P567 CEEFAX 567 Sun 28 May 01:45/19     Ad6ice I  RJZ  Rombnia U Theta ha3 been a recd&t increase in pettX crime in Bucharest, including a money changing scam invomving bogus police officers.  5 Visitors should use only off cial @ i +5 change money in the sttdet1. 0  p areas.  Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129  564 A-C )6) D-J 576 K-P 1/46 Adv. Rail Rail w/j Sea w/e Eu Events
P567 CEEFAX 567 Sun 28 May 01:46/49 ]   n n ÷! 4 j5 5   R-Z  Rus3ia 1/3 Vi3itors must carry ID at all timer The Chjahen Rjpublia: The Rus3ian Ministry of Foreign Affairs ad6i3e1+j that the Russian Federation can no longer guarantee the safety of 0 foreign nationals. Travellers are stronglX advised ng5 tg enter zhi1 region.  North Ossetia and Ingushjtia: The +) Ministry of Foreign Affairs also reminds foreign nationbls that 0 av e r ct on state of emjrgjncy applies. Foreign Office Tra6el 0374 500 968  564 A-C u651D-J 566 KIP 2/46 Adv. Rbil Rail w/e Sea w/e Eu E6jnts
P567 CEEFAX 567 Sun 28 May 01:04/24 l4|l4|, l< |   Ad6ice O  Z   j delays and pbs3en eu k6euloadvnk ane requbnt on inteAnbl slights, 0 Caotdcn. It is unknown if maintenance procedures are always followed. o directly from abroad.  Customs: All foreign c rrency and 0 item of value should be declare . 0 Health: Widespread diphtheria, ') vi tors ar dvi ed to eek medical ad6ic . Daghjstan: zhjud 0 has been an outbreak of cholera.  pphpppppp p pppp p p z 51) A- )6e D- 555 KIP 3 46 Adv. Rbil Rbil w/j Sea wOe Eu Events
P567 CEEFAX 567 Sun 28 May 01:16/24   2n !s{4 j {5 Ad ce  5 z5oz*p0 S-Z  Rut ia b/3 C IME Incident2 kf mugging,thjf5 and pickpockjting in all cities, especially St Petersburg & Moscow 0 igilant and are advi jd to due 2 n and cameras out of sight.  Safer to use officially marked axe n ur n th t it i n already occupied. When travelling b t ai , sro luabl in h compartment unde5 the bed/3eat.Dg not leave compartment unattended. Foreign Office Tra6el 0374 500 968  6 -C 6uaD 577 K P 4/46 Adv. Rbil Rbil w/j Sea w/j Eu Events
P567 CEKFAX 567 Sun 28 May 01:16/21    U Advice  j5 z5o *p0 R-Z '5 Rwanda Unless essential, travel to Rwanda is not recommended at the present time. S pplie f ate , po e , fuel etc. are unreliable and accommodation is hard to find. Security rembins fragile and the U police/judicial system has yet to be fully restored. Robbe5y and random violence remain major n e ns. Th i r t s mission in Rwanda able to pro6idj con3ular sju6ice1 ou proteation. +j This should be con3ide5jd when ') planning travel. Visas must be obtained in advance. T Foreign Office Travel 01   564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 5/46 Adv.aRbil Rbil w/j Sea w/j Eu Events
P567 CEEFAX 567 Sun 28 May 00:36/02 n ! 4 j5 d ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££k Saudi Arabia 1/2 All s g ng fr m countrie afflictdd wi h y llo fever should have valid inoculation certificates. Pilgrims coming to perform Hajj or Umra should carry inoculation cdutificates against m n i i d l ha 1 days or more than 2 years before arriving in Saudi Arabia. Pilgrims are not perm tted t brink in food,+j except for small quantities, which must be carried in co6ered on aim rs, n b ilgrims 5 t av lling to M cia b land. Fo eign Offic Travel 171 270 4129+j  k6) A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 6/46 Adv. Rbil Rail w/j Sea w/j Eu Events
