and ppp ppppp p pppppp p p z D- K 67 3 44
P564 CJEFAX 564 Sun 28 May 01:18/05 l4|l4|, l< |   Advice   A-C Albania 2/2 and special care is needed on the U roads. In case of jmjrgjncies, the British U Charge d'Affaire's office iu situated at Rruga Vaso Pasha 7W1, 1st Floor, Tjrana, Albania. jl phon no3: (355 42) 42849/42869 0  0  0 '5 0  565 D-J 566 UmP 567 R-Z 4/44 AdviceD-J FuelPrice SeaWScot Top Roads
P564 CEEFAX 564 Sun 28 May 01:18/27     A-C  Algeria 9/2  Visitors should not travel to U A j n security threat to foreignjrsW mainin Brit h re id nt should re jew their po i i n and unle their ciraumstances affo5d them effective protecti n, should mag 0 arrangements to leave. Th recent attack n ar Ghardaia in which five foreign nationals including a Briton were killed shows the presence of a miltiary guard may not provide ensure effe ti pros t n ) ei n ffic T 1 1 27 412  56) D-J 566 K-P 567 R-Z 5/44 AdviciD-J F5elPr ce SjaWS o op R ads
P564 CEEFAX 564 Sun 28 May 01:08/46 ]  n n 4 j5 { 6   —-C  Algjtia 2/2  If [ou decide to travel make your whereabouts known to the Embassy in Algiers. About 100 foreign visitors and residents, including two British resident, have been killed p attacks on westerners must bu expected. 0 H -here is@a curfew between 2330 and border between Algeria and Morocco is clot d. 0  Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129 'upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz 565 D-J 566 K-P 567 RmZ 6/44 AdviceD-J FuelPrice Sea/Scot Top Rwads
P564 CEEFAX 564 Syn 28 May 01:14/04    j ! 4j5{5 Ad ic advisa th t u nda s calm but it sh to r t are dv d n t to j vi it Angola. Business v sitor are crim s against xpatriate still occur and the incidence of armed car jack n s has increa ed in recent weeks. Vistors should sporadic fighting contin es in uppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 6 D J K P 67 R 7 44
P564 CEEFAX 564 Sun 28 May 00:04/2:   n n2 j !s 4 j5 {5 Ad6ice  Aumjnaa u foreign cur e and al able it ms e.g. jewedlbry, cameras, comuuteus p all citibs is i prea3ing. Vi itor Ahjuld @ l t @n rj s Use officially markUd taxis and trains store your valubles under bedOsjat - don't leave compartment  i i w th a w r f s 5 n c .  p pp pppppp pp z 56) A-C 566 K-P 567 R-Z 4/44 Adv ce t
P564 CEEFAX 564 Sun 28 May 01:04/47     Advice   A-C  A mjnia 2 nc ll ti ns d inte nbl flights in the Formj esp cially in the Transcaucasus. M re re iabl ind p nd nt i e are com nk into operation but it iu not clear if maintenance iu properly ob3j 6ed. You are advi jd to fly directly to your de tination on n int n tiona fli h om ') out3idj the Former So6iet Unimn.  0 upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz 6 P 67 R 9/44 AdviceH-J FuelPtice SeaOScot Top Roads
P564 CEEFAX 564 Sun 28 May 01:50/01 l4|l4| l< |   Advice  U A-C £ £££££ ££ £ £ £ £ £ £ Angola British nationbls are advised not U io visit for tourism, but rhos wi hing to visit on business are 5 a t a d vi3itors should exerci e caution in mo ing around th city, esp cially after dbrk. Fighting continues in many oth parts of Angola, travel out3idj Luanda should bj avoided. 0  M tbrj k. and keep in contact with the Embassy (tel.:334582/3 or 392991) Foreign Office Trav l 0171 270 4129+j  565 D-J 566 K-P 567 RJZ 0/44 Ad6iceD-J FuulPrice SeaWScnt Top Roads