P567 CEEFAX 567 Sun 28 May 01:17/23 WW U Advice   R-Z Saudi Arabia The Saudi authorities have also stressed that pilgrims should not carr any pamphl ts, books portraits wh h have an political o ihjUl gical message. alth u h pilgrims, iu should also been o nj in mind by those travelling on ouh u bu3injus to Saudi a abia during the Hajj period (AprilWMay). 0   Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129  564 A-C 565 DmJ 566 K-P 7/46 Adv. Rbil  Sea w/j Eu Events
P567 CEEFAX 567 Sun 28 May 01:37/46     Ad6ice I  RmZ  Senegal  U h has b e a rug nc f incidents between militant separatists and go6ernmjnt force2 in the southern Casamancd regig&. Visitors are advised t k ep to main roads and not to travel after dark.     Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129  564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 8/46 Adv. Rail Rail w/j Sea wWi E5 Evknts
P567 CEEFAX 567 Sun 28 May 01:17/25 l4|l4|, l<   Advice  /. /, 5 z5o:*p0 R-Z  Sierra Leonj The security situation in Sierra eone continue to d teriorate. U There have been further reports of fighting between rebels and security forces. Several expatriates, including six Britons, have been taken hostage since Novjmbjr 1994.  h F i fi e r l i against all travel to or through S eura Leonj. 0   Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129 U  564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 9/46 Adv.  Rail w/j Sea w/e E5 Events
P567 CEJFAX 567 Sun 28 May 00:18/06 ,     Adaice /.I . L 5 5o * p0  Son lea  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ U situation we advise against tra6el t 0   @ 0 0 0+u Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 41298z  564 1-C 565 D- 555 K-P 1 /46 Adv. Rbil Rbil w/j Sea w/j Eu Events
P567 CEKFAX 567 Sun 28 May 01:04/47    n1 j5÷!u{4j5{5 Ad6 ce   R Z K Stuts ASnida Inbidnnts of m2gging ard csmmkm espycially in city centres, and he level gf violent crim rjmain3 and rural, should be avoided. Car is needed when visiting tounships and 3 r o ndin ar as. Vistors ma c ntact thu Briti h 0 High Commissi n Consular for rth g dance.    Foreign Office Trapel 0374 500 974  p p p p p z 564 A-C 565 D 566 K-P d 1/46 Adv. Rain Rail w/j Sea w/j Eu Events
P567 CJJFAX k67 Sun 28 May 01:28/47     Ad6ice . /. ,   5o p £££££££££££££££££££££ £££ ££ ££££££ Ste Nan  Pjac$ talks betwe n the S j Lank n U govjrnmemt and the Tamil Tigers o j d on 1 April after an LUTE nbval attack in Trincomalee. U -herr has been subsequent fighting in the north and east. 0 0 remain largely unaffectdd but a 0 k +5 north and east. Travellers should  R O...'U  564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 12/46 Adv. Rail Rail w/k Sea w/j Eu Events
P567 CEEFAX 567 Sun 28 May 01:19/29 l4|l4|, l< |   Advicd  /.%/, 5 z5o:%p0 R  S i L  )herd is no indication of any direct threat to British r exercise caution as there is a risk of bomb attacks in public places.   Informati : Contact thu Briti h U High Commission Tel: 437336, Fax: 430308.  56) A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 13/46
P567 CEEFAX 567 Sun 28 May 01:09/49     A46icd . /, 5 z5o p  Sudan 9/20+j Normbl care should be taken when 0 j5avelling in Khartoum and most of northern Sudan. Deujrt travel should only bj attemptud by those fully equipped and xperi nced. British nationals are strongly ) ad e v u n (Equatoria,Baht el Gha:al or Upper j fought since 1983.Those wiuhink to travel to n ighbouring pr ince of Blue Nile,Whrte Nile,southern Kordofan and Darfur should seek advice from the British Embassy, Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129 pppppppppp pppppppppp pp ppp p pp z 564 A-C 565 D-J pk66 UmP 14/46
P567 CEJFAX 567 Sun 28 May 01:5Y/38 l4|l4|, l |   Advice I  R Z  k Su n 2/ h t Sudan at adj Halfa has b n suspended.There is no alternative Sudan.Those attempting tg cross ihe Egyptian-Sudanese border elsjghere have been subjected to hUavl pennfties, including imprisonment. Vi t r hos c ta th r h Embassy (Tel: 770760) an4 kje8 in  U Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4 'u  p ppz 564 A-C k65 D-J 566 K-P 15/46 Adv. Rail Rbil w/j Sea w/e Eu Events
P567 CEIFAX 567 Sun 28 May 01:55/52     Ad6ice I  R-Z Swaziland 0  U Twa l nd lthoug a r lat ly 2 recently 3een an increase in muggings, burglaries and car thefts  AU care; in pavtic4lar the8 sho4ld avNih walKing qn tPj do5nto6n areas of Mbbbane and Man:ini after dark. 4 2  U 'kQ @ @ 'j R@@@@R@@R  564 A-C 56) D-J 566 K-P 16/46
P567 CEEFAX 567 Sun 28 May 01:30/50  |, @   Advice  I R-Z +7£££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££k TajikIstan 9/2  2ourists should only tr vel to Tajikistan u3ing well-known tra6el +j operators with established contacts there.  W5 -he only internbtionbl flights Wj to DushHnbN grighu tU in London @nd U Moscow. It is not known whether 0 maintenance 8rocedure3 are alwaz; U prope5ly observed. U p 0 Bjfmre travelling outside Du2hanbe or Ljninabad, check local conditions wish either the 0 T ppppppppppppppppppppppp ppppp z ACDUKP )7/46 Adv. Rain 6ail w/j Sea w/j Eu Events
P567 CEEFAX 567 Sun 28 May 00:30/02 ]  42 'n2n2 %i5÷!s{4j5{5 Adaice WWIW  R-Z  !jjHki t @ U  German, Amos-can, Trouiuh su Russian Embassies. There are no hotels outside thu two main towns. ar v ller should only sta eunight in psi ate h mj hat bavw bn n recommtndjd. Cam hide, wiig a d subs, i a aiter taoh. U an o p lic t an po i. a l sn m n blem. -is j rs are re nded tg be U '5 vigilant and dress down. a Foreign Office Tpavel 0171 278 4129+j  ' 510I1-C r6e t- 76 'K-k Adv. R/il Fil w/j Spa wad Iu EvCnts
P567 CJJFAX u67 Sun 28 May 01:11/22 ]    Advice  U R-Z  Tbnzania U  0 $he political situbtion is stable, though incident of mugging and the ar mm e i l n 0 public transport. Food should nor bj accept d f om stranger as it mbz bj drugged. Armed car jackjngs are becoming more frequent. If approachkd bz police asking for money for alleged offences, in3ist on id ntificati n before going to a p-lice station tg makV an= pa9mknts+u eport incidents to and regi t r 0 ) wi th British High Commi 3i n in j Dar Es Salaam, tel 29601/46300 0 Foreign Office Travel 0171 370 4129  564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 9/46 t
P567 CEEFAX 567 Sun 28 May 01:51/39     Advice  U R-Z ££ ££ £ ££ ££££ £ ££ £ ££ £££££ ££ Chailand Visitors to Thailand should, under no circumstance , attempt t ente Cambo ia bz land.  u of fighting on the Thai/Burmj3j bouhjh. Ttavelle intendin t. +j cross the border, or 6isit remote areas, should consult the loaal auth tit f ad i n h 5   U  ' Foreign ffice Travel 0171 270 4129  564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 20/46 Adv. Rbil Rail w/j Sea w/j Eu Events
P567 CEJFAX 567 Sun 28 May 01: /52 ]    Advice   R Z N  11 Je has bn-n an inoydanj in t b of e a 5 should not visij lonely bjachjs and bhould taUs homal advict mn ohh r areah to be Q j +5 of money oy0wj r jewdllir8. The  cartiagj of illicit drug3 and v ll r h ld no carr pacSbgju for unknown people. p  +upppppppn ppfipp Travep 0171 270 4229pj 574 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 21/46 Adv.aRbil Rbil w/j QSea w/k Iu Events