P564 CEEFAX 56) Sun 28 May 01:00/28 L    Advice  [ A-C  @@ incidents, the 3ituation in Baku is midnight until 5am but the chty can be visijed with difficulty. Passports or after-entry visa ( receipts should be carried at all +e ti . Al h u h a u conflich over the mid-+e1tern region of Nagouno Karabakh has been in place 3ince mid-May, travel to this region should be avoided.  Fo i n Off c Tra l 171 270 4129 j ppppppppp ppppp ppppp pp 565 D]J 566 UmP 567 RmZ 11/44 AdviceD-J FuelPrice Sea/Scot Top Roads
P564 CEEFAX 564 Sun 28 May 01:20/49    [ Advrce   A-C Aojrdiaran o 2j It is@not known if maintcnbnce U I ly obseu6ed. Tra6ellers ard advi5ed to fly directly on internbtional  P Stueii crimes are incrja3ing in all%u Use officially marked taxis which you should not shari with strangers.    U Foreign Wffice Travel 0171 270 4129'j  565 D-J 566 K-P 567 R-Z 2/44 AdviceD-J FuelPrice Sea/Scot Top Roads
P564 CEEFAX 564 Sun 28 May 01: 1/0   n1n1 U5÷!s{4j5{5 Advice I  A-C  Antigua and Barbuda Most visitors to Antigua and U Barbuda enjoy trouble-free hgliday3 U but there has been an increase ig crime, including some violent attacks on tourists.  Visitors should take sensible j precautions and not carry large amounts of money or jewemlry, especially in sealuded areas.They U should take local ad6ice about areas to be avoided, particularly i relation to travel in open vehicles j in remote areas.  565 D-J u66 K-P 567 RmZ p 13/44 AdviceH-J FuelPrice Sea/Scot Top Roads
P564 CEEFAX 564 Sun 28 May 01:56/20 ]    Ad6icd  j5 z5o:%p0 A-C  Bahrain ce mid- ec mb , h r ha id p ad c i dist anc b t on a 3mall-scale and at pre emt the 3ecurity authorities ar in co tr l of the situation. 0 There is no indication that foreign nationals ar being targeted.However,visitors to Bah6ain are advised to avoid 6illage cent es afte dusk and to U observe the usual precautions to avoid psetting religious sensitivities. B i h mb : 4404 j Info Line: 534719  55) D-J 566 K-P 567 R]Z 4/44 AdviceH-J FuelPrice Sea/Scot Top Roads
P564 CEEFAX 564 Sun 28 May 01:21/45     Advice II  A-C 7££££££ £££ ££££ £££££££££££££ ££££££k Banglade h 1/2 Pmlitical tension is rising. Thkrd n cr a i l rallies, demonstrations and 0 political iol nce in major c tie and also elsewhkre, and it could bj directed in part against West rn rs Vi3itors should avoid areas where demonstrations are being held and U other crowded places.  Opposition parties call general strikes at short notice. Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129  565 D-C 566 K-P 567 R-Z 15/44 AdviceH-J FuelPtice Sea/Scot Top Roads
P564 CJJFAX 564 Sun 28 May 01:02/22     Ad6icd I  -C 7£££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ ££ £££ k Bangladesh 2/2 People ignoring general strikes can become targets for violence by pic and th i jhi l ma damaged or destroyed. 0  Armjh banditry is frequmnt on mbjor%j roads b tween towns. F eign ffic av l 0171 270 4 2  2 0 0  565 Dm 566 K-P 567 RmZ 16/44 AdviceD-J FuelPrice Sea/Scot Top Roads
P564 C EFAX 564 Sun 28 May 01:42/30 l4|l4|, | n 5÷!s{4j5{5 Adv c I  A-C +7£££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££k Belarus Tra6elle5s should bj aldut to possibility of mugging, theft and ckpock t nk, a t l ly h bo d c o n at Br t. O trains do not leave compartment un tt d d and n r hj d r i secure from outside. In hotels o5 pa tm t c ut oks i h door to strangers. Don'o leave valubbles in unbttendjd vehicles. +5 Always use official taxis.  It is not known if lNcal airlines U ') For i n Offic Tra l 0171 27 4129 j 'upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz 565)D-J 566 K-P 567 R-Z 17/44 AdviceD-J FuelPrice Sea/Scot Top Roads