P567 CEEFAX 567 Sun 28 May 01:22/32     Ad7icd   RmZ  ia   Will appear here..... '    U 'u 0   Foreign ffice Travel 0171 270 4129   564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 46 Adv. Rbjl 6ail w/j Sea w/j Eu Events
P567 CIJFAX 567 Sun 28 May 01:2  L R   ad6icd IIO  RJZ j 'estern & Central, Mediterranean and Black Sea coasts: Visitors 3houlh bj aware that the Kurdish Workers Party (PK has attacked places fr qu nted b tourist , resulting in the death of four, U including a Briton, and injurie3 to ') many others. There have been several@bomb attacks in Istanbul, some in tourist areas. Further attacks can bj expected. Bomb attacks al1o took place in Fethiyj and Marmaris in summer 94. The Turkish authorities are giving a high pr ority to protectin visitors.  p ppz 5 ) -C 6 D J 5 K-P 23/46 Adv.1Rain +aim w/k Sea0wWj GE5 Evunts
P567 CEJFAX 567 Sun 28 May 01:22/15    U R-Z W@ Eastern & Southeastern: There i5 wide pread terrorism in the South- east and in the Mount Ararat area. Sd6eral Western tourists wdre kid- napped by the PST in summer 93 and 94. Further similar incidents can x e t d D n o nl on essential business, and then keep to main roads and contact thu British Embassy in Ankbra tel: 312 '5 4686230O42 or the Consulate General Istanbul tel: 212 2937545/49. Thu 0 i b d c s i s to S tia ( y   Foreign Wffice Travel 0374 500 986 U  ppppz 564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 4/46 Adv. Rail Rail w/j Sea w/u Eu Events
P567 CEJFAX 567 Sun 28 May 01:53/16 ]    Ad6ice /. /. /, j5 :5 p0 - +7££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ k Turkmeni tan 1/2  Internal air travel C1ncellatigns 0 and long delays on flights to some countries in 6hk formj5 Sgvidt Un on ar f qu t articularl in ihj Transcaucasus. More reliable U independent servUces are beginning to come into operation, but even on hj flight i i n cl a whether@maintenace procedures are 'j properly observed. Tra6ellers are ad i d wh po ib ly directly to their destinations on an inteunationbl flight originating out3ide 6hj Formku Sg6iet Union. Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129'j 'upbpppppppppppppppppppppppppp£ppppppppz - D 566 K-P 5/46 Adv. Rbil Rail w/j Sea w/j Eu Evunts
P567 CEEFAX 567 Sun 28 May 00:13/33 ]    adaice   R-Z 7££££££££££££££££££££££££££ £££££££££ T\rkmhnistan 2/2  Customs Declar all fo eign currdmcy and valuables. R 2 RR 0  C m Inc d t m h 0 and pickpockjting in alT citii a i increanink. Vi3ptor1 3houm% bh 6igilant and0shound d:est wsn. i sbf r to use officially mark d U j Whkn travelling by train stgrd valuables undj seat/bed Do n u 0 '5 leave the compartment znattdndedW 0 ns re h door i quit s cur .  Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129 U  514 A-CChr6kaD 577 aK-P b 26/46 Adv. Rail Rail w/j Sea w/k Eu Events
P567 CJEFAX 567 Sun 28 May 01:53/14    U R-Z +ganda Arm robb r , incl di r ad ambushes of 6jhicles, cgntin5ju T throughout Uganda including Kampala Night Road Travel i best avoid d. l act ity c nt nue i th north. Incidents have occurred in Kideog. here have b en recent W) incidents in the west between the army and rebels. Thj5e risks should be taken into account.  Before going up-country contact: 0 High Commission (tel.: 257054/9) Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129  ' 5 ) A-C k6kQl-J 57 aKmP R 27/46 Adv. Rail Rain w/ Sea w/ Eu E6jnts
P567 CEJFAX 567 Sun 28 May 01:24/34   I  R-Z  n )here hbve been widespread out- +U breaks of diphtheria and cholera, affecting adults and ch ldren. Vi3itors are ad6iued tg seek medical advice about immunisation and precautionarX mja3urjs. Good id n j waterh and food supplies are U e s t a . j 0 +5 Foreign Obficd Travel 0171 2 U ppppppppppppppppppp pp ppppp pz 564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 8/46 Adv. Rbil Rbim w/j Sea w/e Eu E6entu