P564 CEEFAX 564 Sun 28 May 01:37/53 ]L    a46ice II  A-C Belarus 0 cont. always observe proper mbimtinance procedures. For thji5 safety travellers are ad;i9bd whure pos3ible to fly direatlX to zhriu destination on an international 0+j flight originbting outside the former Sotrit Union Fli hts to internal or other CIR dj tinations are sometimes subject to cancellations or long delays. Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129 u ppppppppppppppp pppp ppp ppp p pp z 565 D-J 566 K-P 567 R-U 18/44 Ad ic t
P564 CEEFAX 564 Sun 28 May 01:03/14     Ad6icd . /. /, 5  5oz p0 -C  Belize Man p ple Beli wi h ut experiencing difficulty. Travellers an ncr a in muggings and vi lent crime involving firearms in Bile:e City, San Ignacio and Dangriga. 0 Vi itor hould avoid dark street areas best avoided. Don't dress ostentatiously or carry valuables. If possible do not walk alone. Travel inland is sbfest in groups ') accompanied by a licensed guide.  Foreign Office Tra6el 0171 270 4129+U  56 D-J 5 K-P 567 /44 AdviceD-J FuelPrice Sea/Scot Top Roads
P564 CEEFAX 564 Sun 28 May 01:58/38   I  A-C  Benin 0  Tra6el iu gjmjrally 3afe but dri6ing out of main towns at night should bj avoided as roads are poorly lit. incidknts of mugging and personal assbult in Cotonou and some armed robberies have been reported in ohhjr arias. Visitors should bj vigilant, and avoid unlit side streets.a he hon ar ri i h C n3ul in Cot n , te : 3 112 can n i limited h lp in em rgjncies. j Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129+j 'upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz 565 D-J 566 K-P 567 RJU 20/44 Advice - uelPric S a Scot p gads
P564 CEEFAX 564 Sun 28 May 00:0 /55 ] ^   Advice   2A-C Bod ia h state of mir c contin 0 but t it ate r mains calm. hj cu few h uss hav bj n { lax d0 and are now from p200 to 0u00 Fridays and Saturdays, and from W) 0100 to 0600 on weekdays. There is no vjason for frPti h 6i i o 5 to change their travel plans. On U arrivblL they should contact the U Brit sh b ss in z el: 357424Q for more detailed informbtion. ') 2 upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz K P 6 AdviceD-J FujlPrice SeaWScot Top Roads
P564 CEEFAX 564 Sun 28 May 01:54/19     Ad6ice   —-C  Bo@mia-Hdrrego a h F e ahl tr@vjl to Bms@ia and hade, U since September 1991, ad6ised all U Bri]ish natilnals nor uUk ged iv 0 the country. a i f k Independent groups which insist on ttavjlling to or remaining in 0 W5 Bosnia should co-ordinate their mk6jmk&t2 i& 146avad thu UFHR a t ') deliberately targeted m sp ially Fo Zion Z@@@@ U  [ 565 D-J )66 K-P 567 R-Z 22/44 AdviceD-J FujlPhice Sea/Scot Tp Reads
P564 CEEFAX 564 Sun 28 May 01:24/33 ]    Ad6ice   A-C  Bosnia-Hercegovina 2/2 Independent groups should not enter Sarajevo without UN authority. U General trav l advi e c n b obtained from thu Foreign Wffice'u Travel Ad6ice Unis: 71 270 412Y/ 0 071 270 4179. Advice on opjrationblWj mbtters can bj obtained from the on: 071 917 0398. p Ai and a tra el is n possibl nd road nra o ti h 0 ation ls leav ng the co nt y ) shoul ta adv ci from UNPR FO Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129 6 D- 6 P 567 R 23/44 Ad iceD J kelP ce S aWS p Ro d
P564 CEEFAX 564 Sun 28 May 01:34/54 l4|l4| l< 2 |   Advice  J A-C  j Thbre is a high crime ratd in majmr citij particul rl in Rig dj 0 Janjiro and Sag Paulo. Valuables should always be deposited in hotel safes and wallets and cameras well concealed if it is essential to arr h m. t r should not offer resistance to muggersL they are often armed. U In Rio de Janjiro taxis and the metro are much safer than bu3eu ku trams. Avoid the old central area of Sag Paulo after dark.  Dengue Fuver in the Ngrthjast. +j Eoreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129  565 D-U u66QK-P d567 R-Z 24/44 AdviciH-J FujlPrice SeaWScot Top Roads