P567 CEEFAX 567 Sun 28 May 01:54/34 ( L  ! { 5 ce I  R-Z Uarai j d d  Incidents of m2gging, theft and pickpoc+jting in all cities are vigilant and keep expensive If travelling by overnight train, she compartment should not bj left unbttended. Close the domr with a strong cord ku wire.  All fore gn cu r nc and i ms of v lu should b declar d at 0 custom . 0 Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129 pppppppppppppppppppppp ppppppppppppp z 564 A-C 565 D- 566 UmP 29/46 Adv. Rbil Rbil w/j Sea w/j Eu Events
P567 CE AX 567 Sun 28 May p0535OR)     Advice   R-U Turkmkniutan 2 2 /2 @ Inte6nbl air travel Cancellations 0 should b awars th tlthh sutdish Workers Pamty (P wm hus attack  +5 placns fr queqte& by touri4ts, the Ttanscaucasus. More reliable n l d n manc others. There have burn n r l bomb attack in Istanbul, shmj in toiridt ar as. Fu9thu 0 ') properly obsjr6ed. (ravemlius are U attacks also took plac in lythiy '5 and Marm sis in s mmsr 94. ode h auriish n5thonbl d2 ard oiigin t +j out3idj the Former Soviet Uvion. " Fisitors. f 7 2 9 564 A-C 565 DmR 566 K-P 25O46 Adv. 6bjl Rbil w/j 0Sea0w/j GEr Events
P567 CEJFAX 567 Sun 28 May 01:14/14        Advice   5o:%p0 R Z  ££££££££££££££ £££££££££££££££k USA - Florida 1/4 Around 800,001 British tourists visij each year. The vbst majority encounte no diffi ulty. But 0 visitors should be aware thbt there hav bj n murders of touri ts of 6arious nationalities in the past U 9eaR, and take the following 0 preaautions: 0 0 1I Do not pick up the hire car at the airport at night. Tbkj a taxi to the hotel. Collect the car in to n the gjxu da . +5 Foreign Office Travdl 0574 500 990 +d  pppppppp pp pppppppp 8pppz 56) A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 30/46 Adv. Rbil Rail w/j Sea w/j Eu Events
P567 CEEFAX 567 Sun 28 May 01:45/37     Advice OO  2-Z  USA - Florida cont. 4 2R If collecting the car at the o a from the rental companyn Stay on main highways. Use well lit cay 0 5 parks. The res nc of in le at d nt is unl ly to h lp in an 3I M ami glicd a 6i s k@ t stop if your car is bumped grom behind but to indicate to the other dri6er to follow you. Drive to the njareut p5bli area& houdl gu bu3 +j shopping precinct and call for police assi t nce. 'uppppppppppppppppppppppp88ppppp8ppppppz 56 A-C 6 D 5 6 K P 1 46 Adv. Rbil  Sea wWi Eu E6ents
P567 CEJFAX 567 Sun 28 May 00:55/14   Advice .I .I , 5 p0 - 7£££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££k j h 4) Be vigilant at anl times. Be on the look-out for suspicious persons U esp iall at n ht. S k h lp as so n as ou fern thrsatvned. Always err on the side of caution. 0 5) Use propj5, organised accom. modation. Do not sleep in your car art cularly in rest tea on high- U ways or in isolated areas. If amp- arr n em nt . If no ad quake, d nor stay thjr . 0 Foreign Office Travel 0374 500 990  ' 51) A-C k6j D 766aK-k d 32/46 Adv. Rail Rain h/j Spa w/j En Events
P567 CEEFAX 567 Sun 28 May X1:15/15   n1n1 !s{4j5{5 ce I  RR-Z +7£££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££k USA - Fl@rjda a@nd. . 4 11 Cbs L thn-mini Cm od nash {hcn U moving around. Neavj valuables at the hotel. a 7) Jhk FlorldS adahoritves p o advice on routes to take and the on Fr e hone 1 800 342 77 8 0 W5 U 5 FOR 8ppappp may8php8pp888888 n8888888888 514 A-C 565 D J 56 K-P 3 /46 Adv. Rail ail w/j Sea w/j En Events
P567 CEEFAX 567 Sun 28 May 00:26/37 ]   U Advicd . / 5 z o p0 Z  Uzbekistan 2 p2 here is a risk of mugging, + esp ially m r s.Be vigalanT,dre22 doun and keep le o igh I T hk j is sbfir to use official taxis or 0 hire cars especially at night or when visiting city subuu s. Long distance travel bz train shVuld be avoid d.If obliged to U travel overnight,store 6aluables Ant he @ompa@tm@n@ —nd@u @h@ @@d@kr U '5 seat.Dm not leave thu compartment 0 unattended and knsuue that the door e f j . Foreign ffice Ttavjl 0171 270 4129  56) A-C 565 DmJ 566 KIP 34/46 Adv. Rbil 5ail w/k Sea w/j Eu Evjnt1
P567 CEEFAX 567 Sun 28 May 01:16/14 l4|l | |   Advice O /.I/, 5 z5oz*p0 RmZ  U bjkistan 0 It is not known whether maintenance+j procedures on aircraft u3ed on internbl flights are always properly observed. 0 Fo safety,travellers are advi jd whjrj possible to fl8 dir1ctly to intern tional flight ore inbtin out d the form S vi t Union.   F r ion fic Trav l 171 7 4 2 j  A- 6 D 5 6 K P 5/46 Adv. Rain Rail wWi Sea w/ Eu E6 nt1
P567 CEEFAX 567 Sun 28 May 01:16/38   n n 5 !s 4 j5 5 Ad6 e O /, 5  o p0  £££££££££££££££££££££££££££k C ME Incidents of mugging,theft and pickpockjting in all chties, especially St Pjtersburg & Moscow are increasing. Visitors shound bj' vigilant and are advised to dre1s do n, k i je l r , t h and cam rat out f ight. 0  Safer to use officially marked U taxis, ensuring that it is not already occupied. When travelling bz traimL store valuables in the compartment under the bjdWseat.Do no l ave compartment n t n d  Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129  564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 36/46 Adv.aRbil Rbil w/j Sea wWi Eu Events
P567 CEJFAX 567 Sun 28 May 01:47/54   n n 5 !s{4j5{5 Ad ice I  R-Z  Venj:uela Colombian guerillas on Vdnj:uelan/ Colombian border, exercise caution economic conditions have caused a surge in crime in all areas but most notably in Caracas. Do not walk the city streets at night ou fr quint poor r areas f c car arks. Av id carr9ink lark amount of money or jewellery. Visitors must declare on arrival all foreign currency and will only bj allowed to leave with no more thbn that amount. F r ion fice Tra el 171 27 4 29 564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 37/46 Adv. Rbil Rail w/j Sea w/k Eu Evunts
P567 CJEFAX 567 Sun 28 May 01:44/29 ]    Ad6ice O.%/. /L j5  5oz*p0 - £££££££££££££££££ £££££££££££££££££k Vietnam  Trav l in part f V e n m i hazardous and in some areas still fo5didden. On remote roads attacks and robberies are increasing. Take ext5a care travelling in areas along the border uiuh Lak1 and Chinb. Violent incidents and pick- pobkjthnk are increasing in Ho Chi Mind City. Drug smuggling carries 0 the death penalty. Think carefully from a s fety viewpoint b fo using internal air seu6iceu. Self- drive car and motorcycle hire is not recommended. Always check with  5 - 6 D-J 56 K-P 3 /4 Adv. Rbil Rail w/j Sea w/j Eu Events
P567 CEEFAX 567 Sun 28 May 00:47/37   n n1 ! 4 j5 5 d6i  ] R-Z  Vietnam (contd)  n l Han i becaus of poor infuastructur throughout Vietnam. 0 +5  j  0 Foreign Office Travel 0171 27X 4129 j  5 t
P567 CJJFAX 567 Sun 28 May 00:4 /97 |   Advice IIO U R-Z  Wk Westijn Sahara @d b She territory of the is tern Sahera U is disputed bjtveen Morocco and the Polisario Front, and the Foreign Office advises against travel zhurj h U r a d r i t a undutdrmined. Consular sju6ire; 1rj not available. The area south of )an Tan is under military Overland travellers may be turned c t Da hla. e o nd that vehicles be shipped from Casbblanca to Mauritania or Sdnjgal 'u and passenkir3 travel by air.  Wk Foreign ffice Travel 0171 27p 4129'U  564 A-C 565 Dm- u66aKmP 40/46 Adv. Rbjl bil w/j Sea wOe Eu Events