P564 CJJFAX 564 Sun 28 May 00:40/23 |l4|l4|,   Advice II  A-C  1ulgaria Sa I C J bub 0 Bulgbria h s a lo crime rate, but incidents of robbery with violence against foreigners has increased recently. Visitors should not accept any food or drink from strangers as there is a risk iu may bj drugged. Vehicle theft, +U including armed hijacking, has become more frequent. Vi3itors should bj vigilant.   'k 0  ' 565 D-J 566 UmP 567 R-Z :5/44
P564 CEEFAX 564 Sun 28 May 01:10/35     Advice   2a-C BurKe.b Faro a l j incidents do occur. Visitors should be careful in larger towns and on mbin roads and in remote areas. The extreme north has some problems due aff c n Mali and Mig r o n t j attempt to photograph official 0 buimdingsWinstallations. Thjrj is H r r C n ga 225226850) is re1ponsible for the protection of British nationals 2ut gives only limitdd help: 225 226850 AdviceD-J lP S Ro
P564 CJEFAX 564 Sun 28 May 01:15/51 ]  n n ÷!s{4 5 {5 Advice   ?80 -C  Burma (M ann r) (here has been a serious outbreak of fighting on the Thai/Burmjsd border. Access to this area is st ictly prohibited b th l al art r To i ts t rm r que d t keep to officially designated 0 t r a mpt h d made to travel to restricted areas.+j Overland entry Xnow permitted at j l p t n t r w h Chinb and Thailand) does not permit access to the mbin tourist areas. r h ld n h r ph military installation ou personnel.+j ppppppppppppppppppp pp pp p ppp ppz 5 D- 566 K-P 567 R Z 2 /44 AdviceD-J FujlPrice Sea/Scot Top Roads
P564 CEEFAX 564 Sun 28 May 00:46/1  @   Advicd /. / j5 o 0 -  Burundi 0 The p litical situat on rem ins tense. Her Majesty'3 Govt. doer not ha6 a r idjnt dip m t mi 3ign in Bujumbura. U   British c@tU:e s are a v t vi it the country.       Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129  56k D-C 566 K-P 567 R-Z 28/44 AdviceD-J uelPtice UeaWScot Top Roads
P564 CEEFAX 564 Sun 28 May 01:56/34 l |l4| <   Advice OIO  A-C  Belarus p 1 Altho the l l of c im s gemjrally lower than in Russian Federation,travemlers should rjmbin vigrlant against mugging,theft and pickpocketing,particularly at the bkrdju crou3unks at Brest and gn overnight trains.Do not leave the compartment un trended and nurse the door is secured from vhe inside. It is not known whkuhjr +) local airlines always obskr6e proper maintenance proced5resWFgu 0+j Wk sbfiiyL travellers should fly directly to their destination gn an W) international flight originating ') outside the Soviet Union. U  56) D-J 566 K-P 567 R-Z 29/44 Adv c D- Fu lPrice S a S t T Ro s
P564 CEEFAX 564 Sun 28 May 01:41/54 l |l |   advice .%/. / j5 : 0 - Cambodia 2 2 R 2 he situation in Cambodia has improv but thjr ' stil bandit and fighting in areas.!Small 2 0 numbers of Khmer Ro4g trmgps yn s jr ar s m i t n i threat to foreign travellers - take cautimn, jvjn in Phnkm PdghW  V rs ar stron ly advi ed n r ad, rail or boat. ho w him to i the t mple t n k '5 should travel by air to Seem Reap  For i n Office Travel 0171 270 412 D- 66 67 Z 30 44
P564 CJEFAX 564 Sun 28 May 01:12/13 P    Advicd   a-C Cambodia 0 2 cont. Airport and remain within the temple complex and not attempt to 0 tra6el to Bantjay Srji 1nd e5hju T outlying temples. Under no circumstance attempt to Cambodia and Thailand. 0  2 0  Foreign Office Tra6el 0171 270 4129  56) D-J 566 UmP 56 RU 1/44 AdviceD-J FuelPrice SeaWScot Top Roads
P564 CEJFAX *64 Sun 28 May 01:42/34    U Advice   -C ££ ££ ££ £ £ £ Cameroon 1/2 0 Th o s ming on m c s ratio has led to an increase in violent ) i the corr e oa robaeai sn esprc al W outside towns at night, do not esp cially in the three ngrthjun   j ') the border crossing with Chad at Sous ere.a more.-. 5 Foreign Office Tra6el 0171 270 4129 pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz ' 56) D-C 566aK-P 567 R-Z 34/44 AdviceD-J uelPhice SeaEScot Top Read
P564 CEEFAX 564 Sun 28 May 01:12/55     Advice   A-E Cameroon /2 U Before embarking on this jmurnjX, travel with Q military eucgrt.  U h a t th o nt r a n relatively calm and thkrd are n travel restrictions. 0 p j Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129  565 D-J 566 K-P 567 R-Z 33/44 Ad6iceD-J FuelPrice SeaWScot Top Roads
P564 CEJFAX 564 Sun 28 May 00:43/16    [ ad6qcd   A-E  Central African Rep5btic Sincd the mulitparty elictimns the olit a t at o n h m d 0 calm. Th i li tl ri k of j politically motivated violence, but armed robbery remains a problem in Bangui and near the Chad and Sudan borders. rav l in th r t f th co ntr j is reasonbbly sbfe but visitors 'm should exercise care and avoid 0 travelling outside towns after dark W5 he British Honorary Con3ul in + +) Bangui, 61 10 45, can give only lin ass tance in mj ncie Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129 56) D-J 566 K-P 567 R-Z 34/44 AdviceD-J NujlPrice SjaWScot Top Rw1ds
P564 CEJFAX 564 Sun 28 Ma= 01:28/36     Advicd I  A-C  £££££££££ ££££££ ££k increase in lawlessness and armed theft has b en noted in many parts U of the country. Many incidents invol6e undisciplined m mbj51 gf she armjh forces. British nationals arr not sprchfic +j targets, but are advied against 0 tjavjlling at night and to pay U scrupulous attention to military road]blocksn  0 +) Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129 'uppppppppppp8pppppppp8ppppppp8ppppppppz AdviceD-J FuelPrice Sea/Scot Top Roads
P564 CEEFAX 564 Sun 28 May X1:48/5v     Ad6ice   A-C China 1/2 Chjnb remains a ge rally sbf plac for tourists, but muggings in th main cite s and sexual harassment are increasing. Visitors should bj al t in public areas 0  According to the Foreign Office Air Chinb, China Southern, China 2 Eastern and Shanghai Aiulhneu are 0 believed to carry ouh recognised +j mbintenance procedures on their to judge whether other Chinese air- U lines also adhere to these. Foreign Office Travem 0171 270 412 +j upppppppppppppppppppppp pppppppppp8pppz u6k D-I u66 K]P u67 R&Z 36/44 AdviceD-J FujlPrice Sea/Scot Top Roads
P564 CEEFAX 564 Sun 28 May 01:14/17   Ad6ice  /.)/, j5  5o *p0 A-  China 2/2 Ind p ndent traveller ar strongly advised to regist with ii her th British Embas3z,011 Guano Hua Fu, Jean Guo Men Wby, Peking, tel.: U 5321961/5, or the British Con3ulate Ge jr l 244 Yong F L , Sh n haj. l: 4330508      F r O i ra 1 1 41  0  56) D-J 566 UmP 567 R-Z 37/44 AdviceD-J FujlPrice SeaOScot Top Roads
P564 CJEFAX 564 Sun 28 May 01:29/37     Advice E  A-C  China to Tibet. General travel advice to China applies. In addition:  Past demonstrations in Lhasa ha bedn linked to c lls for T "jtp 0 independence and visitorn shruld bj U aware that thu authorities regaz4 0 acti n impl ung suppgot s provocative. Guns have been used at eali@ di urbanceu. Thor it +U e6idcnce that Chinese Official dembnden£ inaueased tr dd prrmht2 froI foreigners and h ve somjtim resorted to violence. Care njedjd.  ppppz 564 D-C 566 K-P 567 R-Z 38/44 AdviceH-J FujlPrice Sea/Scot op Roads