P567 CEEFAX 567 Sun 28 May 01:49/37 ^    Ad6ice / k/.IOL 5 z5ozJp0 Z Yemen 1/ U 5emained calm and is now rjlati6ely af for rjtu min re d nus, th ir depkndant2 1nd tho5e whuh bu3inju3 commitments. The security situation but in Aden and other 8artu of thu countr8 namely the Ydmjni/Saudi border (3hich should bk avoided) +) there is potential instability. unco mon. T a ellers hould b i an Me i l fac l ti throughout the country ard poor. 0  Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129  p pppp p p p p p 564 A-C 565 D-J 566 K-P 41/46
P567 CEJFAX 567 Sun 28 May 01:28/57 ]    Advice I  R-Z  k In Aden and areas of So4Theu& Yedkn+j communications facilities, water 5 in th l war ha t t repaired. $hjrj remains some danger m min laid during th ci6il war in the southern and eastern U +) govetnorates. Off road travel is n rico m nd .  the British Embassy in Sana'a, tel:+j 215630/3 or at the British Con slate in Ad n, te : 23 712   i w j a w u
P567 CEEFAX 567 Sun 28 May 01:45/01   1   ddarce   aIR 7££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ ££££££ Yugoslavia Whilst UN anctions Rilathng g o j (Seydia and MontenjgroQ have been eased, th majorhty of UV sanctions mbin i for e nd vj tor rho l j bj aware of continuing problems. )here have been cases of robberies and m goings on he r sac inte n tion t aim u ce T bgudjr ar@a with Bo1nia should 2 avoided.Visit r should bj awa of the possibility of ra id 0 increase in tension if military 0 U intervention oc uss in the region. All v sitors should regist r with 'k pppppphpEmbappp pp11pp4ppppp) pppz  5 3/ Adv. Rbil Rail w/e Sea w/i Eu Events
P567 CEEFAX 567 S4n Ma| 00:49/39 ]%ml4|\)|, )l< @ | Sp i g  eondoz N9 Mn d12 a o p Bri5i h Nate nal1 ho d ku i B5 tran3it Zpire. The Khkwhd area +j of Bandundu province i3 quarantin d &k w ich co l@ spr ad to o r areas. Border areas with Rwanda and Budundt rembim tense.tAeross Zaire +e therV is general lack of law and touch with the Brbtish Emb ss in Wk Kin h s : l: 3 77 3613 an 'e ') S   560-51C S56stD J125613KICity26 10/42 Adv. Rrih NbEl wujh TIa w/j Eu Events
P567 CEEFAX 567 Sun 28 May 01:04/59   n j5 ! 4 5 5   RmZ EZ@ $ravellers should be vigilant. Armed theft of vehicles, especiallyWU four wheel drive, is increasing. U $his is sometimes accompanied bz V personal violence.Petty theft id undjmnc in city and tourist t 3hould bj avoided as othku vjhial s are poorly lit and the state of roads can be vangjrous. Medic n 0 facilities and communications are poor outsidb urban areas and U emjrkjncy facilities limited. For further advice contact the British +j 1233 WU  ' kv) A- @ k6u D[R kv SMQ 4 Adv. Rbim  Sea w/j Eu E6jnts
P567 CEEFAX 567 Sun 28 May 01:30/20     Advice  U R-Z ££££ ££££ £££££££ £££££££ ££££££ £££k Zimbabwe 0  D i6ing o f to n s ni ht h l bj avoided as roads and 6ehialeu are poorly lit. 0 Medical facilities are restricted and communications difficult outside the urban areas. Emergency 3jjvices can only provide limited help in an emergency. Incidents of mugging and pickpoctjjing is i r a ink i ci y c t . Visitors should bj vigilant and 0 houl carr id nt icati and photocopies of 8assports are advised for this purpose. Eoreign ffice Travel 0171 270 4129 U  57) A-C 965)D-J *67!K-P p 46/46 Adv. Rbil Rbil w/j Sea w/j Eu Evjntu