P564 CEEFAX 564 Sun 28 May 01:15/11 l4|l4|,  n1n1 5÷!s{4j5{5 Ad6icd   a-C ££££££££££ ££££££££££££££££££££££££££k Colombia U Violence and kidnapping continue . In rural ar as in particular thjrj U is also the risk of being caught up U k dnappink. Visitor rho ld not be put off travelling but take advice from the Kmbassy, tel: 2185111 and local authorities if planning to U t a l with n Colombia way rom 0 recognised tourist ce tues. All road travel should be by major r ut and d rim dayli ht. B aleut for bogus plainclothes police asking to see wallets and handbags. Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129'j  565 D-J 566 K-P 567 R-Z 39/44 AdviceD-J FujlPrice SjaWScot CRop Roads
P564 CEEFAX 564 Sun 28 May 01:40/23 ]X    Advice  Congo U to visit Conga unless essential. Point Moire is relatively calm but l nce a a di i h increase- also in Brazzaville.The quickly. Nationals should regi1teu on arrival with the Honourary British Consuls in Brazzbville: M Dominiq5e W) Picard on 833443 or 836216: in o t No r M P t r e n 9 42 1 Embassy in Kinjshasa can bj con- tact d at all time n T lec l ) 44:23 46101 or Satcom 871 144546 '5 Fax 871 144u470 Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129+e 565 D-J 566 K-P 567 R-Z 40/44 AdviceD-J FuelPrice SeaOScot Top Roads
P564 CEEFAX 564 Sun 28 May 01:10/41 l4|l4|, l< |   Advice   A-C ££££££££££££££££££ £££££££ ££££££££££ Cote D'Ivoire Cote D'Ivoire is generally safe for visitors, but has street crime and particularly aftdr dar[, armkd 0 r bb r Violent di tu bance ar unpre ictabl and often poo ly co t oll d. Th y can b icious with st on m n l m t 0 can spread fast. Visitors should exercise vigilance and seek local 0  Thkre is now a visa regime for British Nationals to Cot D'Ivoire. Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4 29 D- 66 K P 567 R Z 4 /44 AdviceD-J FuelPrice Sea/Scot Top Roads
P564 CEEFAX 564 Sun 28 May 01:16/01  |   Advice   A-C  not wea j4w2ll ry r ca rg In increased sharply. Visitors should amounts of cash, especially in h centre of San Jose. Belongings should not be left unattendedW Theft of cars, as well as their U contents, is also increasing.     Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129  ' 56) D-J 566 K-P 567 R-Z 42/44 AdviceD-J FujlPrice SeaWScot Top Roads
P564 CEEFAX 564 Sun 28 May 00:16/23     Advice I U A-C  Croatia Banju ha bj n c l in e z  @JQNP U offshjre iland6 alnvo rhs Riviera and access to them through Pula and Split aiyports (and th port of Split) - should be avoided U until futtand notice, unlios the is vrgent business to conduct. aagred ant Dujrovcuk ay ports man be closed at short notiae. Brhti h W) citiuens rioidjsh in Croatia should '5 continuh to bj vigtlant and kj p in ch h th mbas in Z r b +) Te5e 4n5W1f r Fprjign Office Travel 0171 270 4129 ;64 D-C 566 K-P 56 RmZ 2 2 43/44 AdviceH-! Fueighiee SUaOScnt op Road
P564 CEEFAX 564 Sun 28 May 90:11/43 ]L @@ 1  U Advice WII  A-C Cuba i a f a n t h a atviee .hbh5, inco4di&£ mbkjX belts, especially in Old Havana. 0 Visitors should bj on thu alert and are wa ned not to carr lat j amounts of cash when away from th i ho e Tra lle ch qu , credit cards, passports and other important documentation is best l ft in a s f d po i o sin lat.   5 '5a p 0 Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129 565 D- 566 K]P 567 RmZ 44/44 AdviceD-J FuelPrice SeaOScot Top Roads